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International teacher w/ online degree


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Hey everyone! 


So I'm a 32 year old American male, teaching high school biology in California for the past two years. I do plan on gaining additional teaching certs, as well as a masters of education in the next few years, but I do hope to work at an international school in Thailand, hopefully next year. I have a B.S.ed in secondary science education  (bio)  and hold a valid teaching license in California. The only catch is my degree was earned through a community college (15%), then finished through an online only university  (WGU). it's regionally accredited and like I said I do have a California teaching license, however I have been reading some countries don't except online degrees, and for that matter I am starting to wonder if any intentional school besides the 3rd teir, low paying ones will take me. 


Also I can't find the Thai MOE list of accepted universities. 


Just hoping someone can shed some light on my situation. 


Thanks so much!




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I would guess your best bet would be to contact the American / IB curriculum schools to ask (American School of Bangkok, ISB, NIST, BASIS etc). You will most likely be looking at an August 2021 start as most good schools will have recruited now. I work in a British international school and have rarely come across any American teachers in them apart from a few who had previously taught in the UK. 


Does your certificate actually state it is online, like the PGCEi? Seeing as you have a full teaching license (like QTS) then that is the main thing that the decent international schools are looking for in candidates. 

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I believe you have an issue with the TCT as well. As long as your transcripts and diploma state nothing about work online you should be fine. For the TCT as you have a teaching license they might be ok with it. Community college is non issue, it's the online school.


I wouldn't contact the schools here unless there is something on the transcripts or diploma that need explaining.


MAEd should override the issue for TCT rendering it Moot.


Keep your license uo to date with the CTC you never know if you want to return. You'll have to get refingerprinted and it's a hassle.


You're prolly looking at 140k at best teaching arts in a good school to start, maybe more for sciences. Far more British schools so if you can't land at NIST, ISB, etc it will be far lower money and maybe not worth all the money you've spent on your education. International School pay goes to as little as 55k. You may have to join Search Associates or for NIST that other security clearance corporation. If you hooked into the right school in EP, Bilingual or some special program or school you'd be looking at between 60-90k pm. You could teach EFL at those wages as well.


I think chemistry and high math very saleable here.


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