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Donald Trump jabs at Parasite's Oscar win because film is 'from South Korea'


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28 minutes ago, jany123 said:

One is a gross, ugly and irrational display of xenophobia, whilst the other is a civil disagreement within Americas own political system.


did I win?

Thousands smashed things after losing. Clinton was too hopeless to speak same night. Just sore losers.


Trumps jokes about a film and snowflakes get upset. It's a film who cares. It's dress ups and make believe. Lefties think violence is ok but joking about a film is bad? Severe problems with priorities.

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1 hour ago, rudi49jr said:

Trump admitted not even having seen the movie, so how would he know this did not deserve an Oscar? Just because it is a South Korean movie? But this is basically Trump's MO, in a nutshell: he doesn't have a clue what he's talking about, but has to have an opinion about it anyway. And his fans just love it and eat it all up. The mind boggles.

He said the Category of Best Picture, should go to an American Film. 


 The category is meant to honor the best in American film, and is not meant to be the Best Film in the World. Countries around the world make films, maybe one of those films is the best in the world. If so their own countries should honor them.


The United States Academy of motion Picture Arts and Science has a category for Best foreign film. The Academy was off the mark.

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1 hour ago, rudi49jr said:

The mind boggles.

It boggles over people getting upset over a joke about a film.


Trump jokes all the time. Anyone who claims otherwise has missed the last 3 years. He pays out people non stop in campaign speeches and has a good laugh about it.


Amazed how the left has no sense of humour these days. In the 70s they did. Not now. Just unhappy all the time and obsessed with the co2 cult.



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49 minutes ago, Beezelbub said:

Yes, but, before complaining the Democrats at least saw the Presidential winner, and like the movie he needs subtitles. I have a theory that the only reason some crazy hasn't shot the orange one yet is that the crazies are all on his side. It is a very sad indictment on the USA that there is a very good chance he'll get four more years. Any other country he'd be a registered sex offender.

You dont have to see it. Maybe its the greatest film in the world far surpassing any American film. That is not the issue.


The Academy awards honors the best in American film, and has a caregory for Best Foreign Film. This is politically correct, globalist nonsense.

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5 minutes ago, UbonThani said:

Thousands smashed things after losing. Clinton was too hopeless to speak same night. Just sore losers.


Trumps jokes about a film and snowflakes get upset. It's a film who cares. It's dress ups and make believe. Lefties think violence is ok but joking about a film is bad? Severe problems with priorities.

Yes yes... reign in the rant... I was right, right?

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55 minutes ago, Beezelbub said:

Yes, but, before complaining the Democrats at least saw the Presidential winner, and like the movie he needs subtitles. I have a theory that the only reason some crazy hasn't shot the orange one yet is that the crazies are all on his side. It is a very sad indictment on the USA that there is a very good chance he'll get four more years. Any other country he'd be a registered sex offender.

Indict your own pathetic meaningless country and all the pathetic people within it.

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1 minute ago, RJRS1301 said:


Most people understand humour, but POTUS is devoid of it.

He "pays out on people all the time" that is nastiness and sarcasm not humour.


For God sake man he is pointing out something obvious. The Academy awards is supposed to honor the best in American film.


Best picture never has never meant the best film in the world, it means the best American Film.


Each Country honors their own films, and may even have made the best film in the world, but the Academy awards has a category for best foreign film. 

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1 minute ago, sirineou said:

It has being said that a "Little education is a dangerous thing". It means that:

" The proverb 'A little knowledge is a dangerous thing' expresses the idea that a small amount of knowledge can mislead people into thinking that they are more expert than they really are, which can lead to mistakes being made.

and that's how Propaganda works. it is not in what you are being told, what you know, it is in what you are not being told , what you don't know that leads one to make cognitive mistakes, and people such as you support trump. 

So let's get a little more knowledge on the subject. 


"The Academy Awards, more popularly known as the Oscars,[1] are awards for artistic and technical merit in the film industry. Given annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), the awards are an international recognition of excellence in cinematic achievements as assessed by the Academy's voting membership. "


The film industry, not the American film industry!!!

The Oscars are given the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS).

Not the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, simply the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . I hope you will agree that "Parasite " was a motion picture that require "Art: and "Science" to be made, Do you disagree?

   Pictures from all over the world  are nominated for best Picture and many other subcategories, including the one you mentioned.

  Over the years 11  Foreign language  Pictures have being nominated for best picture . Many of them very good and deserving pictures . I submit to you that this picture did not win because of political correctness but because it was deserving, I submit to  you that many of the 11 foreign language pictures that were nominated did not win because of what was considered then to be political correctness. 



Let me get this straight you want our award shows to be international? Well we don't. And you can turn on your Tele and watch your BAFTA awards or whatever you call them and enjoy yourself in all the excitement. As i said, the Academy, always an American institution until they went nuts, has lost their way. Where are you from again? 

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Should it be with the Palme d'Or of Cannes, The golden Lion of Venice or the Hollywood Oscars - very often, if it wins an award, it's a good movie to fall asleep when watching it back home !!!!  And having seen some extracts of the Korean movie, I cannot say Trump was wrong.

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58 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Red meat for his xenophobic base that doesn't like movies with any movies with subtitles. 

BTW -- it's an excellent film good or bad.

I was also surprised that it won because it is not usual for a subtitled film to win best picture as there is a foreign film category.

I love films from around the world, some may be the best in the World. I object to the Globalization of the United States especially by those who wish to weaken all institutions of the United States, including focusing on reduction of US global softpower. I hate my enemies.


The Academy awards did not create a category for Best Foreign film, because those films were deemed lessor, or not as good as, the category is distinct for film created in a foreign market. This is what happens when your instirutions are taken over by outside interests. Sovereignty is precious, borders exist. 

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1 minute ago, sirineou said:

Your awards? You have awards?  Please do tell.

Just because you said so it does not make it so. 

Did you read anything I said? Please quote a sentence, any sentence and tell me how that sentence was wrong .  

Yes did. As I said they have gone off the mark. Hollywood you know where it is right? The Academy awards is held by chance in the USA? You deny the history of American film? The Academy has lost its way, succombed to global money, selling out their own country.

Your country again is? What awards for film?

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6 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Your awards? You have awards?  Please do tell.

Just because you said so it does not make it so. 

Did you read anything I said? Please quote a sentence, any sentence and tell me how that sentence was wrong .  

Instead of posting Confused emojis. That you are confused I know, that's why I wrote the reply. 

US awards. Trump is right. The US should stop pandering to others.



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2 minutes ago, xylophone said:

Great post, and thank you for the information, however it won't make any difference to this poster because as you will see from his posts he is a clown supporter through and through, and is nationalistic to the point of being right-wing, slagging off other countries and posters as he sees fit.


The fact that he knows nothing about that which he posts will have no effect whatsoever, and that shouldn't surprise posters here, especially when he won't admit that he is wrong.


Now does that seem like a trait that we have experienced/are experiencing elsewhere?

The only Country that gets slagged here is the USA as you cowards hide your own flags while using every post to attack the United States. As if you cant live without blaming the United States for your misery. Yer not American man....cry about it, or rejoice, just don't blame me for your choice. It aint my fault.


You miserable whinging winers!

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1 minute ago, wwest5829 said:

Then say, in his opinion the movie did not warrant the award. Why be a fool and bring trade into the issue? He continues to confirm he is far out of his depth.

You gotta point there, he talks off the top of his head too much at these rallies. Not an indicator of depth of trade knowledge, but rather of when to simply not speak.

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1 hour ago, IAMHERE said:

What is the difference between Trump not liking an Oscar winner and democrats not liking a Presidential winner?  Everybody gets to have his own opinion.

Maybe having The Donald’s history well documented versus his opinion based on ... not seeing the movie?

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1 hour ago, WalkingOrders said:

I don't recall the South Korea Film Industry celebrating American film. Correct me if I am wrong. Sure it's a great film, but the Academy Awards is the American Film Industry, and a category exists for best foreign film. This is politically correct nonsense. As for the film, I am sure its a great film, but its a foreign film to the American market.

Ok... your wrong.


the academy awards are an international award for the “film industry” (which started in america, as it was the heart of the film industry at the time)


Best picture awards have gone to many many many foreign films before now.... including “letters from Iwo Jima”.... oops... was that a foreign film?... so this award to a foreign movie, is only new to the ignorant and unread.


Because..... the academy chose to make its awards about international excellence... not American excellence.... perhaps you don’t recall the South Korean film industry celebrating American films, because you never looked... or because the South Koreans did not make their industry awards international


next up, Sweden to deny Nobel awards to foreigners... same same.

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I have seen all the nominees and myself know it was the best. Too bad this President uses a re-election rally to instigate negativity normal to his base.

The Academy doesn't  have to live with some of people here self imposed wishes on how they choose to decide. America is STILL the land of the free.

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3 minutes ago, jany123 said:

Ok... your wrong.


the academy awards are an international award for the “film industry” (which started in america, as it was the heart of the film industry at the time)


Best picture awards have gone to many many many foreign films before now.... including “letters from Iwo Jima”.... oops... was that a foreign film?... so this award to a foreign movie, is only new to the ignorant and unread.


Because..... the academy chose to make its awards about international excellence... not American excellence.... perhaps you don’t recall the South Korean film industry celebrating American films, because you never looked... or because the South Koreans did not make their industry awards international


next up, Sweden to deny Nobel awards to foreigners... same same.

Hi listen to a point of view : it is my view that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has been for most of its life an American Institution, honoring American film. I know this as someone who grew up in America and watched them every year. I always recall this category BEST FOREIGN FILM. Why the distintion? Was this supposed to be a not as good film? NO. Simply a foreign made film. Perhaps considered by fans or critiques to be even a better film.


Now in recent years, the Academy has become more globalized to foreign interests and artists, and the Academy has made itself more global. I DISAGREE. Is that clear?


I believe that historically, as do many, that the primary purpose of the Academy is to honor American film. As I said, it is my view they have lost their way. As the earlier wiki post indeed shows. Don't attack me for being American. This is an Institution I grew up around being from L.A. originally. An American institution sold.

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