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Refused entry TWICE, be warned.

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21 hours ago, wisperone said:

Quite a story. That was a lot to go thru. Best suggestion, steer clear of Thailand. There are much better places to go. Why would anyone even think twice. That situation is just totally ridiculous.

"Best suggestion, steer clear of Thailand".

Why is that the best suggestion when 99.9% of visitors never have problems being allowed in?

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18 hours ago, baboon said:

I remember being grilled upon arrival at my native Newcastle (UK) airport a couple of years ago, by a female border guard who didn't seem to like the look of me.

By God it felt great to tell her to mind her own business,

It was her business.

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17 hours ago, whitemouse said:
22 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

These stories are only about people who refuse to get the proper visa and think the rules don't apply to them. No proper news outlet is interested in these self inflicted problems.

What is a proper visa for a tourist?

A Tourist visa or VE, but the OP, which is what is being discussed here is not a tourist; tourists don't live in the country.

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15 hours ago, SupermarineS6B said:

I know this guy and have seen his bank book, 59,000 bht on the 7th of June......

What's the point you're trying to make?  Did he have the cash that an IO, within his discretion, can require to be shown? Bank books do not mean anything in these circumstances.

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14 hours ago, Hackney35 said:

There is no way the OP is making that story up.

He comes across as articulate and honest.

Why not, can articulate people not be dishonest?   I'm not saying that he is dishonest but that cannot be established from a Thaivisa first-time post that he has never returned to in which he does claim to have been living here and gets a tourist visa!

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10 hours ago, Bundooman said:
On 10/10/2019 at 3:52 PM, TheMysteriousMrTesla said:

Not doubting the story, but why would there be a British Embassy in London.


Well I'm a Brit and have been to the British Embassy in London, close to Victoria station and bus Terminal. That was some years ago when I went to renew a passport.

Where else would you renew a passport?

You have never been to a British Embassy in London, there is no such thing.  Embassies are always overseas as they are there for the use/protection of British subjects overseas.


"Where else would you renew a passport?"

HMPO. (that's the passport office, the sole issuer of British passports)

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10 hours ago, Bundooman said:

You can contact the Foreign and Commonwealth Office at any time by calling +44 (0)20 7008 1500.

It used to be called the British Embassy!

No, it was never called the British Embassy.


If you want to speak to the FCO, calling the British Embassy outside business hours in Bangkok will get you transferred there.

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7 hours ago, SupermarineS6B said:

Check out the 7th of June......i'm finding out more and more that the quota theory is making more sense......I've known this guy for almost thirty years in Thailand, sadly this is not the only case....


What is there to check out?  Are you trying to emphasise that he appears to be almost skint?


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6 hours ago, SupermarineS6B said:

Let me just clarify this. The account is true and Mr Syduan only posted it.......The incident has now been taken up as a legal case of defamation against Thai immigration.......Something you wouldn't attempt unless you have the evidence.......

Sounds as though you may be the OP.  Having two accounts here isn't allowed, you know?

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5 hours ago, SupermarineS6B said:

So let's consider the accusation of having insufficient funds to enter the Kingdom in the light of the recent post of the accuseds bank book ......I also have his work contract from Hong Kong...... All yours Sherlock.....

Do you, sorry, the OP, not understand the meaning of the word CASH in relation to entering Thailand? 


What interest would your, sorry, the OP's, work contract be to a Thai IO?

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1 hour ago, baboon said:

Her business was whether my passport was valid and if I was the legitimate holder. My whereabouts, activities and length of time outside the UK were not.

Plus I didn't care for her tone or attitude.

"My whereabouts, activities and length of time outside the UK were not"

Oh yes, as a Border Force officer they sure were her business.


"Plus I didn't care for her tone or attitude".

That's just tough, your feelings don't come into it.

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31 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

"My whereabouts, activities and length of time outside the UK were not"

Oh yes, as a Border Force officer they sure were her business.


"Plus I didn't care for her tone or attitude".

That's just tough, your feelings don't come into it.

Well she was bitterly disappointed, then.

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3 hours ago, scottiejohn said:

Why if you are an active member of TV with nearly 100 posts, and you are reading and posting in the visa section have you not read about the very basic 2 land crossing rules?


Not everyone lives their life on this forum. The visa forum is a sub forum. I apologise that i dont know everything about visas as yourself.

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4 hours ago, phuketrichard said:

IRRELEVANT what ur reason is, for nearly 2 years, its been ONLY  2 visa exempt land entries/calendar year for everyone, ( but Malaysians) for whatever reason.>
You can fly in and get unlimited visa exempt entries, ( or at least till they start to question you  ???? ) >
if ur traveling, its always good to know the rules

ignorance is no excuse,sorry.

It is not irrelevant. Do you know all visa options for places you go?


i never said ignorance is an excuse. I said i was a tourist.


btw, my vietnamese and philippina friends have done border crossings each month for over 2 years. But they pay an agent rm200 each time. So its obviously one of those rubber laws. If i want to do it i will use an agent next time. But i wont, will just go elsewhere.

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2 hours ago, Just Weird said:

"My whereabouts, activities and length of time outside the UK were not"

Oh yes, as a Border Force officer they sure were her business.


"Plus I didn't care for her tone or attitude".

That's just tough, your feelings don't come into it.

They have no business to ask a citizen what they have been doing. 


I have had that twice in 10 years going to australia. They wanted to know why i was gone so long and what i was doing.


simple, none of your business.

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4 hours ago, Just Weird said:

The very first thing any IO does is enter the details of the passport into the computer, obviously!

I think they actuallay will open the pasport, look at you and see if you look anything like the biometrics, peruse the pages and then enter your passport details into their system.

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if they dont want you here, thats it you will be gone! it is laughable that you guys are discussing the details of the situation, none of that matters to thai authorites. for whatever reason they decided they did not want this guy living in thailand and he has to go. end of story, you have no recourse. 

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10 hours ago, madmen said:

Because the fear mongers so desperately want to believe these dramatic stories of abuse by IOs To be true. 

Many of us who visit Thailand actually do fear that these stories concerning IOs are true.


From what I've seen of the IOs with their scowling faces and after what happened to my chum I can well believe it.


Especially when we first have to spend hundreds of pounds on a flight and possibly a hotel to find out. That's no joke!


It's not as if we can ask anyone if we'll be allowed into Thailand before we cough up the money to get on the plane.

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10 hours ago, FredGallaher said:

Bingo A very fitting name for this gentleman  whatever. 

A very rude and insulting remark and not based on any established facts. Just one based on hearsay.






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