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BEWARE of fluoroquinolone antibiotics – Cipro, Levaquin, Avelox and Floxin


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2 hours ago, xylophone said:

But you risked having possible severe consequences........


Boxed warnings

In 2016, the U.S. FDA stated that serious side effects generally outweighed the benefits for people with acute sinusitis, acute bronchitis, and uncomplicated urinary tract infections when there are other treatment options.[11] In 2008 the FDA added black box warning on all fluoroquinolones, advising of the increased risk of tendon damage.[12] In 2016 the FDA found that when used systemically (by mouth or injectable) "disabling and potentially permanent serious side effects" can involve the tendons, muscles, joints, nerves, and central nervous system.[11] Concerns regarding low blood sugar and mental health problems were added in 2018.[13]

And he and Sheryl STILL are at risk.  However they refuse to acknowledge the dire warnings from the LARGE group that have been adversely affected.  As proven ( i believe)  from the fact that even this very small thread on a thai centric forum has elicited bad (very bad) accounts of disabling side effects from at least 5 members !    And if they cared to read differing opinions to theirs they would find many.   

I don't know why they stubbornly fight the battle to downplay the dangers (yes Sheryl, that is what you have done....deny it or not).   And bm2 telling us for the nth time that he had no side effects (yet) is also of what use ?   You are one person.  There are thousands or tens of thousands that have suffered.  Read the stories !   THESE DRUGS HAVE A BLACK BOX WARNING .  That is the most serious warning a drug can have.    I (and others on this thread) are expressing our WARNING  as well.  We have heard your "arguments" for these drugs.  They are nothing new.  Even the FDA says (NOW) to only use in very serious cases.  That is still not being followed by many many doctors .  

I have stated from the very beginning of this post that my purpose was to let others know that there can be serious , life changing side effects when taking these drugs.

Four others have voluntarily come out to tell their stories.  BEWARE .  This CAN happen to you !  It is not the same as taking a Tylenol !


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Nobody, anywhere, has ever suggested these drugs were "the same as taking tylenol".


The fact remains that while serious side effects  occur in some people, they do not occur in the majority of people who take these drugs. You are scare mongering to the point of implying a higher level of danger than exists.


The FDA black box sums it up quite well:


"side effects generally outweighed the benefits for people with acute sinusitis, acute bronchitis, and uncomplicated urinary tract infections when there are other treatment options.["


It does not say "should never be taken under any circumstances for any condition", if that were the case the drugs would be altogether banned.


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