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Sanders, Bloomberg trade insults as Democratic White House race heats up


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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

Polling?  No one has ever said that Bernie can't win the Dem nomination.  He can and he might.  The big question is whether he can win the General Election.  That's it and that's all.


Even if current polling says Bernie can beat Trump now, you're forgetting that Trump hasn't even gone after Bernie yet and for good reason.  Trump wants Bernie to be the nominee.  But mark my words, if Bernie does become the nominee, Trump and his right wing machine will go after Bernie like he's never seen.  It will be ugly.  Full of vicious lies, and hate, and made-up nonsense.  What happened to Hillary will be nothing compared to what will happen to Bernie.  I literally fear for the man.


As for the labels, you should understand that it's not the Bernie Bros or hardcore Dems who will decide this election.  Nor will it be the hardcore Trumpers and lifelong Republicans.  It will be the moderates and independents...the undecideds.  Many of the them are just as disgusted and embarrassed by Trump as you or I.  But they hate the concept of socialism even more.  So they may just hold their noses and vote for Trump because they fear losing their way of life.  Sorry, but that's how many Americans think.

Voters will decide the election. Look at the polls, like I said. 


What earth are you on? Who is the most popular senator in the world for years running? Who polls best against Trump? And you have never answered what polls you see that indicate Sanders has a worse chance than Bloomberg, or whoever. You are only saying "I think xyz and am basing it on... well, I am just pulling it out of my ass". That does not hold much water. I can say "there is no pollution in the world"... but the statement is meaningless unless I back it up somehow. You can think what you want but our conversation revolves around influencing voters as far as electability goes. Show me a poll, you can't just state your opinion, that is ridiculous. 


Bernie is leading the polls in Texas. Have you ever been to Texas? It almost seems like you are not following things at all. They already label him on the news as "socialist" every single minute. That and question his age and Bernie Bros is about all they do. 


Trump is going to lie and cheat against any candidate. 


With all due respect i do not think you have made a single statement that makes any logical sense. 

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57 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


I guess by your standards you are either lucky or you aren't. I am hoping my luck will continue and people will reject your premise. I don't feel like taking a $50 trillion dollar spin at the wheel and hoping Bernie makes us all luckier. 


At least we know in the elections it will be a matter of pure luck that makes a winner or loser. If that's the case why bother worrying about it?





By my standards corporations suck the life blood out of workers, and then at the same time they do not pay them a living wage AND lobby and throw their influence around to do things like deny them healthcare. 


So yes, put it however you want. If you are able to survive in this system, and love very well, you got lucky.


There will always be someone who has to take the job of waitress or trash man. Those jobs will never disappear. Some people can't take your advice and simply "work hard and get a better job, this is the land of the free". If everyone did that... who would hold those jobs? That "anyone can do it" position make NO SENSE. It is a false position. It is impossible. 


Now that you realize why many people can't simply just work harder, take a look at how many of Sander's policies will help them. They can get an education if they choose, they can get the medical care they need. They will earn enough at work to actually be able to live somewhat comfortably. They wont be saddled with decades of debt as they get out of college. Oh!! The horror of these policies! 

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On 2/20/2020 at 4:52 PM, sirineou said:

I am no one's Bro! Well except my brother John:smile:

You misunderstand me. I did not think you were bashing Sanders, I was trying to understand what you said. 

I Supported Sanders 2016.and contributed to his campaign, this cycle I initially thought he was too old and supported Yang , Unfortunately Yang dropped out. 

I still think Sanders is to old, but I don't see another viable candidate IMO. I would like to see who would be Sanders VP, because I don't think he will finish two terms.

I understand that Sanders is not running for emperor, and all the ideas he has will be subject to a majority in the House and Senate. but would be a step in the right direction IMO. 

I also have no Idea who the Democratic Candidate will be, we will have a better idea after March 3 (super tuesday)  But I will vote for whoever the Democratic candidate is.

  Tomorrow I will go Change my political affiliation from Independent to Democrat so I can vote in the Florida democratic primary.  


I am an Independent. The best part is we Independents seem to be immune of malisious attacks unlike the other two parties. 

Edited by earlinclaifornia
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Sanders momentum out of Nevada is impressive. I expect he will carry this through super Tuesday, and go on to be the nominee. All others are looking weak and fading. Only corrupt maneuvering by the DNC can slow him, but he has serious strength, a frightening glimpse of leftist power rising in the US future. He cannnot take down Trump. As for Bloomberg, I doubt he will show strength out of his spending spree.


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3 minutes ago, sucit said:

By my standards corporations suck the life blood out of workers, and then at the same time they do not pay them a living wage AND lobby and throw their influence around to do things like deny them healthcare. 


So yes, put it however you want. If you are able to survive in this system, and love very well, you got lucky.


There will always be someone who has to take the job of waitress or trash man. Those jobs will never disappear. Some people can't take your advice and simply "work hard and get a better job, this is the land of the free". If everyone did that... who would hold those jobs? That "anyone can do it" position make NO SENSE. It is a false position. It is impossible. 


Now that you realize why many people can't simply just work harder, take a look at how many of Sander's policies will help them. They can get an education if they choose, they can get the medical care they need. They will earn enough at work to actually be able to live somewhat comfortably. They wont be saddled with decades of debt as they get out of college. Oh!! The horror of these policies! 


What if they aren't lucky enough to have a good brain? What will education actually provide? A ditch digger doesn't need to learn calculus. It's counter productive. You might as well join the work force earlier and start earning. 


Yet somehow a coalminers is going to learn complex strings of code if you put them out of work. Sounds pretty lucky to me. 


Look up the time Walmart that blood sucking, soulless corporation, Walmart when Bernie himself was invited to their shareholder meeting. He made a complete fool of himself. The CFO of Walmart told Bernie they already pay more than his proposal and he should pass legislation that is on par or better than Walmart corporate policy. 


They gave him 2 minutes to speak voluntarily. He didn't pay his own staff $15 an hour and when he finally did he laid many of them off or reduced their hours. Nobody actually ended up making more. 


Bernie is a pretty lucky guy. Yet after more than 3 decades in the Senate he has what would be considered a very moderate level of wealth. This is because he has never run a company, charity, or anything else. With his knowledge he should have raised so much money he could further his agenda. Yet his net worth is in what are actually liabilities as they are properties for personal use. 


He has had insider knowledge of every project known to man. Yet he never leveraged that to do a damn thing other than for himself. 10,000,000 Bernies wouldn't be worth one Bezos or Gates when it comes to impact they will have on health, social equality and financial well being. 



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On 2/18/2020 at 3:23 PM, spidermike007 said:

There is one thing i might add, that Bloomberg could teach Trump. Character is much easier kept, than recovered!

Maybe Bloomberg comes across as a nice polite man, but do you ever notice how despite everything...

Trump's family seems to seriously adore him. His son's and daughter are on television all day, son in law, daughter in law, all seem to love him. I think this speaks volumes.

Bloomberg has lived unmarried to a woman for 20 years. I really hear nothing from family. Just my observation.

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On 2/18/2020 at 3:32 PM, spidermike007 said:

Add in the possibility of Trump's participation in the Epstein's party weekends,

This is an invention, stemming from a comment and photo of Trump with Epstein, however you fail to note that it is documented that Donald Trump kicked Epstein out of his Mira Lago resort. Why? He kicked him out after reports were made to Trump that he was bothering young women on the staff. There is no possibility. See how easy it is to succumb? It's all smoke and mirrors man.

Edited by WalkingOrders
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1 minute ago, WalkingOrders said:

This is an invention, stemming from a comment and photo of Trump with Epstein, however you fail to note that it is documented that Donald Trump kicked Epstein out of his Mira Lago resort. Why? He kicked him out after reports were made to Trump that he was bothering young women on the staff. There is no possibility. See how easy it is to succumb? It's all smoke and mirrors man.


Yet nothing is said about Bill Clinton being on Epstein's private jet to Eastern Europe with no Secret Service. More than a few times. 

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18 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


What if they aren't lucky enough to have a good brain? What will education actually provide? A ditch digger doesn't need to learn calculus. It's counter productive. You might as well join the work force earlier and start earning. 


Yet somehow a coalminers is going to learn complex strings of code if you put them out of work. Sounds pretty lucky to me. 


Look up the time Walmart that blood sucking, soulless corporation, Walmart when Bernie himself was invited to their shareholder meeting. He made a complete fool of himself. The CFO of Walmart told Bernie they already pay more than his proposal and he should pass legislation that is on par or better than Walmart corporate policy. 


They gave him 2 minutes to speak voluntarily. He didn't pay his own staff $15 an hour and when he finally did he laid many of them off or reduced their hours. Nobody actually ended up making more. 


Bernie is a pretty lucky guy. Yet after more than 3 decades in the Senate he has what would be considered a very moderate level of wealth. This is because he has never run a company, charity, or anything else. With his knowledge he should have raised so much money he could further his agenda. Yet his net worth is in what are actually liabilities as they are properties for personal use. 


He has had insider knowledge of every project known to man. Yet he never leveraged that to do a damn thing other than for himself. 10,000,000 Bernies wouldn't be worth one Bezos or Gates when it comes to impact they will have on health, social equality and financial well being. 



I love it when people's true colors come out. 


Yes, what we need is more Jeff Bezozes who manipulate the system and pay no taxes. 

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4 minutes ago, sucit said:

I love it when trie colors come out. 


Yes, what we need is more Jeff Bezozes who manipulate the system and pay no taxes. 


He gave $10 billion more than I remember Bernie giving. He also pays his staff $15 an hour. Bernie learned to do that later.

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3 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


He gave $10 billion more than I remember Bernie giving. He also pays his staff $15 an hour. Bernie learned to do that later.

I think it is so hilarious that you truly believe the problem we have in out society is the solution. 


"We need more Jeff Bezozes to solve all our problems."


These are new lows in lack of logic. 


Look into Amazon factory worker conditions. I suppose you have never heard of it in your bubble, people who get penalized for even taking a bathroom break. Look it up for yourself. But yeah, more greedy ceo's like him are the solution. Right. 

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On 2/18/2020 at 3:56 PM, ftpjtm said:

While I agree with you, I hope that Trump is not the new benchmark for acceptable character.

Character and manners get confused alot here. Tape recording someones conversation in a private setting amongst men is bad character. Releasing that private conversation publicly for money is greviously bad. 


Making public comments about Mexican food is cultural insensitivity not racism.


Taking comments out of context with cut and splice edits to create a racist narrative of racism by media outlets is frightening, and bad character.


Creating, literally from thin air, a story that the President of the United States paid prostitutes to urinate for his pleasure on a hotel bed previously slept in by the former President and first lady is greviously bad character. To release such a false story to the Press for purpose of bringing down a President, is in my opinion, grounds for a firing squad.


For a Speaker of the House, the leader of the opposition, to claim the Predident, the Commander in Chief, is a traitor in the pocket of The russian state is likewise bad character, as no evidence has supported the charge.


What I have described has never happened in American politics and justice is coming. Obama was a very polite man.

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2 minutes ago, sucit said:

I think it is so hilarious that you truly believe the problem we have in out society is the solution. 


"We need more Jeff Bezozes to solve all our problems."


These are new lows in lack of logic. 


Look into Amazon factory worker conditions. I suppose you have never heard of it in your bubble, people who get penalized for even taking a bathroom break. Look it up for yourself. But yeah, more greedy ceo's like him are the solution. Right. 


Look into working conditions at the post office. It used to be so bad people commonly committed suicide, homocide or whatever and was known as going postal.

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On 2/18/2020 at 4:36 PM, TheDark said:

I guess we all have seen the video. Also the fact stated, that only 2% of the American people are farmers.


Only 2% of the people!


Now you might say, that there are loads of people, who support these voters. But is there really?


You might say that these people's feels have been hurt so badly? What? Are they the snowflakes?


You might question how much gray matter these people have on their brains, compared to people who code for living. I would say it's almost the same amount. Some of the smartest got out of the farms and made a better living by coding. Smarter than them folks did so, and got back farming as it made a lot more sense. 


And it's still only 2% of the population. 

Comments against farmers resonate with more then just farmers. It resonates with everyone who passes fields driving, lives in rural America, who owns or works for any side industry of farming, buys fruit from a stand in NYC, and in general the American psyche. That is far more then 2%.

Edited by WalkingOrders
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On 2/18/2020 at 8:46 PM, TheDark said:

I don't get it why people think Sanders is waayyy left?


He is simply promoting society's need to care for it's members. 


Think of the military doctrine, no man is left behind. Is there something wrong with that ideology?


Now expand your view to a wholesome society which thinks in the similar terms, no man is to be left behind. That military ideology sounds pretty much utopist, doesn't it?


That's actual communism. Not even socialism, which is what you can experience in police and fire department forces.  


So why the societies we live in, must be so different than the brotherhood experiences in the military or fire departments? Why in our societies there must be people, who will have to be left behind, who then will become bad apples, because they have no other choices?


Why don't we all live a society, where everybody are taken care off, an nobody have the need to rob others?


Is that because we are so afraid of socialism aka fire departments?



It is difficult to read text of Sanders and Hugo Chavez translated to English and tell them apart. Sanders is a communist, posed as Democrat socialist  now Democrat. But still a Communist.

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On 2/19/2020 at 9:21 AM, earlinclaifornia said:

I recalled that the finest President of my lifetime, President Kennedy was from one of the wealthiest families at the time. I don't believe a canidate is judged from thier wealth by the Democratics!

Bloomberg isn't ecactly JFK though is he.

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On 2/19/2020 at 2:45 PM, Jingthing said:

Yes, Bernie supporters worry me. As we saw before, a good portion of them will stay home or vote for 45 if their hero isn't nominated. Sadly the democrats are killing themselves as Obama predicted with the revolving firing squad. There's still hope of course but if 45 is reelected, there is no hope. 


I know this will make some people angry but the Bernie movement reminds me of left wing third party spoilers in the past gifting the win to the right wing republicans, but this time happening WITHIN the democratic party. Bloomberg is a weird phenom as well, but frankly if it wasn't for Bernie, I doubt Bloomberg would have even run. 

Bernie has serious momentum. I think Bloomberg fizzles on Super Tuesday. No minority vote. Case closed.

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On 2/20/2020 at 1:13 PM, spidermike007 said:

At this point it is likely Bloomberg will secure the nomination. The DNC will hate it. But if he gets on track with his debate skills he will pound the entire field. Personally, I love Pete. But can he get nominated or win? If not, I would support Little Mike. He has what it takes to show Trump the exit doors. And the nation and the world need that exit. So does the SDNY, so they can begin their important work. Lock him up!

Super tuesday and bloomberg is history.

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2 minutes ago, WalkingOrders said:

They went postal because they had to sell stamps all day?


I am not sure why but it was a well documented thing back in the day. As far as I know workers at Amazon haven't gone on killing sprees but the workers at the USPS have. That's all I am saying.

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