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I would appreciate any recommendation for an affordable "good" hospital to perform heart surgery (by pass).  I am a foreigner diagnosed with heart failure and my only option at this time is heart surgery.  Unfortunately, I do not have insurance.  Advice appreciated.  Thank you.

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If uninsured and short of funds then should use a government hospital. Even there it will be far from cheap. Anywhere from 150,000 - 300,000 baht+ depending on procedure.


I am a little unclear of what exactly you need. "Heart Failure"  is not an indication for bypass surgery, that is done for blocked coronary arteries. And unless multiple vessels are involved stent placement is often preferred to bypass.


Assuming you have blocked arteries, not congestive heart failure or cardiac myopathy (which is what is usually meant by "heart failure),  you need to take all your records and test results to a good interventional cardiologist. If it is decided that you need  surgical bypass rather than stent they will refer to a cardio-thoracic surgeon.


Where in Thailand are you?

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If you do need a stent I strongly suggest you do your own research regarding the benefits of medicated versus non-medicated stents. Medicated stents contain medicine to prevent blood clotting that is released slowly over the period of a few months, these stents are very expensive. Studies have shown there is no difference in the mortality or incident rate in patients using medicated stents and those using non-medicated stents and taking anti-coagulants such as Plavix or aspirin yet the cost of non-medicated stents is much lower.



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