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1 hour ago, Brunolem said:

All the climate scientists of TVF are out to explain what I see, and what I don't see!


The weather changes, but not the climate, that's a new one...


So now, according to our in house scientists, climate and weather are two separate things, with no connection between each other...one can change while the other remains the same!


And in order to be sure that the climate changes, I would have to remain another million years on Earth...how convenient!


In other words, for lack of sufficient time, the existence of actual climate change can never be proven!


Meanwhile, let's drill drill drill...


Maybe, instead of wasting their time providing information on a free forum, our in house scientists could sell their expertise to the fossil fuel industry who, after years of denial, has come to admit the existence of manmade climate change...they pay very well and would be too happy to save loads of money thanks to some knowledgeable TVF members...think about it...


This is going to e new information to some of us in here,  but,  President Trumps Uncle was in the team of men that gathered up Nikolai Tesla's research and siezed it when Tesla Died.   


There is information in that research  that nobody else has.  



What that means,  is that the Petroleum industry snatched up tesla's "free energy" research and made it go away.    They did this because free energy is bad for business.




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15 hours ago, GreasyFingers said:

Or as a result of the last Ice Age, the same as Australia.

Australia's real contribution to rising seas - the collapsing of the Surfers Paradise coastline (cliffs) 


dirt/concrete/sand 'ice'bergs?

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On 1/6/2020 at 1:52 PM, ivor bigun said:

I was born at the seaside ,when i was a lad ,always remember standing on the rocks ,you could see some walls at low tide ,my grandad told me there used to be houses there ,but the sea had covered them , that was long before his time ,must have had global warming then ,but they never taxed it so they were lucky .

That my friend  is called coastal erosion.It happens all over the world whenever you get king tides ,strong cyclonic winds or gales causing rough seas.Its been happening forever and will continue to happen in the future...Climate change...???  NO

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18 hours ago, Kerryd said:

We are currently in a "de-glaciation" phase of the latest cycle in the ever present "climate change" that has been going on ever since the planet was formed.


Over 150 BG (Before Greta) scientists KNEW that the earth's rotation and it's axial tilt were the cause of climate change. Over 100 BG, one scientist was able to calculate the cycles (which were then named after him and are now known as the "Milankovitch Cycles").

Scientists today are still fine tuning his theory to try and account for all the variables, such as how much solar radiation is reflected back into the atmosphere by the frozen parts of the planet and how the frequency (cycles) of earth's axial tilt affect the warming/cooling cycles in relation to earth's relative position towards the sun. (Earth's orbit isn't stable, nor is it perfectly symmetrical. At times the earth drifts a little closer to the sun and is tilted so that the northern hemisphere receives more sunshine and we get "global warming". At other times (which span 10s of thousands of years) the orbit slowly drifts away from the sun ever so slightly. If the axial tilt is such that the northern hemisphere receives less sun, we go into a cooling or "glaciation" phase.)

Actual scientists have determined that all the CO2 we are pumping into the atmosphere is actually delaying the start of the next "glaciation" phase by as much as 500-1,500 years.

Not a full blown "ice age" but a "global cooling" period that could last thousands of years and see large areas of the planet frozen over (again) to an extent not seen in 11,000+ years.

FYI - 700 million years ago the earth was pretty much frozen over right to the equators. That was known as the Cyrogenian Ice Age and it lasted over 85 MILLION years. Oh and pretty much all life on the planet was extincted as well.

We've had 5 major "Ice Ages" since then and they all had 2 things in common.


They lasted millions of years.

They all started as a result of a lack of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Oh and another thing they shared - almost all life on the planet was wiped out each time.

Basically it works like this.
Life finds a way to absorb/convert the COin the atmosphere (i.e. through photosynthesis). 

CO2 levels in the atmosphere drop to the point that the planet can't keep itself warm.

An Ice Age starts, which, as more area is frozen, accelerates the cooling process.

Most life on the planet is wiped out as ice covers the planet.

Volcanic and tectonic plate activity release massive amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere (but there is no "life" left to absorb/convert it so it builds up).
The planet starts warming up enough to counter the cold.

Life flourishes (literally explodes) as the planet warms up. The more ice that melts, the more life that springs up.
Life begins to absorb more CO2 than is being put into the atmosphere.
CO2 levels in the atmosphere drop to the point that the planet can't keep itself warm.

(repeat every few 10s of millions of years or so)

It really makes me weep when I hear all the climate hoaxers trying to blame it all on "mankind". Yes, we are having an effect on it but - if every human on the planet died today, and every carbon burning machine and fart producing animal all disappeared tomorrow,

Climate Change would STILL happen !!

NO amount of "cap and trade" schemes or "Carbon Taxes" is going to change that. Period.


Not until "man" figures out how to precisely regulate the exact right amount of COin the atmosphere, and can come to a consensus on how much of the planet should stay frozen and how much should be allowed to "flourish". (And you know they will never agree to anything unless there's profit in it for them, and there isn't much profit in a frozen wasteland).

In fact, "man" will probably figure out how to stabilize earth's rotation and axial tilt long before they can come to an agreement on whether the planet is better off as an ice cube where all life dies or a "greenhouse" where life flourishes.

Now here is something else to think about.

The more of the planet that is frozen over, the less land there is available for agriculture and just plain living.

Ice caps and glaciers are made of normal, plain, fresh water. Not "salt water". As the planet freezes, more and more fresh water gets trapped as ice. The oceans become "saltier" as they shrink. (Ever seen pictures of the huge salt mines underground ? Guess how all that salt got there.)

Less ocean is available for phytoplankton to populate and as they provide 50-75% of the oxygen we breathe, the fewer of them means less oxygen for us. (Scientists have also determined that trees and plants tend to grow larger when there is more COin the atmosphere. More frozen land = fewer trees and plants.)

As the polar ice caps and glaciers grow, they reflect more solar radiation back into space. This accelerates the cooling process to the point it becomes unstoppable.
More fresh water is trapped in the form of ice and snow and isn't evaporating into the atmosphere and coming back in the form of rain. Rivers and lakes will freeze up, trapping even more fresh water.

And think about how many places are already suffering from a lack of water. Image when most of the planet's supply of fresh water is trapped in the form of ice. 

We are going into a "greenhouse earth" phase and there is literally nothing we can do to stop it so the alternative is to accept that it is going to happen and plan for the resultant consequences.

Like rising ocean levels. Maybe STOP frikken building on flood plains and on the very edge of the oceans for a start.

But no. We are smart enough to calculate a thousand variables that can affect climate change but too stupid to figure out that we shouldn't build skyscrapers on river deltas at the edge of an ocean.

But don't worry. A few hundred years from now, between man and nature we'll have sucked most of the CO2 out of the atmosphere and plunged the planet into an Ice Age that'll wipe us all out.


Can't wait to hear all the climate hoaxers start crying "Waaaaaa - Global Cooling !! We have to pump more CO2 into the atmo or we'll all freeze to death !"
Thank you  for a brilliant explanation !! Should put the climate hoaxers back in their box.!! you shoud forward this to little squinty eyes squarker GRETA DINGDONG !!


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Hmm,    Interesting Theory,  


How does the varying energetic output of the sun play into it? 

The sun has  cycles,  it has Minimums and solar maximums and ejectae that are heat and other wavelengths. 


Don't you think that they have any part to play in what is happeneing in our solar system? 

The sun is the driving factor for all life.   When it changes,  it changes.







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Climate Change is like Christianity 1600+ years ago in Europe. Everyone being told they have to or must believe.

The big difference is that big business and stock market gamblers didn't make immense money out of Christianity except maybe the contractors who built the cathedrals 

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8 hours ago, wavodavo said:

That my friend  is called coastal erosion.It happens all over the world whenever you get king tides ,strong cyclonic winds or gales causing rough seas.Its been happening forever and will continue to happen in the future...Climate change...???  NO

Coastal erosion happens faster now. The Eastern seaboard of the USA has seen many islands shrink in the past 30 years or so - even a one centimetre rise in sea level can cause significant increased erosion. Obviously this is just one factor in coastal erosion.

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14 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

What about if there was another Krakatoa? That'd put a bit more pollution into the atmosphere than usual.

How about all the forest fires in Sth America, Africa, Australia and SEA?

We add 35,000 megatons of CO2 to the atmosphere every year. Mount Pinatubo added 50 Megatons. Krakatoa was maybe 5 to 10 times larger - so still insignificant.

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On 1/6/2020 at 3:51 PM, samuttodd said:

Sea levels rise and fall and there have been periods of time where the sea has been higher and lower than it is today,  and the climate has been hotter and colder than it is today.


The same thing that is happening on other planets in our solar system is happening here.  Climate catastrophes and increases of storms.     The sun and it's cycles is the main driver of these cyclic changes.  


There are solar cycles.   11 year cycles,  and 120 year cycles, and 3600 year cycles,  and about every 12068 years,  our sun goes Nova and that happens to coincide with Magnetic polarity of our planet (and all of the others in our solar system.)  All of these cycles are in synchronized and tied together.   (Cycles within Cyles.)   The next time our sun is supposed to nova is in 26 years (2046)


The nova cycle that took out the Egyptians, the Sumerians,  and the Mayans  and other established historical civilizations is still cycling along.  


As far as getting a place at the beach,   I wouldn't be terribly concerned with Sea levels rising and falling in the near term.   I would look carefully at anything on the Andaman,  because of tsunamis.   You will not have that issue on the Gulf of Thailand side. 


The entire planet will undergo catastrophic change when the sun's nova and the dust shell hit us.  Aside from the sun facing area being blasted with Gamma and other spectrum energies,   the atmosphere will be stripped for a short time and immediatly pushed to the dark side of the planet.     Shortly after this,   the atmosphere will come from a high pressure and re-establish itself globally resulting in a drop of atmospheric pressure.     When air goes from high pressure to low pressure,   it cools,   so after the Nova,   once pressures normalize,   we'll have an ice age.



This is pretty new information as it has been covered up by the CIA since the 1950's.


  The Diehold foundation has a good video on the subject.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=bMr-5HHnAmU&feature=emb_logo


That is why different governments have built trillions of dollars in underground base infrastructure and worked up contingencies for continuation of government for when the event happens.


I know that the information is pretty overwhelming and mind boggling.    I am not certain I'd want to live after the event,  Many people will survive,  but life as we know it would be over.   


The meek will inherit the earth.  




Here's some more information from Douglas Vogt of the Diehold Foundation:

"You may wonder why a science foundation whose goals are to study the causes of the ice ages, polar reversals and develop an information theory of existence would get involved in studying the Torah, bible, Old Testament. The reasons are what the founder discovered about the Hebrew Alphabet. He also discovered that the exact number of years between geomagnetic reversals were embedded, as code in the surface story of the Torah. "


It is to laugh. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all for your suggestions, comments, wishes, and songs.  I think I will look for property down the royal coast, not in the mountains but at some compromise between elevation and proximity to the Gulf.  And I should probably rent.  At least until I am sufficiently inured.

 I have to say that I was struck by the strength and certainty of the climate deniers in the group.  Some denials rest on a confusion of scale.  The earth has been cooling for the last 5 billion years. We have been in a period of global warming since the end of the last ice age 15,000 years ago.  This may precede a future ice age in the next 10,000 years.  But despite these cycles, or inside this one, we are frying the planet by ourselves.  There is no question about the impact of carbon buildup since the industrial revolution.  The scientific consensus is virtually unanimous. It’s striking how deniers can question the motivation of scientists at non-profits and universities, but not those who are far better compensated by the fossil fuel industry.  I have already commented on the uncanny precision in the prophecies of such non-human caused futures as “solar cycles,“ which bristolboy nicely showed to be a restatement of the Judeo-Christian apocalypse.   I am concerned with how smoothly some posts passed from denial to acceptance to quietism.  Even some of the presumed experts like Bjorn Lomborg seem to say that the extreme scenarios are so frightening they couldn’t possibly happen; we can ignore them because there is nothing we could do about it.  This echos the more understandable attitude of members who say “I‘m alright Jack because I’m five meters up.”  The beach will come only so far. 

Decades ago, a psychologist coined the term “cognitive dissonance,” interestingly enough to describe the mental confusion that resulted from the failure of an expected future to arrive.  I feel it about the reverse.  Everything I read, understand, and know tells me that the oceans are rising, likely far beyond our expectations.  But I experience cognitive dissonance when I see rising coastal real estate prices or falling mortgage rates.  More to the point, I can’t shake my own confusion because I have always lived near an ocean and want to continue to do so.  It’s not head vs. heart, though.  It’s cognitive dissonance because I can’t believe things are really going to be as bad as I believe they will become.

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I own properties around the world.  Some were bought near the ocean a long time ago.  To the point: I would not buy property too close to the ocean and I always evaluate the elevation of the land for heavy rain drainage and sea level rise.  I know, many do not.  I don't care what they do, this is what i do - it's my money, my problem so that is what i do. Therefore, 2 things: I want to but will NOT buy anything i cannot walk away from in THailand. Second, be mindful of water damage. 

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"Been living on the East Coast  in the UK  for the last 40 years, just looked out of the window, No its not risen yet."

What a relief to get this post.  We should tell all the scientists right away.  I also looked out the window and saw that the sun was actually moving around the earth, not the other way around.
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/27/2020 at 11:05 AM, jackdd said:

Even if the water level rises as much as the worst case scenarios project, i'm quite certain Thailand would manage to build a 50cm high dam at the coastline over the next 30 years and won't just let Bangkok sink.

I'm guessing this is tongue in cheek.

Interesting piece in the New York Times this week on Manila and San Francisco:  much better on-line than in paper at https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/02/13/climate/manila-san-francisco-sea-level-rise.html.  


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We live in a house which is right on the border of Bangkok and Nonthaburi .

Several times, I have said to Mrs. J Bangkok will flood sometime and we should consider moving somewhere higher. She said they have been saying Bangkok will flood since I was a child.


Why should I care anymore, I will be dust by the time this happens ...anyway she can always move upstairs...



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