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Koh Larn: Mob of drugged southerners attack jet ski operator after "no photos" argument


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6 hours ago, Ireland32 said:

The ones in Koh Larn have never been trouble, Beach Road that’s another story

In Ko Larn the scam is just the same.

I've seen a group of japanese tourists being threatened and extorted by jetski operators on Tien beach.
They where not allowed to leave until they payed a huge amount for so called damage.

Edited by freestyle
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2 hours ago, digger70 said:

No more the anywhere else safe as an house down here , It's a bit further  thats were the trouble  is.

 I read news in thai everyday, songkhla are among the worst regarding shootings and stabbings.  I was not referring to terrorism shootings in deep south.


Latest shooting in songkhla was today or yesterday.. but maybe you already heard of it, as you seem to know much ???? 


A man who told his female co worker to stop talking in her phone with her boyfriend got shot dead at his home after work... by her boyfriend for just telling the woman to stop talking in her phone during work hours.

Edited by ta158
Wrong word
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9 hours ago, falang07 said:

Proper tough boys, 20 on 1, yeah, cowards as ususal 


You did read the part about the operator and several associates being injured?


I'm not in favor of vigilante violence, unless the local cops are in on the scam.  Which seems to often be the case in jet ski scams.  Whether that's the case here or not, I don't know. 


What seems clear is that it wasn't a random attack.  Whether it was justified, I'll leave for the locals to sort.  


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16 hours ago, z42 said:

Poor show from the cops <deleted> testing them btw, drug driving on a jet ski (which they never actually commandeered in the end) is a pointless kick in the balls really. What purpose could it possibly serve

They were tested for illegal drugs, had nothing to do with driving a jet ski.  

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These Songkla boys will be flabbergasted with the enormous  expensive hospital bill coming from the jet ski owner.. Jetski folks are very good getting a fortune from scratches so in this case he will milk it till the last drop...Is it a neck brace will he ever walk again?

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13 hours ago, Just Weird said:

Why?  What has he been reported as doing previously that deserved the "karma" of the beating?

Hi there, you come across as if you've just stepped off the boat or are being mawkishly green for some reason. I don't know what has previously been reported, but it's a pretty good bet that being 'enraged' and swearing at customers is a bit of a red flag and suggests the kind of operator he is. I'm not condoning it, but that is not normal Thai behaviour.

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13 hours ago, champers said:

So wrong, but jump on the bandwagon with everone else celebrating violence. Jetski scamming is over in Pattaya. It was only ever a small minority anyway, but it seems the sheeple take all jetski operators to be the worst type. Nice logic.

That's the power of the media. I don't know any falangs who would even consider renting jetski because of the reputation of the operators.

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13 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

Why are so many people /justifying/defending the violence inflicted on a fellow human?


Karma, he has many years of intimidation and cheating behind him. I feel no sympathy.

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21 hours ago, rooster59 said:

One of those arrested told the media that this enraged the owner who demanded they stop filming and allegedly began swearing at them. The group then wanted their money back and a melee ensued.

Owner should have kept quiet.... now he has a room of his own to think about his actions!

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21 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Mob of drugged southerners

Oh no, looks like there has been another terrible misunderstanding. Drugged up kids?! … actually NO.  Reports now say …  18 of them tested clean, with two showing traces of drugs. Whatever traces are. :biggrin:  Basically they all were clean. It’s just terrible how these tragic misunderstandings happen and find there way into news article.. Oh, my.


Given the “misunderstandings” about this, in reporting this simple fact, who really knows what the fight was about. Just another day in LOS  :thumbsup:

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13 hours ago, freestyle said:

In Ko Larn the scam is just the same.

I've seen a group of japanese tourists being threatened and extorted by jetski operators on Tien beach.
They where not allowed to leave until they payed a huge amount for so called damage.

Your post should shut up the nay sayers as he was innocent and there is no jet ski scam there. I believe they take opportunity when they see it. 

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7 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Hi there, you come across as if you've just stepped off the boat or are being mawkishly green for some reason. I don't know what has previously been reported, but it's a pretty good bet that being 'enraged' and swearing at customers is a bit of a red flag and suggests the kind of operator he is. I'm not condoning it, but that is not normal Thai behaviour.

So getting angry and swearing at drugged-up customers is justification for beating his face to a pulp, yes?  


As far as I come across to you, did being rational not come into it?   The discussion I was having was whether this particular person deserved the beating as karma for something no one knows has happened in the past!  To suggest that he did deserve it with no evidence that he was a scammer is sure not normal!

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15 hours ago, ta158 said:
17 hours ago, Leaver said:

Look more closely at the video. 


Why are defending jet ski criminals?  Do you have any idea how many people they have hurt?

justweird he questions and defends everything that has to do with thailand

ta158, perhaps you could tell me then how many people this specific operator has hurt, that is what is being discussed.  When you can do that, I'll back off defending this one man who was beaten to a pulp by 20 innocent, drugged-up tourists. 


If you bother to read any of my comments properly you'll see that what I question is, in fact, everything that has to do with illogical Thai-bashing!

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17 hours ago, Leaver said:

Why are defending jet ski criminals?  Do you have any idea how many people they have hurt?

I am not defending jetski criminals, I am defending this one man, against whom no evidence of scamming has been shown, who was assaulted by 20 tourists.  The tourists got a particularly good deal and they did not accuse him of scamming them.

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15 hours ago, SAFETY FIRST said:
17 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

Why are so many people /justifying/defending the violence inflicted on a fellow human?


Oh well, looks like you're the odd one out. 

No, he isn't.  But it does look as though you're also justifying violence against a specific jetski operator who was not, and has not been, accused of scamming anyone.  Well done.

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1 hour ago, holy cow cm said:

Your post should shut up the nay sayers as he was innocent and there is no jet ski scam there. I believe they take opportunity when they see it. 

There was no scam in the incident that is the subject of this thread.  What you believe and what happened that involved this one operator appear to be two completely different things unless you can provide evidence that this man was a scammer.  Then I'll shut up.

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So let’s say I want to rent a car. I agree on a price and hand over the money. Before I set off I inspect the rental vehicle for any pre-existing damages together with the owner. During this process I take some photos with my phone, just to make sure I have some proof of the damages. I am told by the owner that I am not allowed to take photos of the vehicle. He is adamant that I stop. I counter that under those circumstances I don’t want to rent his car, the risk is far too high. I demand my money back. He says no, arguing that our initial deal is still valid. The fact that I won’t use the car now doesn’t change his mind. 

I don’t condone violence but I can understand the anger of the renters. I also wonder about the presence of any kind of functioning law enforcement on Koh Larn. 

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1 hour ago, Just Weird said:

So getting angry and swearing at drugged-up customers is justification for beating his face to a pulp, yes?  


As far as I come across to you, did being rational not come into it?   The discussion I was having was whether this particular person deserved the beating as karma for something no one knows has happened in the past!  To suggest that he did deserve it with no evidence that he was a scammer is sure not normal!

what drugs did they test positive for? If it was weed they were more likely to be “drugged down”

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