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Blacklist or ban?

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On 5/9/2019 at 6:03 AM, BritManToo said:

Stamp says .........

Banned from entering Thailand for two years.

Never admit guilt, unless you're prepared to accept the consequences, there's no way back.

The police here have ways to get you to admit guilt. Everyone admits guilt for a reason.

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4 hours ago, Encore said:

For all the nay sayers, I put my case as accurately and honestly as I could but am content that it may be outside your experience or understanding (as it was mine!).  I was deported to the UK and encountered more issues here.  Apart from a bit of reverse culture shock, and the weather, the main issue was that my nominated Power of Attorney was abused and my bank accounts emptied of all my life savings and pension income, maxing the overdrafts and leaving me in debt.  I have no residence in the UK and am now a homeless vagrant trying to recover my money but I do not expect some of the members to believe that either!     


That is not the point of my post, however, and I just wanted to give an update with the results of my blacklist check.  To put this into perspective, I used to work for a multi-national company that had manufacturing sub-contractors in Thailand and I held a ME Business Visa to visit Thailand many times a year but did not need a work permit as I came for meetings.  I resigned from the company in 2013 and then obtained an O-A Retirement Visa.  I never worked in Thailand and lived on my UK pension by transferring lump sums twice a year whilst always keeping a minimum of THB 800k in a separate bank account.  I left Thailand to visit UK twice in 2014 for 23 and 8 days and then 5 times in 2015 for 5, 3, 12, 16 and 8 day visits.  Visits were in relation to selling my UK property and for my Thai GF to visit my family.  I did not leave Thailand again until I was deported 3 years later.


I requested an Immigration status check which has just come back seemingly stating that I was deported for multiple entries into Thailand over a 1 year period for the purpose of illegal working (without a work permit) and was, therefore, blacklisted for 15 years! 


[Name in Thai] (Name in English) สัญชาติอังกฤษ (UK) หมายเลขพาสปอร์ต [Passport Number] ถูกผลักดันให้เดินทางออกจากราชอาณาจักรฯวันที่ตรวจสอบพบข้อมูลแบล็คลิสต์ข้อหาทำงานโดยไม่มีใบอนุญาติถึง 24/01/2034 ด้วยความเคารพ


A complete fabrication and no mention of my original charge, suspended sentence or persona non grata under 12.7!  Would appreciate comments and, this time, am fully prepared for the trolls.             



I'm sorry to hear about your unfortunate circumstances. As you say you are now a homeless vagrant, you might be better off forgetting about Thailand and trying to sort your more immediate problems out first. Addressing your immigration problems in Thailand would likely take a lot of time and money that you don't have right now. Far better you concentrate on getting yourself off the street, via social security, charity, family, or whatever other kind of support is available to you.


From your account, you have been treated unjustly, but it's not possible to fix that if you're broke in the UK, and don't even have a roof over your head.

Edited by dbrenn
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Only just opened this thread, but your reasonable and urbane responses make quite it plausible when you say you've been screwed over here. Some people do prefer to lead quiet and low key lives, and since no one's expecting mafia type intimidation, they aren't well prepared for it if it happens, and may have no connected friends to call on or any clear idea what to do in such circumstances. 


It is true though that such things are uncommon here, and the Thais are an amenable bunch except when you get on the wrong side of them. It's very likely that this all happened because you pissed someone off big time - could be a neighbour for reasons you're not even aware of, or the ex gf with an axe to grind. To paraphrase the old saying, "Hell hath no fury like a Thai woman scorned"... 

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15 hours ago, Encore said:

I requested an Immigration status check which has just come back seemingly stating that I was deported for multiple entries into Thailand over a 1 year period for the purpose of illegal working (without a work permit) and was, therefore, blacklisted for 15 years! 


[Name in Thai] (Name in English) สัญชาติอังกฤษ (UK) หมายเลขพาสปอร์ต [Passport Number] ถูกผลักดันให้เดินทางออกจากราชอาณาจักรฯวันที่ตรวจสอบพบข้อมูลแบล็คลิสต์ข้อหาทำงานโดยไม่มีใบอนุญาติถึง 24/01/2034 ด้วยความเคารพ


A complete fabrication and no mention of my original charge, suspended sentence or persona non grata under 12.7!  Would appreciate comments and, this time, am fully prepared for the trolls.             

And who's done that Immigration check for you?


Unfortunately, almost everybody in Thailand is lying through their teeth, and that includes "lawyers" and "consultants", so it's hard to know what's real and what's not.


For a definitive answer, I would try to cross a land border.

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I recognise that there may be little point in pursuing returning to Thailand, in light of my current circumstances.  If I had the funds then I would have continued to try and return to claim whatever is left of my possessions and restart my retirement.  It appears that avenue may now be closed to me forever.  However, the purpose of my recent post is to highlight that my Immigration record in no way reflects the reality of events.  I lived in Thailand for 5 years very contentedly and without conflict until my new neighbours started some verbal abuse resulting in an unprovoked drunken attack.  Unfortunately, it was me that was arrested, sent to prison, 'fitted up' and then deported for the offence but the Immigration record states an entirely different offence.  I was advised by Immigration IDC Singkhon that I was being deported for visa overstay 2 weeks (unable to renew while in prison) although Immigration Suvarnbhumi stamped my passport saying I was deported as an 'undesirable' alien under 12.7 having been sentenced 1 year 8 months for attempted arson, suspended for 2 years.  Now, 5 months later, an Immigration record check (and double check) states I am blacklisted for 15 years based on multiple entries to Thailand to conduct illegal working, which is total nonsense.  Could this be simply anti-farang, mindless incompetence, deliberate manipulation or something else and to what end?     

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