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Thais need to drink more milk, says DFPOT


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I worked as a consultant for Thai Dairy/Australian Dairies here and also ran a Dairy in Malaysia supplying all the school milk program. In Thailand the school milk program started 50 years ago so most Thais do not have a problem with lactose intolerance. The older generation and those with lactose intolerance, often drink Yacult which contains live Lactobacillus Casei Shirota bacteria. This allows them to drink milk without problems. Most europeans already have lactobacillus in their digestive system. In Malaysia the school milk program started a lot later and in the Jungles of Borneo it was hard to reach the remote schools. To get the school milk to the remote jungle villages in the mountains involved an up to 9 hours trek through the jungle. To solve the problem we produced the school milk in Malaysia as chocolate flavour by adding cocoa. This stops the problem of digestion of those  children who are still lactose intolerant. When I first came to Thailand in 1982 most Thais were short in stature but these days the milk drinking population are much taller.

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12 hours ago, Bullie said:

Consider yourself corrected. Cowmilk is perfectly fine to consume for adults, provided they have the so called milk-gen. Unfortunately this is only the case for 1/3 of the world population, mainly in Western Europe. For most Thai it would therefore not be advisable to consume milk.

As to cancer: milk has nothing to do with it, there is no scientific base for this assumption.

Today's science is very strong on dairy not being a healthy approach to nutrition. Milk, per se, like Soy, Coconut, and Almond derived from plant based foods are (nowadays) the most appropriate for humans.


Cows milk is for calves, not humans. Today's cow's milk is produced from pregnant cows and contains growth hormones suitable for calves, not humans. If a calf had human breast-milk it would die of malnutrition.


And today's Western world farming is not all pasture grass fed cows, it's an inhumane production line in crowded factories where cows are fed grains, inoculated with antibiotics, and sprayed with pesticides. - the remnants of which are found in processed dairy products.  


Milk, pre 1940's was wholesome, but from 1944 onwards when antibiotics (penicillin derivatives) countered the diseases at that time, it was discovered (from applying to chickens) that they added growth as well as killing bacterial viruses. Hence the onslaught of the food industries who extended this to other animals, which increased profit overnight.


Regretfully, what humans are consuming nowadays in dairy (and meat) products is not the healthiest approach, as can be evidenced by the ever increasing 21st century diseases. To NOT consider what we eat as being a contributor to ill health, is denying reality. 


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Perhaps if milk was made more affordable it would be affordable for the average Thai.  Now, milk costs more than gasoline, (petrol for you Brits and Aussies), about 44 baht per litre.  Then there is the problem of refrigeration which many household do not have.

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Additional protein is great for babies and growing children. I don't see a need into Pre teens.


Dairy is low quality and overpriced here. No doubt dairy industry not faring well in the economic malaise. 


Fake news. Adults do not need milk. It may do them harm, especially East Asians.


Plus, powdered milk full of antibiotics...who needs that?

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There are many studies showing the dangers of drinking pasteurised milk and I take those seriously. Whether you do is up to you. I’m not here to argue.


Instead, on a lighter note, here’s another take on cow’s milk that I bet you haven’t considered!

Proponents of feminist theory now claim artificial insemination of cows is rape, and milking them is sexual abuse.


A journal published by a New York university Gender Studies department put out a paper in August 2019 meant to call attention to the “sexual exploitation” of dairy cows.


In the paper called “Readying the Rape Rack: Feminism and the Exploitation of Non-Human Reproductive Systems,” one enlightened thinker argues that feminists need to incorporate non-human females into their movement.


The author argues that in order to be a true advocate for feminism, one must consider the commodification of a dairy cow's reproductive rights. The paper demands that women should challenge the “outdated stereotype about women being caretakers and most importantly child-bearers [which] remains consistent in the dairy industry.”




What is the world coming to…

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18 hours ago, webfact said:

"...aiming to persuade new-gen people to drink a lot of milk and secure the customer base of the Thai-Denmark brand”

That's got to be the most unashamedly and obnoxiously blatant marketing statement of the year.


It's NOT about that drinking milk might be a healthy nutritional choice, but it's ALL about ensuring a healthy profit for that dairy company.


18 hours ago, webfact said:

“Thai-Denmark Milksic Festival 2019”

Milksic(k)? An ironic choice of name considering that a large proportion of the Thai population is lactose intolerant. 

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14 hours ago, MeePeeMai said:

Right - "Thais need to have more mucous - says DOPFT"


Dairy products are probably THE highest mucous forming foods and should be avoided like the plague.  I grew up on milk and dairy products and had constant colds, flu, runny nose, bronchitis and many other symptoms which can now be attributed to consumption of milk and dairy products (milk and chocolate milk, cheeses, yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, kefer, butter, canned condensed milk, powdered milk etc).


On top of that all dairy products are pasteurized now (no longer raw) so it is much worse for you now than it was in my childhood days.

I grew up on them too healthy as a horse no mucus problems still drink /eat much dairy. It was already pasteurized when i consumed im 45 so your claims certainly dont apply to everyone. 

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1 hour ago, Ubon Bill said:

It is pretty obvious that this is a 100% marketing ploy. All about money. 

No where In the WHO Healthy Diet recommendations does it say drink the milk from another animal. 



I just don’t get it. It is always about money. 
every where. 

It also does not say breathe so does not mean a thing.


Those anti milk nuts are crazy saying animals don't drink milk from other animals. Tell that to my dog or cats that all like dairy. Sure dont take milk if your lactose intolerant but that is about it.


Im not saying its healthy but certainly not as unhealthy as many of the processed <deleted> that is consumed.

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At the price of milk in this country, that will never happen! Thais cannot afford it! I love milk but I can't continue paying for the over priced milk! It must come from very special cows!! It is more than double from any country I ever visited or lived in!

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I think livestock today is pumped so full of hormones that Im not interested.

When it comes to meat I prefer grass fed beef that isn't reared using hormones.

(of course, you have to buy from sellers who do not misrepresent their products,

and it is a bit of a crapshoot).

For milk, if I must, greatly I prefer goat's milk....far less lactose and lighter on the gut.


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19 minutes ago, robblok said:

It also does not say breathe so does not mean a thing.


Those anti milk nuts are crazy saying animals don't drink milk from other animals. Tell that to my dog or cats that all like dairy. Sure dont take milk if your lactose intolerant but that is about it.


Im not saying its healthy but certainly not as unhealthy as many of the processed <deleted> that is consumed.


If you want to continue building those muscles and staying healthy for another 45 years Robblok, I recommend to you to watch The Game Changers documentary produced by James Cameron, Arnold Swarzenegger and Jackie Chan. Its available on Netflix. Supported by scientific studies throughout the film, various world top athletes, including the strongest man in the world, explain how they managed to improve their performance and health substantially after cutting out animal protein and milk from their diets. The section showing a doctor analysing and comparing the blood of athletes extracted after they had eaten just one meal of animal protein, against those who ate veggies, is astounding. Milk apparently has the longest lasting negative effect.


Everyone concerned for their health should watch it. It will open your eyes and maybe your arteries.


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As a type 2 diabetic I was told to knock of the milk and cheese....which I did for about a week!   I like cheese, Blue Vein.....any of the strong cheeses.  Plus after tasting black coffee I  knew I would need milk for the rest of my days. So I lose a year off my life......in my 90's I probably won't care!  No,  milk is not good for the body. 

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5 minutes ago, Grumpy John said:

As a type 2 diabetic I was told to knock of the milk and cheese....which I did for about a week!   I like cheese, Blue Vein.....any of the strong cheeses.  Plus after tasting black coffee I  knew I would need milk for the rest of my days. So I lose a year off my life......in my 90's I probably won't care!  No,  milk is not good for the body. 

The reality is, GJ, that you could suffer a painful debilitating disease while still alive. If you want to die of old age keep off the dairy - and meat - foods. Follow the WFPB nutrition regime and enjoy a healthy life. 

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23 minutes ago, Antonymous said:


If you want to continue building those muscles and staying healthy for another 45 years Robblok, I recommend to you to watch The Game Changers documentary produced by James Cameron, Arnold Swarzenegger and Jackie Chan. Its available on Netflix. Supported by scientific studies throughout the film, various world top athletes, including the strongest man in the world, explain how they managed to improve their performance and health substantially after cutting out animal protein and milk from their diets. The section showing a doctor analysing and comparing the blood of athletes extracted after they had eaten just one meal of animal protein, against those who ate veggies, is astounding. Milk apparently has the longest lasting negative effect.


Everyone concerned for their health should watch it. It will open your eyes and maybe your arteries.


Exactly. It's clear that current science has not been an informative one, largely due to the food and pharma industries ignoring the solid evidence against consumption of meat and dairy, because - let's be blunt - there's no profit in promoting whole food plant based nutrition. Hence the increasing rise of fast food chains introducing junk vegan burgers, instead.


BTW - the list of young well-known bodybuilders dying at an early age (around 45) is an alarming statistic - albeit I suspect that steroids are the cause (as protein is insufficient to maintain extensive muscle growth). 

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30 minutes ago, tingtong said:

this list will put things in perspective.

then factor in the household income too....

milk is <deleted>' expensive in Thailand, a luxury item. period.




Yes it is an insidious plan to encourage young Thai children to drink milk. Parents are bamboozled into believing this is for the children’s better health and let’s face it, because it is free food, they are not going to reject it. The children become hooked and later the parents will have to pay for it.


In fact, as other posters have pointed out, this is not about better health, it is all about money and marketing in the Thai dairy industry. The following is from Dairy Production and Trade in Thailand (2017) (emphasis mine):


“In 2013, School Milk is a vital part of the Thai dairy market, so much so that it accounts for about 40% of the total liquid milk market. As a result, school milk days has been expanded from the 200 days school calendar to 230 feeding days, with an extra 30 days of milk for consumption during the holidays. The economic benefits and the support of the national development is less known. Without school milk to provide a stable platform by which to support the growth of the Thai dairy industry, the Thai dairy will definitely not have experienced such growth.”


To provide a long-term market for Thai dairy farmers, the DPO initiated the school milk feeding program among children under 12 years old. The program introduces milk to the diet of Thai children and develops in them a lifelong milk-consumption habit. Nowadays, 40% of quantity of liquid milk are produced in Thailand for this program.”

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If this promotion is successful, time to invest in healthcare, particularly allergy meds.


Drinking the milk designed for a baby cow, apart from perhaps very small quantities and in cooking etc, is a well proven health disaster. 


All humans to some degree are lactose intolerant, some unnoticeably with damage only occurring accumulatively whilst others, particularly those of African stock frequently experience immediate problems. 



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20 hours ago, Enoon said:


Just tell them it will make their skin as white as yours MS Thaiset.



Worked for Cleopatra who used to bathe in milk... Okay it was "asses" milk but with a modern tweak I'm sure you could get the hi-so's bathing at the spa in cows milk.

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Not only are humans the only species that consumes milk in adulthood, but they are also the only one to drink the milk of other animals. Biologically, cow's milk is meant to feed a rapidly growing calf. Humans aren't calves — and adults usually don't need to grow.


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There are lots of articles talking against milk, and they state that the calcium in milk can be easily achieved from other sources; and furthermore it's often stated that milk is not good for adults, or elder people.


Might, as it often is, be a question of balance. Too much milk is not good, whilst little milk won't harm.


And milk producers, as Thai-Denmark here, of course shall believe in their product, and recommend it. I'm by the way Danish, so I'm grown up with cows and milk – at least that's what Thais believe that my home country is like, cows everywhere – a glass of milk, if you don't have lactose intolerance, won't harm. And the zip that older folks might use in coffee, or even cafe latte, might not be that fatal either. But as everything else – except water – don't drink several liters a day...????

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On 11/29/2019 at 2:51 PM, webfact said:

Thais need to drink more milk, says DFPOT

lol... so they promote their own ... nepotism


based on what ?


milk is ideal for a baby calf to grow into a big fat cow as fast as possible


"natural" growth hormones, estrogen, which is ideal when you want to become FAT as fast as possible


and now you also see more & more fat cows, all over


milk is also good for type 2 diabetes and CANCER which need the IGF to grow new blood vessels to make a tumor grow


people who drink the most milk products have the most bone LOSS at older age !!!


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On 11/29/2019 at 4:39 PM, MRToMRT said:

That WHO "fact" may need looking into as I understood that no healthy human being needs to consume any dairy product. I bet its a misquote.

low milk consumption has been linked to low IQ...

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11 hours ago, Estrada said:

In Thailand the school milk program started 50 years ago so most Thais do not have a problem with lactose intolerance.

loooooooooooooool, it takes generations to adopt to a new product


this is why GMO <deleted> is causing so many health problems


most cows eat GMO corn and other <deleted> in stead of grass


they get sick, are on a lot of antibiotics  and need to be slaughtered before they drop dead on the floor...that is their faith anyway, when they start producing less milk


you also have infections, puss and others that goes into the milk


some bacteria in the milk cannot be killed by pasteurisation ...


I always love to put some science to what I say:


What bacteria can survive pasteurization?
Bacillus spp. and Clostridium spp. are the organisms most likely to survive pasteurization as a consequence of their ability to form heat-resistant endospores.
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6 minutes ago, moontang said:

low milk consumption has been linked to low IQ...

sorry dude ...


low iodine is a reason why the IQ of most thais is about 10 points less





WHO research suggests iodine deficiency accounts for losses of between 10 and 15 IQ points. However, according to Thailand’s 2012 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, only 71% of Thai households consume enough iodised salt, falling to 54% in the poorest households. There is again a huge regional disparity, with 82% of households in Bangkok and only 54% of households in Thailand’s Northeast consuming adequately iodised salt. The regions with the lowest IQs are those same areas with the highest iodine deficiency.


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