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Best Thai and 7/11 meals for weight loss?

clarky cat

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I'm looking to start I diet in January and wondered what advice people could give when restricted to just food from food stands/restaurants or 7/11


I normally cook myself so am able to calorie count but this isn't an option


Does anyone else do this (with success)?

Edited by clarky cat
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10 minutes ago, blackcab said:

If you want restaurant recommendations it might be helpful if we know your location.


Are you going to do a specific type of diet such as keto, or are you generally reducing calories?

i mean generally, e.g. avoid pad thai, eat som tum instead

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3 minutes ago, shadowofacloud said:

Street food is typically made using lots of low quality oil, salt, sugar and MSG. 7/11 meals are ultra-processed, containing little nutritional value.


If you really want to develop a more healthy eating habit try renting a studio with a kitchenette and start cooking yourself.


Avoid refined sugar, white flour, salt and oil. Eat lots of fresh veggies, fruits and nuts. Do not fry, rather braise or steam. Use white rice (you can get a basic rice cooker for, I guess, 200-300 THB and a pretty decent one from 1000 THB) as a base for most of your meals. If you don't like rice in the mornings, switch to oatmeal. Try eating 5 smaller meals per day. Eat your last meal 3-4 hours before sleep, and make it smallish and light. Avoid anything processed, especially ready meals. Drink lot's of water, green tea, herbal teas. If you are a coffee person, drink black coffee, without milk or sugar. Soft drinks, snacks, crisps etc. are a big NO.

thanks - I have a rice cooker, i wonder if everything could be done with that?


how would something like this look: -


breakfast - rice with eggs and vegetables, black coffee

snack - fruit, nuts or seeds

lunch - rice with chicken and vegetables

snack - fruit, nuts or seeds

dinner - chicken soup

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12 minutes ago, clarky cat said:

thanks - I have a rice cooker, i wonder if everything could be done with that?


how would something like this look: -


breakfast - rice with eggs and vegetables, black coffee

snack - fruit, nuts or seeds

lunch - rice with chicken and vegetables

snack - fruit, nuts or seeds

dinner - chicken soup

It would depend on how much you ate and how much you exercise.

Rice, eggs, fruit and nuts have a lot of calories.

Previous advice is mainly nonsense as eating healthy food, and eating to lose weight are entirely different items.

(I used to go cycling with heaps of fat Vegan girls)


My advice for weight loss, eat less, avoid all bottled fizzy & flavoured drinks, exercise more.

Cut out all snacks.

If you watch fat people, they are constantly eating and drinking, which is usually why they are fat.

Edited by BritManToo
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14 minutes ago, clarky cat said:

thanks - I have a rice cooker, i wonder if everything could be done with that?


how would something like this look: -


breakfast - rice with eggs and vegetables, black coffee

snack - fruit, nuts or seeds

lunch - rice with chicken and vegetables

snack - fruit, nuts or seeds

dinner - chicken soup

I often use my rice cooker as a hot-pot. So will throw in rice, veggies, spices, mushrooms etc and let it stew for a while - a great way to quickly cook a fairly healthy meal.


As for the meal plan - the basic structure looks OK. I'd make sure the chicken is not deep fried in batter. Also, one serving of chicken can be swapped for fish, ideally smoked.


Snacks look good - just remember that nuts have a pretty high calorie density.

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35 minutes ago, clarky cat said:

I have a rice cooker, i wonder if everything could be done with that?


how would something like this look: -


breakfast - rice with eggs and vegetables, black coffee

snack - fruit, nuts or seeds

lunch - rice with chicken and vegetables

snack - fruit, nuts or seeds

dinner - chicken soup

I lost 16kg from this time last year, it was over a period of 8 months.


I would start my day with a short black coffee, treadmill straight after for 45 minutes, although these days you can mix it up with walking and sprinting for about 20 minutes-30 minutes, you need to burn those calories off, say 300 a day without pushing yourself, go for more if your up for it, but I don't want to kill myself.


I ate clean, still do, my mornings would usually start off with oats with some almonds, I appreciate you don't have a stove, but perhaps something that you can boil water in and mix, like a kettle and then pour into your oats and stir, oats will keep you full for longer, also add a banana with some cinnamon if you like, but don't expect a nice taste, remember it's the sugar that makes the tastes that we love, but adds the weight, so were damned if we do and damned if we don't, but as soon as we kick the sugar, the better we start feeling and looking, yes we have been poisoned all of these years.


You can alternate your breakfast meals and the list can go on but for example, two wholemeal slices of bread with two boiled eggs with some avocado, the healthy fats from the almonds above with your oats and the avocado with the toasted wholemeal will be burned up when your body is looking for fuel later during the day.


I could go on, but everything in moderation and I found that losing 2 kilos a month with cardio and light weights also gave me some muscle which I haven't seen before, so remember losing weight is one thing from diet, but you will also need to exercise, but you also want to turn some of that fat into muscle by doing some light weights, perhaps join a gym ?


I used to listen to this guy in the link below a lot, don't look at the muscle side you are seeing below, just focus on what he is saying, now I just do my own thing and look out for what I eat and keep the calories down to around 1500 a day.


He really knows his stuff and is very knowledgeable, he explains everything in details, and you should hit the subscribe button and knock yourself out.



Best of luck.

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Someone mentioned keto, I have been on keto for 2 years now. It's not a diet, but I have lost 22 KG and been at my target weight for a year. Now it's just my lifestyle and am never hungry. Google it for info or look at diabetes.co.uk and dietdoctor.com both of which have suggested meal plans. Also look into intermittent fasting, many researchers now advocate this as a healthy option and aids weight loss.


Low Carb High Fat (keto) works for me. And it's a good conversation starter when eating with Thai and you tell them you never eat rice.


As a diabetic type 2 I went through a phase of checking which foods elevated my glucose level the most. Nothing has ever been so high as when I had a Pad Thai.


Good luck



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I do a water fast twice (or more) a year, I was on one starting on the 17th until this Tuesday (full week).

nothing but water and electrolytes powder mixed in once a day (no Gatorade or silly stuff)


you can go much longer than that if you are more chubby, some people do 10 days,  3 weeks.


was mostly at home but lost 5kg, takes a day or two to get back to eating (start with broths, soups etc otherwise it will come out faster than in, lol) but a great way to start before your new diet.


wouldn't do it if i had some medical problems such as diabetes (check with a doctor if so) but only side effect is after like 4-5 days your tongue gets white

if interested, autophagy is another benefit. you can google about it.

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A ver good diet is Dr Delabo s.. called chrono diet or chrononutrition, which means eat certain type of food certain time a day.. My husband lost around 40 kgs within a few months 5 years ago and never got them back...

In fact this doctor says it is not a diet but changing food habits..(and we follow this for 5 years, of course accomodating the quantities as it is no more to loose but to maintain weight.

You can find some explanations on internet for this diet.


In resume, you can eat fat in the morning carbo midday and very light evening

In reasonable quantities here is how it works..

Morning you can have sausage, ham, eggs, cheese around 70 to 80 grams and a piece of bread around 20 grams..

If feeling hungry at 11 o clock morning a glass of fresh orange juice or half pineapple or pomelo


Midday (minimum one hour later than your fruit juice) proteins (meat, chicken, fish) quantity according to your height.. 1m80... 180 g proteins accompanied by 5 big table spoons of rice, pasta, lens etc.. In case needed just a little of tomato sauce NO VEGETABLES..

4 to 5 o clock either a half chinese bowl of fresh fruits, or 30 g black chocolate (over 70%) or 2 big spoons of almonds, nuts etc..(not salted)  Don t jump this meal it is compulsory.

Dinner.. more than hour later than the fruits..

Fish 250 g or chicken 150 g acccompanied by either a plate of green salad or with 7 to 6 spoons of vegetable EITHER fresh fruits.. If your reduce fish or chicken quantity reduce also vegetables..

If not hungry you can jump dinner..


You can eat twice a week for one meal (not two times following another) whatever you want.. (for example if you go for a "normal meal" on monday for midday.. You go back to diet and can again go for another normal meal on wednesday..

Have a nice day..

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22 hours ago, wgdanson said:

Give us an idea as to WHY you can only eat from restaurants or 7/11. has your gas bottle run out?

surely its better to buy healthy foods at supermakt and prepare yourself... much cheaper ,also..

i buy lots vegetables from the salad bars..

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22 hours ago, BritManToo said:

If you watch fat people, they are constantly eating and drinking, which is usually why they are fat.

as a fat man, I concur with that observation. I stuff my face constantly. The only thing that saves me is that Im humping sometimes 8-10 miles a day in the heat. It doesnt matter what you eat if you eat too much of it. Unless you want to eat a pound of broccoli, which is less enjoyable than  a chili high colonic.


Avoid weed too. You should see the stoner lardasses in Denver.

Edited by Nyezhov
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22 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

I lost 16kg from this time last year, it was over a period of 8 months.


I would start my day with a short black coffee, treadmill straight after for 45 minutes, although these days you can mix it up with walking and sprinting for about 20 minutes-30 minutes, you need to burn those calories off, say 300 a day without pushing yourself, go for more if your up for it, but I don't want to kill myself.


I ate clean, still do, my mornings would usually start off with oats with some almonds, I appreciate you don't have a stove, but perhaps something that you can boil water in and mix, like a kettle and then pour into your oats and stir, oats will keep you full for longer, also add a banana with some cinnamon if you like, but don't expect a nice taste, remember it's the sugar that makes the tastes that we love, but adds the weight, so were damned if we do and damned if we don't, but as soon as we kick the sugar, the better we start feeling and looking, yes we have been poisoned all of these years.


You can alternate your breakfast meals and the list can go on but for example, two wholemeal slices of bread with two boiled eggs with some avocado, the healthy fats from the almonds above with your oats and the avocado with the toasted wholemeal will be burned up when your body is looking for fuel later during the day.


I could go on, but everything in moderation and I found that losing 2 kilos a month with cardio and light weights also gave me some muscle which I haven't seen before, so remember losing weight is one thing from diet, but you will also need to exercise, but you also want to turn some of that fat into muscle by doing some light weights, perhaps join a gym ?


I used to listen to this guy in the link below a lot, don't look at the muscle side you are seeing below, just focus on what he is saying, now I just do my own thing and look out for what I eat and keep the calories down to around 1500 a day.


He really knows his stuff and is very knowledgeable, he explains everything in details, and you should hit the subscribe button and knock yourself out.



Best of luck.

I think that this guy should be wearing a bra, but seriously, "remember it's the sugar that makes the tastes that we love, but adds the weight",  I have never had a weight problem at any time of my life, but as far as sugar is concerned, I use a little half cal sugar, and also use no cal sweetners, but exercise nearly every day. 

I am more concerned about maintaining my present weight than trying to lose weight.

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imo, ditch fruit and rice as much as feasible

and go hardcore on meat and vegetables,

specially meat.


i like grilled pork with isaan sauce

nam tjim tjeao, the sauce adds a bit of sugar

but that is offset by the chili that increases metabolism, and diarrhea if youre lucky.

various salads if you can put up with eating grass, preferably with substantial amounts of meat.

boiled eggs naturally, and water with a splash of lime makes for tasty drinks

so you can drink more then if plain water

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3 hours ago, brokenbone said:

diarrhea if youre lucky.

A diarrhea diet, what joy!  Why not do it big time and buy some fresh qyusters and let them "ferment" on the kitchen cabinel for a few days before you eat them.


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the best 711 diet would be picking your food, having them heat it up, proceed to stand in line and pay for it, walk outside with said food and immediately throw it into the garbage..


go find a fresh meal on any corner in this country, anything is better than the junk from 7-11

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711 is bad, sure, but market food can be more dangerous.  i think diets are really the dumbest things......you want a lifestyle you like.  sure, i love fruit and will eat lots of veggies if i see them, but listen to your body.  if i exercise hard for a few hours, i can eat a cake right after and get that sugar burning.  71 kgs and i'm old, with an athletic frame but of course could be better (I don't care about not having an 8 pack).  we all handle sugar differently.  so i'm not a fan of cutting it out, just less.  NOW salt is different.  yes, try to get that <deleted> out of your body and it's everywhere.  diet is a mystery......keep the stress low, do different exercises, drink water, walk and try 2 days of week of very hard exercise for an hour or two.  work up to it.....  we are all very different.  go get some blood work, and if there's no problem then there's no problem.  eat the same but cut back and exercise.  if there is a problem.....well, then you need to talk to a pro.

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  • 1 month later...
On 12/26/2019 at 3:34 PM, BritManToo said:

It would depend on how much you ate and how much you exercise.

Rice, eggs, fruit and nuts have a lot of calories.

Previous advice is mainly nonsense as eating healthy food, and eating to lose weight are entirely different items.

(I used to go cycling with heaps of fat Vegan girls)


My advice for weight loss, eat less, avoid all bottled fizzy & flavoured drinks, exercise more.

Cut out all snacks.

If you watch fat people, they are constantly eating and drinking, which is usually why they are fat.

Eggs are only 80 calories. One of the best things you can eat. Obviously boiled is better than fried in cheap oil. Fish sold on the street is also low calories. Street chicken is ok if roasted rather than coated in sugary sauce.

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