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‘Porn stars’ caught having sex in public - Thai police promise swift action


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sorry but I was just watching the old 80s movie "ruthless people" where the chief of police was watching a video tape of him having sex with a prostitute but he was being blackmailed by a couple that thought they had sent him a video tape they filmed of a woman being murdered by this other guy.  Too funny as they talked past each other.

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30 minutes ago, natway09 said:

MeaMeanwhile the snatch thieves, cars & motorbikes roaring up one way streets, not stopping at red lights, massive corruption, no police presence on the highways now (New Year is over) etc, etc but the emphasis is on catching a copulating couple.

Priorities ??????

Where did it state that all other investigations into offences were being put on hold in order to put emphasis on this case?  Do you really think that there are no other police in Thailand apart from the ones investigating this?

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