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Four wet scrubber prototypes to be installed in capital to deal with air pollution


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They should talk to Dyson .. Maybe be can sort out a few cyclone devices. Since he gave up the making EV in Singapore ... He should have some spare R&D capacity.  Down side .. they may cost a bit more than 300K ..  If you pro-rate the cost of his hair driers ..

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That's right, we humans are so deficient that we try to solve a problem by creating others!
Instead of solving the problem of air at the source, we install air purifiers that work with electricity, to make this electricity you need to burn more raw resources, this entails an increase in pollution, which genes we are!
Do we want to eliminate the human species? We are well on our way!

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14 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Four wet scrubber prototypes to be installed in capital to deal with air pollution

If you don't know what to do, as it seems, look at what other countries have already done with good results!

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14 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

effectively handle an area of about 50,000 square metres

That is a circle with a radius of 126.2 m.


The area of Bangkok is 1,569,000,000 Square meters therefore it would take 31,380 of these devices to cover the city! Practicality at its finest!

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Anybody remember the bomb detecting sticks that were sold to the Thai government? Sounds like snake oil to me. You would probably need 100,000 of these in Bangkok to make even a small dent and what about the water needed to run these. Just enforce the laws, what’s so difficult?????

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So filtering "150,000 cubic metres per day" is enough for an area of "50,000 square metres"... It's not mentioned how exactly they plan to install them but if they try use the outdoor this area value is too high, wo cubic meters of air being cleaned per second would have a negligible effect 50 meters away from the device (which should still be withing the advertised area).


They could use those to filter the air for large enclosed public spaces that are not already filtered.

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15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

The Rajaprajanugroh Foundation Under Royal Patronage has provided four wet scrubber prototypes to deal with PM2.5 airborne dust particles for installation in highly polluted areas, Pollution Control Department director-general Pralong Dumrongthai said.

The man is a complete imbecile... he thinks he can suck in the air and clean it?

Is he going to clean the whole of Thailand as it pulls in air from surrounding areas?

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Construction sites are a very minor issue. Sugar cane burning is a major issue. Is anything being done about that? Are alternative crops being encouraged? Are alternatives to burning being discussed? Are current penalties against burning being enforced, by an administration that is famous for a lack of follow up? 


What about diesel? Thailand is one of the few nations in the world that is actively promoting the sale of diesel vehicles and trucks. Most other nations have figured out how much of a hazard they are to humans. When they are not maintained properly (how many Thais engage in regular maintenance on their vehicles?) they spew excessive PM 2.5 into the air. 


How about converting the diesel power plants to natural gas? What else is being done by this stunningly incompetent administration, and the non visionary leaders within the hapless army? They are literally killing the people with their indifference and lack of planning. The army needs to resign now. They need to admit to massive failure, on an epic level, and get out now. They used to be an institution that commanded some respect. That has been lost. They are now perhaps the most despised institution in the nation. They are the DNA. The do nothing army.

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4 hours ago, smedly said:

this is pretty much how Thailand deals with most things - do nothing to prevent it happening then do something totally ineffective to deal with it when it does

Here is another example  just the other day  a local gathered up all the leaves and assorted rubbish ( plastic) and started burning it... someone complained and the  estate management came  to put the fire out,

then ( here's the good bit) they came back with machetes and started cutting down all the trees..so there would be no more leaves to burn .. genius right ?  :wacko:


After a bit of arguing we managed to stop them cutting down most of the trees but they got a military haircut !!!

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