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EU may need to extend deadline for trade talks with UK: von der Leyen


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26 minutes ago, evadgib said:

furthermore both parties are starting from a position of parity

That does not matter much - as pointed out all over the news.

The question is where the UK wants to go.

If the UK wants to stay aligned to the EU then that will make it easy - but then what was the point of Brexit?


It seem Boris wants that the UK will be very different from the EU in the future and not aligned to lot of EU rules. That is obviously perfectly alright. But that also means more difficult talks because lots of things will be different in the future which are not aligned. The trade talks will be about the future so they have to talk about what they want. What does Boris want except "get Brexit done"?

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2 minutes ago, Loiner said:

Time is already telling us now. The Remainer Parliament was well and truly shafted by the GE popular vote. The principle was that we voted for Brexit in the referendum and still want our democratic right. The EU masters can see the writing on the wall and are now quaking in their EU boots. Their evaluations showed they would be disadvantaged, which is why they fought so hard against Brexit.

Faced with a Eurosceptic PM (not with zilch but a landslide majority), they are now looking for more tricks to try and keep clinging on to the UK's trade and 9Bn contribution. "Let's try an extension again, it worked for the past year or more."

Ok. I have to accept  that is  your perspective. But as I  initially said IMO  only time will tell.


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12 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

A lot of Freds did and the cap fits. Wear it.

Go back and if you can be bothered and search the TV archives as to what my position on brexit actually is. Feel free to relay it back to everyone for me 

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2 minutes ago, vogie said:

I don't think anyone is bothered what your position is on Brexit is, when every one of your posts is lambasting the UK. Happy New Year.

You seemed to care enough to respond. Not lambasting the UK at all, looking forward to the free movement Boris is going to offer me. I might buy a place there with the devalued pounds. 

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29 minutes ago, Loiner said:

They don't like the Freds, those Remainers, elites, chattering classes, political commentators and know-it-alls, do they? They don't like Workington Man, or White Van Man, or anybody who does not vote the way they are 'supposed' to. It seems they also don't like anybody in a pub and apparently always have a special down on bar stools for some reason. They should try spending some time there and maybe learn at thing or two, at least like the mood of the nation.


They're all still here though, still on TVF trying the superiority pretence: "we know better than the rest of you little people". They must be all really pizzed that the very people they despise the most (previous LAB working class voters) have now affirmed a massive commitment for Brexit they voted for. This one is already trying to blame Fred for the incompetence of the bureaucrats and civil servants who now have to carry out instructions they really detest doing - the best deal for the UK. Even still trying to pin blame on Fred for a Project Fear jobs loss myth which is never going to happen, unless he's talking about EU jobs! 

Thank god for the Freds of this world, and everybody in pubs and on bar stools everywhere.

Ah, we have a ‘salt of the earth‘ poster here. A real Brit. Are you one of those people who have your Facebook profiles stating that you attended the ‘school of hard knocks’ and the ‘university of life’ too?

This ‘one’ would be more than happy for Fred to negotiate the new free trade deal with the EU. But you are going to leave it to Boris and his chums, they aren’t going to be looking out for you. 


My only observation is that 11 months ain’t enough (see see, I used an every mans word!!!) to build a comprehensive negotiation position and be able to prioritize your trade must haves vs the ones you are happy to negotiate away. 

But that one little observation seems to have gotten you and your other Everyman mates backs up. It’s like I’m pointing out you don’t have a clear plan or something and are offended by it!

But you seem to be happy to sell out the small business people who are going to be most affected by all the new regulatory compliance that comes from being on the outside p!ssing in trade wise. Not me. 

Edited by samran
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2 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Either you’re trolling or ill informed. I suspect the former. The U.K. is the 5th largest economy in the world.

Was... but going down

All recent results show than India is now 5th

and depending of sources and exchange rates, France may now 6th...




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1 minute ago, Pattaya46 said:

I really doubt about that. Most resources were focused on the Withdrawal Agreement, and there was no point for EU in trying to work on a trade deal when it didn't know what kind of deal the UK would want.

Problem is that today nobody knows more on what UK wants... 

apparently Loiner does...

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29 minutes ago, Loiner said:

More "I know more about trade deals than the rest of you." drivel from another ardent Remainer and UK naysayer. The overdose of sour grapes must be giving you some serious indigestion mate, tarnishing that silver spoon in your mouth and making you irritable. Love it.

They (both the UK and EU) have had three years to sort out the deals. That some of them didn't manage to stop Brexit and thought they had no reason to formulate any deals means nothing. The real bureaucrats have all been making their Plan B provisions since it became obvious that Brexit was not going to easily slip away. Some parts of the UK civil service were making real Brexit plans for the past two years, even if originally on a 'just in case' basis. Do you seriously believe your own eu-drama-queen claims of no plan, no time and impossibility, just because you don't want there to be none? 


New regulatory compliance? It will only replace the old regulatory compliance, one day, maybe, if we change our current conformity, or in case of a No Deal. And selling out small business? Well he's another Fred, who will be glad to see the back of EU regulations which have crippled him for years, whether he exports to EU or not. 


Why not go to the pub, sit on a stool and ask a few Freds. They will put a foreign windbag on the right track about what's best for them.

Ah yes, England’s finest - against the nasty foreigner. 

 Will they chanting ‘one World Cup and two world wars, do dah’ for good measure? 

So looks like you have issues reading through your red rage of the uppity foreigner coming to comment. (Ed: what a shock you have issues with foreigners...).


I didn’t say anything about EUs state of preparedness. I said the Uk wasn’t prepared. So your precious ‘what is best for the UK’ BS has no chance of happening. And even if the EU aren’t prepared, do you think they are going to rush into negotiations with the Uk?


So tell me, what is your plan? Three word slogans aren’t allowed.

Edited by samran
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16 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

If anybody's confused about your Brexit position, you only have yourself to blame. But fess up anyway, if it will make you feel better.

I’m all for Brexit. Bring it on. All upside for me...

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5 hours ago, samran said:

I’m all for Brexit. Bring it on. All upside for me...

Did a Brit steal your wife or something? So much hate and bitterness towards the U.K. Quite sad really.

Edited by JonnyF
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12 hours ago, vogie said:

Never over estimate what you have got in your hand, there are not many big players in the EU as you seem to think, but if that is your belief, I am sure you would be happy having a no deal from this "little country", this is the kind of attitude that led to the UK voting to leave, paying money so we can be insulted. Good luck with that!


Look at the numbers or just look at a map and compare the size. That should give you an idea about proportions and who is the BIG player and who is the little one. It helps to be realistic sometimes.

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