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Imm requirements for a domestic travel

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Hi guys, i have extension for stay based on marriage and we plan to make trip over the country. Will house owner need to submit one more TM30 when I'll come back? Will i need to do any notifications after the trip will be finished?


Edited by Dmitry2222
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Why don't you contact the office because they can be inconsistent about this.

Of course, if they usually don't then you have raised the flag so they might say yes.


I traveled all over the country and was in and out 7 times last year.

Just did mine at Chonburi 2 weeks ago not a peep.

Great office.

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There have been recent reports on here of some Immigration offices now requiring ATM 30 following a return home from domestic travel. It would be very nice if we could get A Pinned Topic on this TM 30 matter.

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2 hours ago, Dmitry2222 said:

Hi guys, i have extension for stay based on marriage and we plan to make trip over the country. Will house owner need to submit one more TM30 when I'll come back? Will i need to do any notifications after the trip will be finished?

If you are staying with friends/family that don’t report your stay/visit there is no need to report when you get ‘home’.


If staying in a hotel/guesthouse they should/might report your stay which increases the likelihood of your local office wanting one when you return,


As the enforcement of the law varies at the different offices the only way you can get a definitive answer is to ask your local office. 

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I have lived in Thailand for 19 years and I have NEVER had to prepare a TM30 for Immigration when on DOMESTIC travels throughout the length and breadth of the country. I present my passport to reception at all hotels as required to do so by law. My permanent address in Issan is recorded on the Immigration Service's computer. When I travel to neighboring countries, on re-entering Thailand I have to complete the TM6 form which is obviously checked against my details. I am given the "departure" label to staple to my passport ready for my next International travel. No mention of a TM30 is ever made. Because I am a regular "international" traveler within each 90 day period, I have not done a 90-Day report for many years. The 90 day period commences from the date stamped on my TM6 each time I re-enter.

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I have never had to submit a TM 30 either and I have been all over the country with the Mrs staying at various hotels in the last 8 years, it sometimes works to get your Mrs to book & pay for the room in her name, as it's a Thai making the booking they have no need to report on the immigration website, we also usually stay in smaller privately owned guesthouses or hotels where the staff could do without the hassle. larger chain hotels or down on the Andaman coast side where the Tsunami hit a usually more insistent on registering all guests, that's my impression from travelling a lot around that are on a trip a couple of years back.


I also report to Jomtien who are more relaxed about TM 30s as they make money other ways :whistling:

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