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Anxiety disorder, sexual problems


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Hi there,


Need some advices, maybe some have one or two. I try to keep the story short :


9 years ago i had a GF back home. Before her i really didnt have problems in bed, everything was fine. But through her behaviour (have dinner or cinema with her ex bf,  grouch about anything etc) i suffered suddenly from premature ejaculation when have sex with her. Of course the relationship went broken, but i stayed too long with her anyway. Wasnt the best person i realised later..


I started traveling here some years ago, every year for a few months. As i was fed up with relationships at home, i met girls here. One night stands and friends with benefits only, i was fine with that. As im in holiday, some beers are included when go out, not drunk but relaxed and with condom i had some good sex here, cant complain at all. Now i met a nice lady wich i think could lead to a relationship, but this lady is not amused too much about beers ???? so i started again to think back about my old problem my ex gf at home gave me (thank you b****).. she drink sometimes, and last friday we went out, got drunk and had sex after. Good for her she did come, i didnt because too much beer and the condom and she didnt want to suck it, wich I was fine with, for the moment now ????


So i write this because i would like to know if someone had the same "problems" and how did you solve it ?


I went to an urologist in bkk 4 years ago because that <deleted> happened again with one of my friends as we had sober sex. After 20 min of talking to the doctor he looked at me interrogative and asked me why I came to him. He told me i have no problem and he cant help me, i should improve he said. I told him about the same that i wrote here.


And i got diagnosed a week ago with panic attacks wich i can control with CBD Oil, just as information.


So if this with this lady now is going well i would like that not the same <deleted> happens like with my ex back home..any advices, experiences are very welcome ! And please, keep the comments that just make fun of me for yourself thanks ???? sorry for the long text !



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4 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

Your lucky pada, you have  managed to stumble onto the right forum to give you some great advice..................................wheres the popcorn.........:coffee1:

Yeah i thought that ???? but wanted to give it a try anyway ????

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28 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

You need to not let this stuff get in your head, dwelling on it doesn't help, best to play it down and not make a big deal of it. If you are having premature ejaculation you are very lucky, many guys have the opposite problem. Taking Viagra, Kamagra and those type of drugs often delay ejaculation, so maybe consider that.


Drink, condoms and a girl that doesn't do stuff that turns you on (like oral), all contribute to not cumming

No she was pretty good fun in bed ???? i didnt mind about oral or not at that time..maybe later but that we'll see then ???? and ya, before that happened with my ex, i had more problems to finish than come to early..i try to find a way back to "the old me"..thats what im looking for. That situation with my ex "triggered" something in my brain and i want to find a way to "reboot"..

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14 minutes ago, Pada said:

Yeah i thought that ???? but wanted to give it a try anyway ????

well done for giving it a go Pada------I worked in the Oz sex industry many years ago-- the over priced stuff they sold for this which was suppose to decentralize your organ --(have to be careful writing on Thai-V) is Novocaine ....... the easiest way to get Novocaine cheap is to buy Sunburn spray. It will deaden any nerve area.  

But as some have already mentioned to you, a lot of this  seems to be more to do with between the ears then the legs. Go with lots of P.P. Girls.....until you relax more..there should be no problems from them

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13 minutes ago, User name taken said:


    Grow some balls.. literally

Lol i have..otherwise I wouldn't post that here, right ? Sometimes <deleted> get in your head and its not that easy to bring it out again

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58 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

Your lucky pada, you have  managed to stumble onto the right forum to give you some great advice..................................wheres the popcorn.........:coffee1:


      This topic should be pinned, interesting reading, at last..


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You can eliminate all these issues and regain your confidence with some 20mg Cialis tablets, available over the counter in many pharmacies in Thailand. They do take about 2 hours to become fully effective (unlike Sildenafil which works in 45 minutes).

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"the doctor he looked at me interrogative and asked me why I came to him."


I was thinking the same thing.  ED happens sometimes...don't over react...


You might try joining a fitness club...eating healthy foods...and limit your alcohol consumption.


Once you transistion to a healthy lifestyle...your self-confidence will improve.


Or, you can buy pills and watch porn bjs to get you started...????

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1 hour ago, Puchaiyank said:

"the doctor he looked at me interrogative and asked me why I came to him."


I was thinking the same thing.  ED happens sometimes...don't over react...


You might try joining a fitness club...eating healthy foods...and limit your alcohol consumption.


Once you transistion to a healthy lifestyle...your self-confidence will improve.


Or, you can buy pills and watch porn bjs to get you started...????

I know, but its not easy not to overreact if that happens ????


I eat healthy, and beer for get relaxed are about two, one for dinner and one after, if i get drunk i cant come at all. The doctor who dignosed the panic attacks, wich I have for the first time in my life, said i have to take care if it gets worse it can be caused by depression. I dont feel depressive but I also wouldn't consider myself as happy by nature..


But start doing sports again might be good..


Porn and pills, naa ????


Thx ✌️

Edited by Pada
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5 hours ago, SteveK said:

You can eliminate all these issues and regain your confidence with some 20mg Cialis tablets, available over the counter in many pharmacies in Thailand. They do take about 2 hours to become fully effective (unlike Sildenafil which works in 45 minutes).


        Good info ,  however that said ,

one needs to be fully erective in 45 mins or under , for short time .  Thx Sildenafil..


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5 hours ago, SteveK said:

You can eliminate all these issues and regain your confidence with some 20mg Cialis tablets, available over the counter in many pharmacies in Thailand. They do take about 2 hours to become fully effective (unlike Sildenafil which works in 45 minutes).

Is this stuff to take two or three times or something like that to get back the feeling of confidence ? Are there side effects ? Things to watch out ? Im carefull  with pills.. I never took some pills for that. Im actually not a fan at all of pills. As i got diagnosed anxiety disorder i went to the Weed-Doctor instead of a regular hospital wich would have gave me just anti-depressants or sleeping pills to threat it. The CBD Oil works quite well, not 100 % but does its job if I keep in mind to stay calm

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9 minutes ago, ThaiBunny said:

I've been on the phone giving my brother who has got cerebral palsy the good news. He'll pass it on to our cousin whose been diagnosed with schizophrenia. 

Yes, of course many "diseases" of unknown origin in the world that some will contract. 

Never heard that someone could give you cerebral palsy though, is a brain disorder manifesting after birth or a birth defect AFAIK   


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1 hour ago, Skallywag said:

No one can give you a permanent problem.  You can spend your whole life blaming others, the world, etc... but your successes and failures are entirely your responsibilities.  

Mental health is like physical health, you must maintain it yourself, if you do not it will become an illness. 

Physical exercise will help your mental outlook. 

Glad the CBD oil is helping

A few months a year here in LOS and finding a nice girl here...all positives.  



I know, i dont blame her..just think sometimes i better never met her lol..to your picture, i read about buddha many times when i feel down. Has some wise aspects, als I do meditation sometimes to get calm

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I would seriously cut the beer and also liquor, (in case you’re partaking of the hard stuff also)

    For me... things improved after I quit tobacco, and quit beer and liquor.   The most I will have now is a glass or two of red wine not more than three times a month. 

    Being Buddhist... I should not even have that. But I’m far from perfect. Much to improve. 

   Watch the CBD oil...not sure how the BiB’s would feel about that. 

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