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Homelessness and drug addiction crisis in the USA


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It's also from FOX News. A media outlet whose bread and butter is mewling, gnashing teeth and exaggerating, or lying about the evil of those terrible liberal cities. They of course have employment possibilities in many fields and serious money. If you are educated, want to get ahead, and want a realistic wage, likely you are considering one.


Conversely, if your viewer base comes from many of those economic basket case red states Like FOX. States where many high school grads options come down to the military, the United States government financed (socialist) work program, digging ditches or working at Walmart. Did I mention opioids & meth? No, ok. You better bang the drum about the drugs/homelessness of evil blue states for your viewers.


This is not to downplay drugs and homelessness, which are serious issues, but whenever i go back to my city, not SF, like I did last June, it's looking pretty good. That is something FOX news can never admit to ... or if they do they get fired like sam. 


rant over


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It's sad to see so many homeless regardless of the geographical location. I recently drove thru the  east bay city of Oakland and the homeless tents along one road I'm used to traveling has increased dramatically in the past few years. This is not a political problem, it's a human problem.

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19 hours ago, neeray said:

Same same for Canada.

I had an employee who won a million dollar lottery. All gone in a year and a half. Then back to flipping burgers.

It's great to have a job.  I'd  be a dissolute waster without mine.

EDIT: I read stories like yours, and I am glad that I don't buy a lottery ticket.  Greed, or idleness may destroy your life, but not as quickly as wealth.  Why take chances?

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