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Neck ache from standing up too long?


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a chiropractor friend from california sat for and passed the thai chiro board exam  probably 10 years ago. he has a thai chiro liense as well as california. chiro protocol absolutely calls for a neck x ray before considering any adjustment.  he moved to da nang vietnam as he was fed up with immigration hassles. pm if interested in his contact info.



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1 hour ago, ylmiri said:

Nervous tension ( one that you are not aware) . Acupuncture often helps , no side effects, no pills. Finding a good acupuncturist could be a problem.

You can get similar results to acupuncture via a Thai massage technique called Tok Sen.

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Try 1 & 2 first but if no success and the pain persists you may need to see a spinal specialist.


Thanks for all the advice from several posters.  Note that I did not use the word 'pain' to describe this problem.  There is no pain - it is definitely a muscle ache.


I will certainly investigate the link about standing desks to check if my desk and screen are at the right height.  I did install them at a height so that I do not have to stoop to operate my laptop during lessons and my screen is directly ahead at eye height.


As for nervous tension that I'm not aware of, I don't think so.  I have no worries about anything, honest!  (Any worries disappeared when I got divorced...) My blood pressure is normal and my heart rate is about 45 when resting, (because I exercise every day, including plenty of stretching).

I have no back pains or issues and no pain when running 5 Km every morning.


The neck ache is more of a nuisance than anything else - now I do slow neck stretches (up/down, left and right and tilt to the left/right) several times a day.  That seems to help 

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8 hours online standing. You are fixed then on the cam for your position.

Maybe with a little bend, you dont notice. 

Try sitting down and change position.

Indeed there are no people having back/neck complaints by looking down to phone all the time. 

Or being busy with mouse all the time and have wrist RSI, pain. 

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