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Pattaya tries again to make drivers stop for pedestrians


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Besides issue on Jomtien beach road..... 3-4 years ago (at least) a cross walk with lights, buttons, etc etc in front of my condo on 2nd road. It has functioned no more than 3 weeks total during that period. I have suggested to management they get after city to fix this, and they look at me like I am bonkers.... "How long have you lived here?...."


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4 hours ago, scorecard said:

Agree, many Thais, including educated folks don't know the law, including many aspects of many areas of law and includng the actual laws re pedestrian crossings. 


Several times european exchange students in my MBA courses have asked the Thai students about the laws re zebra crossings, typical Thai responses (these are not teenagers, mostly mid twenties and older, most working):


- 'There are no laws on this subject'


- 'The white marks are there to make the roads look professional but have no actual meaning.'


-'Simple, cars should always come first because of cultural 'rules' about more wealthy people'.


-'Cannot ask drivers to stop, that's not polite / too difficult to stop quickly.'


-'Have to stop but only for one person then the vehicles can proceed'.


and more


And the best one; one of the students called her uncle who is a senior cop, his response (on speakerphone) the Thai law says all vehicles must stop when people are walkng on the zebra crosing or are obviously about to start to walk on the crossing, and must wait until the pededstrians are all on the opposite footpath, but if I see people distrupting the traffic flow I will punish them.

sometimes i give them a nice kick to the bumper, i know it's not polite, but boy does it get their attention

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12 hours ago, Rimmer said:

But city hall also warned pedestrians to do their part, only crossing when signals turn green and not to walk in the street, despite the sorry or nonexistent state of most Pattaya sidewalks.

Well personally I will go one better and learn to float 12 ft up in the air as crossing at green signals will get me killed and I haven't the slightest idea how to get around using non existent sidewalks only!

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This strategy sounds like that man King Canute and stopping the tide from coming in. Maybe thats why they used to build overhead pedestrian bridges near schools and hospitals? Two words the writer used that makes my mind laugh; who just blow through and All drivers should respect traffic rules . Pattaya mail should go and repeat English grammar lessons.

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12 hours ago, tinca tinca said:

thais WILL NOT STOP for anyone crossing a zebra crossing... THEY HAVE NOT BEEN EDUCATED to the fact that people have the RIGHT to cross in safety....and is LAW to stop and let them cross....!!!

With very severe deterrents for those ignoring the law. Hit them where it hurts; in their wallets, plus bans. Jail time too in some cases.


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5 hours ago, impulse said:


In most of the places I've lived and traveled, zebra crossings simply mean it's legal for pedestrians to cross there.  They don't convey any right of way.  The red light does that.


Other places, like California, drivers do have to stop for pedestrians already in the crosswalk.


If you always had to yield to pedestrians in a zebra crossing, these cars would never move...


Correct me if I'm wrong, but in the UK I believe that if there's someone on the kerb waiting to cross then the vehicles must stop.

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9 minutes ago, Tracyb said:

Now, imagine Thais having to pay a 12,000 baht fine for failing to yield to a pedestrian

Why only Thais..... in the Pattaya area fines are disproportionately imposed on foreigners. Their driving often leaves a lot to be desired too, but the reality is the police care not  whit and every new rule is a new earning opportunity.


And I certainly do not want Pattaya to become more like California in any way. 



Edited by jacko45k
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1 hour ago, bluesofa said:

This has been claimed before regarding Thai traffic law and whether it states that drivers must give way to pedestrians at zebra crossings.


If you can find the section that clearly states this, I'd be interested to see it, as so far I haven't managed to find anything.


Yes, but it is illegal to go through a red light and they're talking about crossings with lights in the original post I believe.

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1 minute ago, jesimps said:

I've said it before, but Thais are like five year old children in adult bodies. Try enforcing a zebra crossing law on five year olds and you'd have a similar situation on Thai roads to that of the adults.

Come now... they don't start driving until they are seven!

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You lot should think yourself lucky to have pavements or sidewalks we have none around where we live it's really dangerous to walk along the road I know a guy who has been clipped a couple of times out jogging,

Last week I saw a motorbike slam into the back of some people walking along the road 

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The police are not interesting in the problem because the Thais will not pay the fines. Better tea money booking the poor Farang who has not proper documentation  crossing

  a double line which des not exist, licence which is not current and so forth. I know it is a serious problem and like somebody said they are brain dead.

Education is the answer  but I am not sure it will  do any good unless the fines are enforced. Like the Farang who is caught he needs to pay the fine on the spot r lock up the car or bike and go down to the police station. why is this  policy not used for Thais?

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3 minutes ago, Tracyb said:

In California not yielding to a pedestrian in a crosswalk.....or otherwise on the road, results in a US$400 fine and three points on your license.

What I've found here in LOS is the only person responsible for your safety is you.  Never trust any moving vehicle on any roadway or driving on a sidewalk.


As mentioned many times here, enforcement does not exist.  I see police on motorbikes riding past motorbikes on the sidewalk with no helmets delivering food to Beach vendors all the time in Pattaya.  So at least 2 laws broken, no helmet and operating a motorbike on a sidewalk.  The motorbike delivery guys are also driving with one hand many times as they hold the food/food tray with the other, am not sure if that is against a law.  Also motorbike taxis parked on sidewalks everywhere, sometimes blocking sidewalks right next to the police station on Soi 9 at Central Festival.  Parking their motorbikes on the beach road sidewalk because they want to keep their seat out of the sun.  Littering on the beach or smoking cigarettes on the beach (1000 baht fines). Again - No enforcement 

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13 hours ago, Rimmer said:

In a Jan. 3 statement, city hall said accidents largely are the fault of careless drivers

They're not careless.... the truth is they're thoughtless even heartless.

They just believe they have priority over everything and will not stop for a mere pedestrian on foot !

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Simple solution , Actually.

Post a LARGE sign declaring a 5,000 Baht

fine for NOT stopping for pedestrians. Then, Place a few policemen a few

meters past the sign and pull over Any motorist not stopping  - be it

car or motorcyclist. Police coffers go up to cover the cost of the police actually

doing their job.

It will never happen - but there is your solution.


While I'm at it - 30% of ALL motorcycles have NO working tail lights at night.

THAT should be a priority as well.


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1 minute ago, mberbae said:

While I'm at it - 30% of ALL motorcycles have NO working tail lights at night.

THAT should be a priority as well.

They are removed as a fuel saving measure..... save the world... it isn't all about plastic bags!

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yea, impulse said it correctly. the mentality here is "me first" and if stopping for random pedestrians walking across the road was a law, well maybe it is to avoid running them over but the point isn't that, the road would become a sidewalk and traffic would not flow.


common sense is a marked crossing point and a red stop light, and during the 'public training period' put a cop at those points handing out tickets for running the light. but TIT

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24 minutes ago, Tracyb said:

In California not yielding to a pedestrian in a crosswalk.....or otherwise on the road, results in a US$400 fine and three points on your license.  Those points result in major increases in insurance premiums...the gift that keeps on giving.  Not surprisingly, pedestrians rule the crosswalks in California.  Now, imagine Thais having to pay a 12,000 baht fine for failing to yield to a pedestrian.  As for insurance and points, well it just doesn’t matter much in Thailand as most drivers have no insurance beyond the compulsory. 


I've actually seen groups of kids lock up intersections in California by crossing back and forth so the drivers couldn't proceed.  Eventually, the cops had to show up and the kids would scatter.


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6 hours ago, impulse said:


In most of the places I've lived and traveled, zebra crossings simply mean it's legal for pedestrians to cross there.  They don't convey any right of way.  The red light does that.


Other places, like California, drivers do have to stop for pedestrians already in the crosswalk.


If you always had to yield to pedestrians in a zebra crossing, these cars would never move...


Well you havent been to the UK then. Once a pedestrian steps on a crossing either controlled by lights or not they have right of way.

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This only worked before when cops were assisting pedestrians to cross at the crossings with lights. Even cop cars drove through red lights- captured on VDO.

For a long time the lights were switched off.

Do what the Saudis did. Station cops with a bucket of rocks to throw at cars driving through red lights.

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13 hours ago, Rimmer said:

city hall said accidents largely are the fault of careless drivers who just blow through the red lights at crossing signals

and these sort of statements are part of this cultural problem, authorities call the driver "careless", when in fact their behavior is "criminal" and should be publicly called as such.

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