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Police arrest school director for Lopburi shopping mall shooting - reports


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The Child, of the new upwardly mobile middle classes, and lost his second girlfriend also, … Like it might have even been the real one, the one that he really loved ?   ... So he topped her ! (TIT As she was making him loose face.



… A common story this, the loss of the girl friend bit, and the rich, saving face ?…. Well no, … it is them, just totally losing their way in life!, and well they usually always end up paying for it, in the end I think.



… Topping the “Poor” Woman, …  Because she does not respect them, … OR their hard corrupted for, … “Money”, … Like just look at all of this <deleted> ! In his drive way ! … It would just make me embarrassed having to walk around it all of the time !!! …  And her being poor, this just makes it worse for them !!! … Not even a poor girl will go with them !!! ... right.



.... The NEW upwardly mobile upper middle classes ! .... I think that we all will start seeing a LOT more of them now, … and of this sort of mindless crime also !  … As well there is more money around now, and education, ... but for some, that just does not seem to work, and then they just start watching too much Revenge motive, Hollywood Violence, and many of them, now at least ? Have parents with the guns to do it with,  … I think it also says here … and borne, in to the Cops ? … So the weapons Training.



So well, they end up thinking that ... "They are OWED IT" !!! .... "Their Place in Society" ... "Above everybody else’s" !!! .....  I … Feel Bad” !!! …. “So Just shoot them all down” !!! …



  The NEW Thailand. ? ... …  No !!! .... The NEW World ! … Just look around yourself, … and overseas also. … (eg. New Zealand just recently, and well, the States just about always now !!!) 




(I had a previous go at this, my take on the outcome, of this VERY tragic event, … as I firmly do believe in what I wrote, … and it also is on topic, … but my last post was bad, SORRY ! So I have had it removed I hope.  And I have just written it again. )



And Have a nice evening, and may we ALL Remain Safe !!!

Edited by Mark mark
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5 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

They said they got his DNA from sweat on the counter.  I call BS on that.  Covered from head to toe, with gloves on.  Where did the sweat come from, his eyeballs? 

This story means they don't have to admit someone dropped the dime on him. If the reward is paid out but not named then we'll suspect the DNA is a story.


If they have the fathers pistol and it matches up the balistics CSI stuff, then he'll be convicted.


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Arresting someone for that crime was the easy part. The hard part is moving evidence to where they can plant items at the suspect's house. Then with the help of a corrupt and incompetent media, and judges with the legal accumen of a child held back in remedial basic math again, and you have a "guilty" man.

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11 hours ago, steven100 said:

see ................ I told you all they would get their man real soon.

right again  !!!    


I'd like to see the guy they got and his walk .... as his gait will find him out for sure  !!

well done  RTP  ....     nayers wrong again  ...lol

The thai's refused to use Gait science in the Koh Tao (Death island) murder trials, so why would they use it here.

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4 minutes ago, bannork said:

Please do try to cut down on the exclamation marks, Mark. They're not good for one's health in such large quantities over the long term as they can lead to a permanent state of agitation and trepidation, finally resulting in Attention Deficit Disorder.


YES ! RIGHT ! ... My Sell checker - Editor, broke down here Sorry, .... and I tried to remove them by hand ! ... and Yes,  "Attention Deficit Disorder." !!! ... Defiantly WELL WORTH WATCHING OUT FOR !!! ... (25 years working continuous Night shift, 35 days on, 35 off, and 2 mindless long haul flights half way around the world, ... often with little time to transit between the some times badly planed legs, ... or the travel agent would have forgotten to pay for your ticket !!! .... and a LOT of alcohol in between them ! ??? ) ... 


... Well YES, ... I WILL do it. - Thanks.

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7 minutes ago, Yinn said:





No. He lie.

police looking all day in the river.

but the gold in his auntie house in the roof 



Well done Yinn, that's the first I've heard of this. Unfortunately I've had to severely chastise a fellow countrywoman of yours for not keeping me abreast of the news. Her answer? 'I bored with it.'

Oh well, what can I say to that?

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18 minutes ago, BRUFC said:

Well done Yinn, that's the first I've heard of this. Unfortunately I've had to severely chastise a fellow countrywoman of yours for not keeping me abreast of the news. Her answer? 'I bored with it.'

Oh well, what can I say to that?


The police boss also go to the river for find the gold.

But is the lie.







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1 hour ago, gk10002000 said:

Having just watched Jack Treacher movie, I can believe this.  Shot 5 people in that movie plot to disguise the fact they only wanted to kill one person.

Err no mate.


This really happened and had nothing to do with fantasy from Hollywood. As I recall no children died in that film. Plus real policemen got him not some imaginary vagrant.

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   Still, think about it, ... whatever class he was, … whos ever child he was, .... whatever motivations he could have had, … IF he could NOT HAVE GOTEN that Gun, and Silencer ? … Do you think that he could have committed such a crime like that ? … Probably not …. 


He might have had to stab her ! … But he then he probably would not have been able to get all of those other People … OR rob the gold shop either ?


No I am sorry Fellas, … but I think that “People do not Kill People” !!! … “People with GUNS Kill People” ! … “And People with Better GUNS,… Kill MORE People” ! and this IS basically what this case really is all about in the end. .... If you think about it ? ... I think.

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Still ? I would like to hear from a REAL criminologist about it also myself,  Poor People, and their Criminal behavior, and the richer Upwardly mobile Middle class ? And theirs. ? There has to be differing patterns ? ??? Does any one know ?

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13 hours ago, tgw said:

if there is enough material evidence proving his guilt beyond any doubts, this is another case where I wouldn't understand the benefits of keeping him alive in a prison.

I would a l.ong a slow torture for the rest of his life,

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2 hours ago, herwin1234 said:

In good old Europe this guy would be out of prison within 10 years. 

Fingers crossed that THAILAND justice system will be more fair and sentence him to death, or, if not, that other inmates will kill him, hopefully after a long and brutal torturing.

And they probably will.  However, apart from the surprise death penalty being carried out in 2018, it had been almost 15 years since the last one.

There are over 500 on 'death row'.

Better, he meets with an 'accident'.

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2 hours ago, Mark mark said:

The Child, of the new upwardly mobile middle classes, and lost his second girlfriend also, … Like it might have even been the real one, the one that he really loved ?   ... So he topped her ! (TIT As she was making him loose face.



… A common story this, the loss of the girl friend bit, and the rich, saving face ?…. Well no, … it is them, just totally losing their way in life!, and well they usually always end up paying for it, in the end I think.



… Topping the “Poor” Woman, …  Because she does not respect them, … OR their hard corrupted for, … “Money”, … Like just look at all of this <deleted> ! In his drive way ! … It would just make me embarrassed having to walk around it all of the time !!! …  And her being poor, this just makes it worse for them !!! … Not even a poor girl will go with them !!! ... right.



.... The NEW upwardly mobile upper middle classes ! .... I think that we all will start seeing a LOT more of them now, … and of this sort of mindless crime also !  … As well there is more money around now, and education, ... but for some, that just does not seem to work, and then they just start watching too much Revenge motive, Hollywood Violence, and many of them, now at least ? Have parents with the guns to do it with,  … I think it also says here … and borne, in to the Cops ? … So the weapons Training.



So well, they end up thinking that ... "They are OWED IT" !!! .... "Their Place in Society" ... "Above everybody else’s" !!! .....  I … Feel Bad” !!! …. “So Just shoot them all down” !!! …



  The NEW Thailand. ? ... …  No !!! .... The NEW World ! … Just look around yourself, … and overseas also. … (eg. New Zealand just recently, and well, the States just about always now !!!) 




(I had a previous go at this, my take on the outcome, of this VERY tragic event, … as I firmly do believe in what I wrote, … and it also is on topic, … but my last post was bad, SORRY ! So I have had it removed I hope.  And I have just written it again. )



And Have a nice evening, and may we ALL Remain Safe !!!

The section of the above post re entitlement: 


Three decades back we had a young Thai man, very well educated, spoke perfect English in our office team, he was totally arrogant to his boss and everybody around him, demanded everything without any courtesy whatever, in fact regularly just rude to staff he considered to be 'low', expected because of his perceived status that he could miss work / leave very early whenever he wanted. He was totally dissatisfied with this postion, which his hi-so father had arranged for him, he expected that he should automatically be a senior manager. Reality was that he wasn't capable of complex work nor handling responsibility.


His hi-so father got him another job at Thai inter as a clerk. Sonny wasn't satisfied and wanted more respect so he demanded that Thai inter send a company car to his house to pick him up every morning. The eventual compromise was that an unmarked taxi came every morning to go to work and took him home, same driver every day and he was paid a transport allowance. It was established that he would often order the driver to not stop at the building entrance and go around and come back until there was several people present so that he could gain status from being seen / perceived as having his own driver.






Edited by scorecard
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5 minutes ago, shy coconut said:
12 hours ago, Nakmuay887 said:

DNA evidence? how did they have his DNA on file and know where to find him exactly? 

Maybe the DNA proves that he was present at the crime scene, other evidence or

investigations or informants may have led to his arrest.

I would think that the gun, his shoes, his limp and general description were major factors. I believe he was probably turned in by someone who knew him and who had put enough together to "rat him out" (so to speak).


Was there a reward I wonder? ????

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1 hour ago, MaxYakov said:

I would think that the gun, his shoes, his limp and general description were major factors. I believe he was probably turned in by someone who knew him and who had put enough together to "rat him out" (so to speak).


Was there a reward I wonder? ????

As his name was known by just about everyone in Lopburi within hours of the video being made public, I think that social media probably informed the police of his identity. The police obviously did everything in their power not to arrest him but due to the level of public outcry over the crime and the wealth of evidence on social media, they were forced to take in one of their own.


This is why the government are so fearful of social media and have created such draconian laws to censor it. For centuries they have been used to being able to treat the great unwashed like mushrooms, keep them in the dark and feed them s***. With the advent of social media this is becoming increasingly difficult for them.



Edited by DannyCarlton
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