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Thai road carnage: deaths top 7,000 this year


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The annual road ‘carnage’ shows clearly that Thais have no self-control.


The ONLY way to lower the road toll is simple. 


ALL vehicles must be fitted with a ‘governor’, that sets the maximum speed equal to the operator’s IQ.


This solution will see many, many Thai drivers ditch their cars and bikes in favour of walking.


In the meantime, “be afraid, be very afraid.”

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6 hours ago, Creasy said:

In 2018 Australia the death count was 1143 for the year.


My God. Thailand has 7000 in 6 months .



During calendar 2018 there were 1,140 road deaths (provisional).

For 2019, there have been 546 deaths (provisional). This is 64 deaths (13.3%) higher than the same period last year.


The 2018 report says road accidents killed 22,491 people in Thailand – putting the road traffic fatality rate at 32.7 per 100,000 people. This improves on the 2015 rate of 36.2 rate, or 24,237 recorded.


Comparing Australia and Thailand road statics is like apple and oranges.

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6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

When I was growing up, we took drivers education courses. They showed us horrendous films, or semi trucks plowing into cars, and literally obliterating everything in their path. They also showed us graphic images of head on collisions. 120mph impacts. Even as a young kid, it made quite an impression. It was horrific, and it was hard to get those images out of your head afterwards. But, it left a lasting impression, and when I started driving, I understood it was serious business, and that it was a very dangerous thing to do.


I see people driving here, with their families in the car, and doing things, and taking the kinds of risks no rational or sane person with common sense would do. What for? To gain one minute? Why take those risks? What is the logic? Often, when I am cruising along at 100kph, someone cuts right in front of me. Or someone comes out from the side road, right in front of me. I have to slam on my brakes, or change lanes to avoid him. I look in my rearview mirror, and there is nobody behind me. So, if he had waited two seconds, he would have had completely safe passage onto the highway. What gives? Where is the intelligence, caution, and prudence? Where is the common sense? What about just the survival instinct? 


The only way to survive here on the road, is to be patient, have eyes in the back of your head, drive with caution, and always, and I mean always watch out of the other guy. Chances are, he does not have much driving skill, nor patience, nor reason, nor common sense. You cannot be too careful on the road here. Especially considering that the toy police offer no traffic safety, nor enforcement of the law. And Casper the ghost is more visible than the incredibly hapless highway patrol.


All of this applies even more so, if driving a motorcycle. 

It's all about who gives a shit ,,,,, No one does ,no one cares it's me me me I go first, than Road rage ,even the ones that are in the Wrong they will say that they are right but that's normal here . They have been doing things wrong it's Bred in one will not change that ,same as Corruption  it will take a few generations to get that down a few %.

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4 hours ago, rott said:

So you are saying that the official figures grossly exaggerate the number of road deaths and that only you know the true figure.

Wow thanks for coming on here, we would not have known otherwise.

Er, why are the official figures just lies?

I not say that. Official figures lie.

But if you read my post I said “cars.”


7078/150 days = 47 people per day right?

80% of that is motorbikes.

So that 20% is 9.4 per day not motorbike right?


So half of that is van, walker, and pickup.

so half= 4.7 per day in the car.


The police say 70% of that is because drunk, speed or not use seatbelt.

So if you follow Yinn safety rules only about 2 per day in all of Thailand everyday.


so how I wrong? 

Many people talking here about Thai is stupid. Same everyday. But you believe headline exaggerated. So who is stupid.

 But nobody mention that 80% is motorbike. No real awareness of the real world? Motorbike is the real problem.



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5 hours ago, stanleycoin said:


Every Thai village or community,  has had people died in a RTA, yes in 4 wheels not just on two.










You just angry about before.

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4 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

Not at all. 

So tell me,  why so many people die on the roads here ?

what is the true reason for it all. ?



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6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I used to think that many motorists here were just plain rude, ignorant and selfish, but I now believe it is just that they really have very little or no spatial awareness of others.

I  think most of them know EXACTLY what they are doing.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

in their continuing campaign to raise awareness about the carnage on the Thai roads

Everyone is aware of the carnage on Thai roads, but the police or courts are quite happy continuing to only take fines instead of real action.

Thai people are quite happy to pay fines instead of being prosecuted!

Expect the figures to continue as they have over the past decades as both sides are actually happy with the situation.

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6 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

This should be No1 priority for the P M now without exception .. Casualty rates like that are not out of place in a warzone so rather than pfaffing around with stuff minions could do he could direct his efforts into trying to reduce such a catastrophic toll for the good of all .. 

Lots more bodys behind them. I think sewage control is more important followed by recycling and better incineration practices. Road safety is important but its a long process that starts in the schools with yes horrific videos showing the reality of stupid drivers. 

You cant teach the ignorant it must start in the schools. 

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Too busy to chase foreigners so no time to see what is happening on the roads. Im not surprised that insurance companies soon will either decline to insure foreigners travelling to thailand or just increase their premium. 

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28 minutes ago, Yinn said:

I not say that. Official figures lie.

But if you read my post I said “cars.”


7078/150 days = 47 people per day right?

80% of that is motorbikes.

So that 20% is 9.4 per day not motorbike right?


So half of that is van, walker, and pickup.

so half= 4.7 per day in the car.


The police say 70% of that is because drunk, speed or not use seatbelt.

So if you follow Yinn safety rules only about 2 per day in all of Thailand everyday.


so how I wrong? 

Many people talking here about Thai is stupid. Same everyday. But you believe headline exaggerated. So who is stupid.

 But nobody mention that 80% is motorbike. No real awareness of the real world? Motorbike is the real problem.



How many of those motorbike deaths are due to bad driving by people in cars / trucks?  Too many crazy drivers with no road sense!

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2 hours ago, Jane Dough said:

Have you thought about contacting the Guinness Book of World Records. They might have a category for "most irrelevant Thai bashes in a single post". You could get a mention.


They might also have a category for spelling mistakes and typos. Don't delay!



It is not a farang who wrote the post you are responding to.

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1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:


It won't happen, for the following reasons:

1 - I have never detected any sign of common sense in a Thai, and I've been living here for over 25 years. I am not sure how you teach that, but anyway there is no movement to do so.

2 - The Thais have a Me First mentality that is deeply ingrained, and that is the last thing you want to see in a driver.

3 - The education system demands that you do not think for yourself but listen and obey, so Thais do not develop the necessary skills to actually think. That may result in my first point above.

4 - Learning to drive in a proper and responsible manner is quite difficult, and Thais do not do difficult. Thais do 'near enough', but on the roads that isn't 'good enough'. One mistake can cost lives, so being lucky enough to get it right most of the time isn't good enough either.

5 - They have absolutely no concept that the vehicle they are attempting to operate is a potential killer. No concept at all.

6 - Along with inadequate teaching of all things about how to drive properly and safely, there is no test to determine if you have reached a standard where you are not a danger to yourself and others before you take to the road.

7 - Thais do not seem able to join the dots, and realise that if, for example, they drive at 120 kms an hour five metres behind the vehicle in front, or drive at night with no rear light (or front light if they are driving on the wrong side of the road because they have no concept of the danger), then they would have no time to react if the vehicle in front breaks suddenly. Ask any Thai what their safe breaking distance is and they would have no idea.

8 - There are zero police patrols to help prevent accidents by pulling aside selfish and stupid drivers. Their only presence is setting up road blocks which seems in my experience to have only one purpose - to check your tax disc is in the window and up to date.

9 - Police have absolutely no interest in enforcing the law even when they are static beside the road, watching kids three or four on a bike go by with no helmet, no license, no ability to properly control the bike they are on. And that goes also for the parents and schools who allow Thailand's future to play Russian Roulette every time they go out. The police know they get paid anyway, so why work?

10 - None of this will change as 1 - it would mean taking everyone off the road until they were able to take a real driving test and 2 - the people that would be responsible for initiate the change are not interested as they are given police escorts wherever they go. It needs a VIP or member of the royal family to be killed for anything to happen, and even then the task would be too hard (and Thais don't do hard).


Spidermike007 (post #3 above) has, I'm sure. posted exactly the same message before, but that doesn't dilute that what he says is spot-on. And that is why I remember it. To finish, nothing can or will change and survival on Thai roads will continue to be a lottery. All we can do is remember the words that were used in the 70s police drama Hill Street Blues as the force were sent out on patrol - 'Let's be careful out there'.

Or move somewhere safer.

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1 hour ago, Centra said:

During calendar 2018 there were 1,140 road deaths (provisional).

For 2019, there have been 546 deaths (provisional). This is 64 deaths (13.3%) higher than the same period last year.


The 2018 report says road accidents killed 22,491 people in Thailand – putting the road traffic fatality rate at 32.7 per 100,000 people. This improves on the 2015 rate of 36.2 rate, or 24,237 recorded.


Comparing Australia and Thailand road statics is like apple and oranges.

Bravo. I guess this person you were responding to never took a statistics class.

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40 minutes ago, Mikeasq60 said:

I just returned from Thailand. Would it be safe to say that especially on a weekend. Many people on the road have been drinking. I'd say yes 

That is an old excuse. Some of these deaths are from drunk drivers. However, most are from people who have no critical thinking skills.

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7 hours ago, Creasy said:

In 2018 Australia the death count was 1143 for the year.


My God. Thailand has 7000 in 6 months .



But remember most of the road deaths here are those on motorbikes. Let's say about 80%. That amounts to 6000 deaths out of 30,000 from those driving other kinds of vehicles. Thailand has 3X Australia's population, so I would say road deaths involving cars may actually not be that different from that of Australia, if we only consider those driving sedans. Driving a car here for nearly 20 years, I don't feel all that less safe than driving in Australia. You would never get me on a bike here though. A colleague was killed a few years back as a passenger on a motorbike taxi that jumped a red light. No bikes for me. 



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