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Video: 'Jazz woman' says she was in the right, blames truck driver and intends to fight case


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41 minutes ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

 safely navigate traffic and avoid an accident.

So do you drive regularly assuming someone will cross three lanes in front of you with no prior warning.


If that is the case I will be betting you never get out of first gear.



It was apparently dry conditions and no one in the lane ahead. What other reason would there be for not doing the designated speed limit?


You are making an assumption that the driver was speeding. There is nothing within the video to conclude that. In most things in life it is innocent until proven guilty.


Also, as the Jazz starts to change lanes it is approximately 4 car lengths ahead of the truck. Could you maneuver a truck on a triple carriageway in seemingly dry conditions around a car cutting in front of you at such a slow pace?

Edited by Farangwithaplan
typo and added
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5 minutes ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

Truck driver was speeding. The broken down vehicle and the Jazz lady were just catalyst to an otherwise avoidable accident.

By the way, if all occupants in the truck had been wearing seat-belts, all would have survived. It was a soft roll. She is in no way shape or form guilty of the fatality. May his soul RIP.

Agree 110% on the grounds that she changed lanes without looking and causing the accident, she is not responsible for the fatality, the truck driver is as you say, no seat belts, riding in the back (assuming).


All drivers should be fined, the driver of the Jazz on several fronts, the truck on several fronts and the driver of the broken down vehicle for not pulling over to the breakdown kerb, as you said, they all played a part in it. RIP to the deceased.

Edited by 4MyEgo
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23 minutes ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

Ohh, boy. The correct speed is NOT the speed limit, but a speed where you can safely navigate traffic and avoid an accident.

'Drive at the fastest, safest speed' still rings in my ears re convoy drills in a previous life. It's put me in good stead ever since.


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12 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

How on earth did you come to this conclusion? It's a dual carriage and she is driving in right hand overtaking lane! Your scenario only applies if Thailand was a country that drove on the right.

To answer the above, one would have to be in a dual carriageway, in the right (fast lane) to be blocked by the slow drivers hogging the lane, I mean how many times has this happened to you, yes, yes, it's the fast lane, but I call it the slow lane and the left lane the fast lane as anything goes here in two lane carriageways....lol


The above said I have since relooked at the video, it's a 3 lane carriageway, she is in the fast lane, moves over to the middle lane in the path of the speeding truck, and there is a broken down vehicle in lane 3, all 3 should be booked as I stated in a post above.

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1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:

she was in the right lane (slow lane) then cut in front of the truck driver (right fast lane).

In the video which I saw, the Jazz was in the RIGHT HAND lane, the truck was in the middle lane, and she pulled across the middle lane in order to turn into the area on the left. The truck tried to avoid the Jazz by going to overtake on the right and skidded.

The truck WAS going too fast, faster than the Jazz.

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3 minutes ago, stouricks said:

In the video which I saw, the Jazz was in the RIGHT HAND lane, the truck was in the middle lane, and she pulled across the middle lane in order to turn into the area on the left. The truck tried to avoid the Jazz by going to overtake on the right and skidded.

The truck WAS going too fast, faster than the Jazz.

the truck was only going too fast if he was over speed limit,

but you havnt measured the distance nor timed his travel to

have any fact to make that statement.

he isnt obliged to stop his vehicle in his line if she stop in her line

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2 minutes ago, billd766 said:

Well the truck driver could not pass her on her right side as she was hogging that lane, so how else is he going to pass her?


Knowing that she wanted to make a left turn, why wasn't she in the left lane?

she didnt originally intend to, she got an impulse and didnt have the

the brain capacity to hold her urge and check traffic conditions if

it was safe to make that turn.

its either that, or she is oblivious to the concept of right of way

Edited by brokenbone
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1 hour ago, JAS21 said:

It looked to me that the truck and the car were going about the same speed until the car slowed down to turn left across the path of the truck...


Yep. And she hit the brakes and visibly slowed when wanting to turn left, as a great number of drivers do here. Can't turn left without almost stopping.


She was totally unaware of any other traffic and from her comments considers she always has the right of way. Many Thais seem to think it's everyone else's responsibility to make for them and avoid them while they can please themselves.

Edited by Baerboxer
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4 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

All 3 lanes are same direction traffic, right?


The left lane is therefor the slow lane and the truck is trying to overtake the Jazz on the left (wrong) side.

She might have a chance to win this case.

If the road has two or more lanes going in the same direction, it is legal to overtake on the left.

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1 minute ago, Retfed50 said:

The left lane is therefor the slow lane and the truck is trying to overtake the Jazz on the left (wrong) side.

Her statement was, "Id see it" one has an overriding responsibilty to check for safety before changeing lanes in all instances.Her own admission is she did not do this. Attitude towards safety needs readjustment.


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5 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

How thick can she be, there is no doubt in my mind that the truck driver was speeding and should be given a ticket, but from what I saw on the video, she came out of a side street up the road and into the left lane, then went into the right lane (inside) and then about 250 metres later decided to change lanes into the left lane and into the path of the truck so that she could stop at the petrol service station, her lastminute.com caused the accident.


Thai's do this to me a hell of a lot, fortunately for me, I can read them a mile away, while my wife is having kittens ????


What speed was the truck going. How did you come up with that

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These discussions on who was at fault after an accident always seem to be based either on who is legally responsible as opposed to morally responsible. 

In this case it seems that it is quite common in Thailand for vehicles to travel in the innermost lane (the fast lane) even when the leftmost (slow) lane is clear. I understand that this is not legal in most countries, but I have been told that the laws are not clear on this subject in Thailand. So:

1. It is morally wrong to drive in that lane when the leftmost lane is empty, but not illegal.

2. The truck is trying to pass the Jazz car in the slow lane, i.e. undertake it. That is morally wrong, it is a stupid act, it is causing a dangerous situation and the driver of the truck needs to be very careful in that situation. It might also be illegal (it is in most countries). 

The accident is caused not by the Jazz driving into the gas station area, but by the changing of lanes - also of course because the truck driver is trying to undertake the Jazz car. It doesn't matter if the Jazz driver intends to leave the road altogether. The most important question is if the Jazz driver indicates the intention to change lanes in time. 

And this is where it gets really murky: the Jazz driver is legally and morally responsible to make sure that her actions are safe. So she should definitely have checked her mirrors and over her shoulder. At the same time the truck driver is legally and morally responsible to make sure his actions are safe, i.e. he should not undertake the Jazz car at speed. 


But the rest is super-clear: the Jazz driver is legally at fault for leaving the scene. The truck driver is legally at fault for transporting people on the back of his truck.

Edited by androokery
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6 hours ago, seajae said:

she did the typical thai thing and turned left at the last minute when she was at the turn off from the right hand lane without bothering to check her mirrors. Driving away from the accident was also not a good idea as there was no way she could not have seen/heard the truck, truck driver also reacted a bit slow but the fault lies with the idiot woman, braking and turning sharply to get into the turn off shows she was not watching what she was doing, nothing unusual for a thai driver, probably get away with a slap on the wrist though

She also did the typical Thai thing of denying all responsibility for anything and blaming someone else.

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6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Only in Thailand! She cuts from completely the wrong lane straight across in front of the truck, obviously didn't use her mirrors as she says she didn't see it, and then leaves the scene, thinking a slippery road rather than her abysmal driving is to blame! She is as guilty as it gets. Stupid too.

Unless her hubby or gig knows the right people , in which case truck driver would be wrong and if anything she will be owed compensation for stress..


the injured or dead are Burmese ,so they are irrelevant 

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She was in the fast lane and reduced her speed almost to the point of stopping, obviously didn't use her side mirrors or rear view mirror, which is negligent and dangerous in the extreme. Obviously the heavy truck behind her cannot slow down nearly as fast as her little car so had no point but to swerve, whereby he lost control of the vehicle.


100% her fault. Poor driving is seen every day on the roads near where I live. If I drive 100km to Ubon, I usually have three or so vehicle pull out into my path from a side road without bothering to look causing me to slow down or change lane to avoid them.


Unfortunately someone is now dead because of her incompetence. But as others have mentioned, if she knows the right people then probably nothing will come of it. I can't help but wonder what would have happened if the driver of the offending Honda Jazz had been a farang?


If she had been in the correct lane and had used her indicators, this almost certainly would not have happened. Trying to shirk her responsibility for this accident despite the very clear CCTV footage just shows what kind of person she is.

Edited by SteveK
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7 hours ago, webfact said:

'Jazz woman' says she was in the right, blames truck driver and intends to fight case

How good is that 100% in the wrong and saying she was Not? what does she think ? deny deny and it will be ok? Born Clueless and learned Nothing.

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