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Cream for scar tissue repair


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I was given some from the doctor who said it was important to apply to assisit with the scar tissue remaining soft for full movement of thumb.


I've managed to  lose the gel, can anyone recommend something similar?



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since we are at the medicine and health forum does anybody had shingles or herpes zoster, I am in excruciating pain, can't take painkillers (allergic to morphine) the doctor gave some antiviral pills, (valtrex) Utopian for the pain but not much of a change, can't sleep because the pain/burning sensation....

the shingles are on my back, left side, all the way to the front to my left breast, it all started with a feeling of muscle pain, these are the first symptoms, shoulder blade/muscle pain and small red marks all over the back

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Can you tolerate tramadol? If so available over the counter in large drug stores.


Valtrex is an antiviral not a pain killer. Taken regularly it may shorten the duratio  and severity of the outbreak but not expected to provide pain relief as such.


NSAIDs like Ibuprofen, diclofenac, mefenamic acid (Ponstan) may help if you have no contraindication. Take with food and do not take if you are on aspirin or anticoagulants, have ulcers or gastritis, or have liver/kidney problem.


If all else fails and it is really unbearable: When I had it I got some relief from topical local anesthetic spray. I was in Cambodia at the time, not sure if you can find it here but if not try Emla/Dermacaine/Liprikane cream. Apply very, very sparingly to the area -- due to the lesions there will be sone systemic absorption and too much can be toxic-- and then put some plastic wrap over it. There are potential side effects/toxicities when applied to brokem ski   so read up on it first and as mentioned apply very sparingly, just a very light film. Use an applicator or wear plastic/rubber glove to apply.



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2 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Reverting to the original topic - I have found nothing better for decreasing scar formation than aloe vera - actual aloe vera plant, the goo from inside the leaves.



where can you buy this?


What does it look like?

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19 minutes ago, JaiLai said:

where can you buy this?


What does it look like?


You don't buy it. It is a plant commonly grown throughout  Thailand. Shiow pix to neighbors etc and see if you can locate one. All you need is one spike broken off, it is full of a thick sticky clear gel.




There are aloe vera extracts you can buy but not as good.


Creams containing cocoa butter may be second best see

https://www.lazada.co.th/catalog/?spm=a2o4m.home.search.1.1125719c8xWSwy&q=palmer's cocoa butter&_keyori=ss&clickTrackInfo=textId--9059729800310446150__abId--135803__pvid--f9a98081-79cf-450a-b2a9-289ce2f385ad&from=suggest_normal&sugg=palmer's cocoa butter_0_1


You will need to apply frequently and massage in

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I got some cream from the Dr. at local skin clinic here, very good for burns, scalding reduces scaring, etc.  At least it worked on the area he used liquid nitrogen upon very well.  Name is MEBO, made in China (oh horrors) by MEBO and imported to Thai by them. Cost 150 baht.


As for Aloa Vera, it worked wonders for a severe burn to my arm from contract with a muffler on a air compressor.  About a 3 in. by 2 in. blistered burn, used fresh aloa from leaves all day every day and nite for a week, no sign of the burn after that.

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8 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Can you tolerate tramadol? If so available over the counter in large drug stores.


Valtrex is an antiviral not a pain killer. Taken regularly it may shorten the duratio  and severity of the outbreak but not expected to provide pain relief as such.


NSAIDs like Ibuprofen, diclofenac, mefenamic acid (Ponstan) may help if you have no contraindication. Take with food and do not take if you are on aspirin or anticoagulants, have ulcers or gastritis, or have liver/kidney problem.


If all else fails and it is really unbearable: When I had it I got some relief from topical local anesthetic spray. I was in Cambodia at the time, not sure if you can find it here but if not try Emla/Dermacaine/Liprikane cream. Apply very, very sparingly to the area -- due to the lesions there will be sone systemic absorption and too much can be toxic-- and then put some plastic wrap over it. There are potential side effects/toxicities when applied to brokem ski   so read up on it first and as mentioned apply very sparingly, just a very light film. Use an applicator or wear plastic/rubber glove to apply.



thanks but tramadol is out of the list, took 2 pills, but the side effects were too much trouble, had to stop,  it has morphine and I am allergic to it, ibuprofen is ok, I do take it but not strong enough thus switched to Ponstan and it helped but do have gastro duodenal ulcer and have to be careful with the type of medications available. As of today (3 days later) the pain reduced by 60%, now it's bearable and I can sleep better, the Valtrex did help drying out the skin blisters, tomorrow will go back to the skin door and hope he can provide some cream to remove the dry skin sensation that stay after the blister started to dry out, I did heard about the Liprikane and will tell him about that, thanks for the feed back, do appreciate the input, had 4-5 days of excruciating pain, sleepless nights, tired as I ever been but things appears better now and in the way to recovery, never imagined that shingles could be be so painful... thanks again

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