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Is thailand wanting to stay in medieval times ?


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Just now, Nyezhov said:

Plenty of hookers in both places. Seems like you need to go to Saudi or Iran to escape them. 


Hey how would this topic go on an Iran Board? Is Iran Still in Medieval Times? Bet even the BritDude couldnt find a hooker in Tehran! You would be safe from Sexthoughtcrime!

Don't know about Tehran, but I've got a pal who lives in Oman and he says it's packed with Thai hookers and nobody cares.

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Just now, Nyezhov said:

Plenty of hookers in both places. Seems like you need to go to Saudi or Iran to escape them. 


Hey how would this topic go on an Iran Board? Is Iran Still in Medieval Times? Bet even the BritDude couldnt find a hooker in Tehran! You would be safe from Sexthoughtcrime!

Yes, but I did say that prostitution wouldnt be so rife, rather than saying that it wouldnt exist

Britdude could find a room for the night, a bag of week and a hooker in Tehran, a bus to and from the airport  and still have over 20$ left from his $50 note    

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5 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Plenty of hookers in both places. Seems like you need to go to Saudi or Iran to escape them. 


Hey how would this topic go on an Iran Board? Is Iran Still in Medieval Times? Bet even the BritDude couldnt find a hooker in Tehran! You would be safe from Sexthoughtcrime!

There is an estimated 85 000 prostitutes in Tehran alone 

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3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Britdude could find a room for the night, a bag of week and a hooker in Tehran, a bus to and from the airport  and still have over 20$ left from his $50 note    

At last you almost give him the credit that he deserves, except he would have $30 left and two girls.

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All things being equal I think it's fair to say the average Thai and elites are indifferent to us and maybe even think it would simply be easier if we weren't here. That being said you're probably just projecting the feeling of alienation you get from living as a minority in a foreign country for a long period of time.

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2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Who of us has experienced hateful Thais? I remember one guy years ago in a food center who was shouting at every farang he saw. And everybody ignored him. That's the only hateful guy I remember right now. I am sure if there would be many of them I would remember many of them.

Many of them don’t need to shout or blame falangs but, have you never seen giving a simple fake Thai smile?.

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1 hour ago, DaRoadrunner said:

When we colonized every other country in the region yet failed to colonize Thailand. What would Thailand be like today if the Brits had colonized it?

Be like Cambodia, or Burma, or Laos. Third world. Poor.

or maybe like Africa.

or maybe be like Native American or Australian Aborigine. 


Thankyou Rama 5! Thankyou so much!

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1 minute ago, Yinn said:

Be like Cambodia, or Burma, or Laos. Third world. Poor.

or maybe like Africa.

or maybe be like Native American or Australian Aborigine. 


Thankyou Rama 5! Thankyou so much!

Or like Singapore. The British would have done right by you. The French, not so much.

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Just now, DannyCarlton said:

Err no. There was nothing in Singapore before we arrived. Beautiful place and a democratic government. Who built the Raffles Hotel?

Yinn, whatever you do don't mention the U.S.A, Canada, India, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand.....yep, all non- democratic third world countries.

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6 minutes ago, DaRoadrunner said:

Malaysians told me it was better under the British than it is now under the Chinese. While Singapore is screwed down tight under regulations imposed by their Chinese leader, rather like Thailand is being screwed down too.


Yinn would do better to do some research and think before she writes. If there are things wrong with Thailand today the Thais have only themselves to blame as no one else ever colonized Thailand..... Except maybe their Chinese masters.

Maybe the inference is  that Thai do not  "blame" any one because they have  no cause  to  make that comparative?

Is there some justification in implying  that Thailand  has  "missed out" on some actual advantage due  to  no applied  foreign  rule?

Surrounding  countries have been devastated in the main by previous colonization. Causative  reaction communist/socialist regimes.

If there were to be any  genuine  comparatives  between the  current  socio economic status relative to quality of  life of  most western nations Thailand  would  probably currently  be on par.


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The Crown colony was dissolved on 16 September 1963 when Singapore became part of Malaysia, which ended the 144 years' British rule of the island.



In the 1960s, the city-state of Singapore was an undeveloped country with a GDP per capita of less than U.S. $320. Today, it is one of the world's fastest-growing economies. Its GDP per capita has risen to an incredible U.S. $60,000, making it one of the strongest economies in the world. For a small country with few natural resources, Singapore's economic ascension is nothing short of remarkable. By embracing globalization, free-market capitalism, education, and pragmatic policies, the country has been able to overcome its geographic disadvantages and become a leader in global commerce.


For over 100 years, Singapore was under British control. But when the British failed to protect the colony from the Japanese during World War II, it sparked a strong anti-colonial and nationalist sentiment that subsequently led to Singapore's independence.


15 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

Err no. There was nothing in Singapore before we arrived. Beautiful place and a democratic government. Who built the Raffles Hotel?

Err. Like I said already.

They successful AFTER you leave.

England not colonise to help the local, only to help themself. eg Native USA, Australia Aborigine, etc 


imagine thailand if English colonise in Thailand? 

Listen to TVF English guys complain abot thailand everyday is enough already. I think if you colonise, the thai people will all go another country! What a headache! Annoying.

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20 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

Err no. There was nothing in Singapore before we arrived. Beautiful place and a democratic government. Who built the Raffles Hotel?

Historically  Singapore  functioned  much as it became famous  for in modern times.. a trading  hub.

Basically  why Raffles recommended  it as a continuance as a British trading  port. There is some evidence  that it was controlled  by Siam at  some time previously.

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4 minutes ago, Yinn said:

imagine thailand if English colonise in Thailand? 

Listen to TVF English guys complain abot thailand everyday is enough already. I think if you colonise, the thai people will all go another country! What a headache! Annoying.

If we had colonised Thailand we wouldn't have anything to complain about. We would have disbanded the monarchy and left you with a democratic government. A missed opportunity for Thailand.

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12 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

Is there some justification in implying  that Thailand  has  "missed out" on some actual advantage due  to  no applied  foreign  rule?

If I'm to be completely honest wouldn't it better if some country that the Thais respect, like Japan or Korea, were to take over the police and actually enforce the laws? I'm sorry but after living here on and off for 15 years the Thais simply are not fit to govern law enforcement. I've been waiting and waiting but they have never even come close to rising to the task. I like to think some other country could clean up Thailand if the Thais were to submit to their rule.

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From the OP:   "...NOT want this & next generations from wanting the traps and trimings that are begining to tune into there mind sets either by social media or westerners settling here and building "in most eyes" dream homes along with new cars bla bla bla , over to you ?"


Suggest you need to rethink all of your above paragraph.


The number of Thais who are watching westerners building dream homes etc., is tiny. 


Many such homes are in moo banns, but only a very small % of the total number of the houses. The other residents in these villages are not interested, they are locked into thainess and their own society. 


The rest of the Thai populace survive and are mostly interested where will the money come from to pay pay the rent and school clothes etc., they're not interested in watching what houses farang own / build.



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2 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

If we had colonised Thailand we wouldn't have anything to complain about. We would have disbanded the monarchy and left you with a democratic government. A missed opportunity for Thailand.

Hmmm, the farang colonise Burma (only democratic last 5 year), Vietnam (communist) Laos (communist) and Cambodia. You make Malaysia and Singapore “undeveloped” 144 years.


Thailand better. 


And England bomb Bangkok. Kill the people.


Anyway, you not colonise thailand. Because can not.

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2 minutes ago, Yinn said:

Hmmm, the farang colonise Burma (only democratic last 5 year), Vietnam (communist) Laos (communist) and Cambodia. You make Malaysia and Singapore “undeveloped” 144 years.


Thailand better. 


And England bomb Bangkok. Kill the people.


Anyway, you not colonise thailand. Because can not.

I did say British not farang. We bombed Bangkock because you declared war on us by joining the axis (Japan).

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56 minutes ago, Yinn said:

But most of thailand Thais are intersted their family, friends neighbors, pets etc. If you think you important that only you imagine that.

Post of the Year.



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