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Thai logic 2020

Golden Triangle

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10 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

It was just an example of the hypocrisy of calling Thai stupid, often because they either do not do things in Western ways or do not speak English well... everyone has different subjects where they shine and do not... I am just really tired of farang here on TVF calling Thai stupid... and they likely do not realize how <deleted> off their wives get when called stupid... by such as mentioned above.

I'm sorry, but believing in ghosts is pretty damn stupid.

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1 hour ago, Bassosa said:

I'm sorry, but believing in ghosts is pretty damn stupid.

For you, sure. Do you believe in God? Would you call everyone who does stupid?


I have never seen a ghost but both my Thai wife and my farang wife say that they have... 


But, at least we should be able to agree on this... calling someone stupid doesn't help anything, is mean, and the only thing it will surely accomplish is that you will make an enemy... 

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On 1/22/2020 at 4:08 AM, scoutman360 said:

Did people read the wife's reply? It had nothing to do with "how long air has been sitting in the tyres", she blamed the low tires on not using the bike enough. I am surprised at how many smart farangs missed that. 


It's perfectly reasonable.  If she had used it yesterday, there would be air in the tires.  She would have put it there.  The last time she used the bike was long enough ago that the air has all leaked out.


So it's 100% down to how often she uses it.


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After my wife's parents died, the kids were spread around the aunts and uncles.


My wife got lucky and went to live with her uncle in Chicago, creating a somewhat different mindset to her sisters and brother.


So in the middle of thunderstorm, her brother turns off his cellphone and tells my wife she should too. "why". Because you'll die. "why". Because the lightening will get into your phone. "How"....it just does!

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On 1/21/2020 at 6:42 PM, Swiss1960 said:

yes, there is nothing like Thai logic and beliefs and there is nothing to argue about it.. because "Thailand is different"...


- never say "bye bye" when you leave the house, you might not come back...


- never use the phone inside the house when there is lightening, you will get struck...

That was a real concern when phones still used a wire. Can't be so hard to grasp.

Edited by Enki
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So, wife's uncle died a few years back in Isaan. A few days later we're drinking with his kids in his house at night, wood house lifted at the end of a path... I go down to take a leak and think it funny to go under the floor boards and knock gently...they were genuinely scared. They show me a photo taken of the son in the house and on his shoulder is a skeleton hand....I swear...looked so real.


Took the wife and some other ladies one day to find this guy known to rid a person of evil spirits...an all day drive to locate him. I didn't witness it as I sat on the lift gate and drank a beer waiting. Is it real or is it not? I don't know, but what I do know is that they believe.

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I have been spirit hunting with the locals with one of those fine mesh nets.

It was interesting and served the purpose (the bad spirit was caught and put in the fire)

Edited by sipi
Spelt "in" wrong
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