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Chiang Mai splutters: But "Curtain of Water" protects tourists as polluted city continues among world's worst


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1 hour ago, Lungstib said:

I chose Chiang Mai as a place to live 32 years ago when it was little more than a big country village with no major highways and little traffic. Todays city is almost unrecognisable in size and content. The transformation has taken place in an unplanned and unregulated rush of a type unknown to most western countries. Massive amounts of construction, the movement of sand, soil and cement in uncontrolled ways, the introduction of highways always under 'improvement' meaning the cars are disturbing dust at all times, and all in a valley surrounded by hills. You cant add a million cars, thousands of houses, hundreds of condo's and shopping venues in 30 years without making a mess, which is of course exactly what we have.

you touched on something that not many mention - roads constructed with concrete, if it is done on the cheap without proper mix and sealant it will become a huge source of dust particles into the air - I would argue that this is a major source of air pollution in Thailand - as usual everything here is done on the cheap


I remember years ago living right next to a concrete road that had moderate traffic - the thick dust that settled on surfaces in my condo was shocking  

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2 hours ago, Tracyb said:

I just laughed so hard that I peed my pants.


Ignorance in action...........

Better get ot and buy some Depends.   

The pollution is really really bad today.  This morning on the way to Lanna Hosp. , usually you can see at least an outline of the Mountain and Doi Sutep.  This morning you couldn't even see the outline of the mountain !

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3 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Apps and fountains, is that the best they can come up with,

it's not like a natural disaster that you have no idea is going

to occur,this happens every year at this time.


Doing next to nothing in the City is not going to help one jot,

the Soldiers,Police, any volunteers need to get up in the  hills

and forests and PREVENT fires starting,let the villagers up there know

that setting fires is to be no longer tolerated,anyone caught setting

fires is an ARSONIST and should  be given a prison sentence,as they effect

the health and jobs of many  others. once again it's too little, too late. !

regards Worgeordie

Unfortunately, they are too lazy, and the government needs farmer’s votes

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After urinating on self, during a safe intermission, take the Depends diapers Gonzo suggested you use, and hang them in front of a fan. You'll need to sit the fan in some kind of tray to catch excess run-off.


Do not urinate directly into the running fan unless it is steam-powered, or foot-pedal operated !


@TooFarNorth Do you have any evidence a urine-soaked diaper worn on the head filers 2.5 micron particles ?



Edited by orang37
memory recovered after alien abduction
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2 hours ago, smedly said:

Like I have said before - people don't want to go on their annual vacation and have to wear a face mask because the air is so bad - why would they

Actually, most first time travellers do not care about it at all, they often do not even know how bad it is. Hanoi is the perfect example for that.
Neither do the Chinese and Indians care as they are used to it back home... Little stimulus to make a effective change.


The tourism crisis does not relate to the air pollution, it might relate to retirees and expats or locals but that would be it. 
The high exchange rate and negative events in Thailand do ruin tourism, as well over priced shops and services.

Also funny somehow that the air quality has been bad for a decade during this time,
nobody cared but since everyone got the Greta Syndrome, masks are mandatory and people scream to think they will die.

Edited by ChaiyaTH
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Not wanting to steal Chiang Mai's thunder but I have just checked my AirVisual app on my phone and the reading for Tara Pattana International school ( Pattaya) which is only 500 meters or so from my village is currently 138, strangely, the stand alone machine sitting in my lounge is only reading 33, we are in the middle of the village and away from the road, I have a feeling that the school sensor maybe close to the road which is very busy and there also some Thai food stalls not far away so plenty of pollutants in the area.

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2 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

Not wanting to steal Chiang Mai's thunder but I have just checked my AirVisual app on my phone and the reading for Tara Pattana International school ( Pattaya) which is only 500 meters or so from my village is currently 138, strangely, the stand alone machine sitting in my lounge is only reading 33, we are in the middle of the village and away from the road, I have a feeling that the school sensor maybe close to the road which is very busy and there also some Thai food stalls not far away so plenty of pollutants in the area.

Try baking a egg or do anything near the sensor, you will soon see 300+ levels.
You have to look at multiple sensors, as well look at the actual PM levels, not air quality alone. Inside VS Outside (with AC) makes a huge difference already.

Edited by ChaiyaTH
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