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PM says military to be downsized and generals reduced by half within 8 years


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12 minutes ago, Classic Ray said:

Since the Army is run as a business rather than a defence force, many senior managers are required to look after the income streams. Eg which is the biggest Thai Bank? TMB or the Thai Military Bank.

True! they have so many interests, reminder below to what they admit too, then they have TV stations and 'other" interests as well, surprised they manage with so few 'executives"! :wink:


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PM says military to be downsized and generals reduced by half within 8


What about all the Gens, Maj/Gens, Lt/Gens in the Police? I would bet there is much more there than in the military. What about downsizing them? They cannot get the ordinary policemen to do their jobs. Oh! wait! What about the ones who have bought these fancy ranks which is probably most of them. Cannot do. :cheesy:

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4 hours ago, Pib said:

I thought that in Thailand any military or police official who supervises 5 or more people is made a general?

I rather expect that everyone who graduates as a Second Lieutenant from the Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy can, if they remain in the service, expect in time to make General rank. Say perhaps after 30 years. That means that there will be a lot of extremely dischuffed middle ranking (Majors and Colonels) muttering together into their Johnnie Walker! A bright political future for anyone who harnesses that particular bunch!

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8 hours ago, TTSIssues said:

You can tell his is lying as his lips are moving. I still can’t understand (even after so many years here) the way officials talk what is clearly nonsense and expect people to believe them. 

Too true! Classic examples:-


"I only borrowed them from a friend who is now dead so I can't give them back"


" Tourism figures are up this month by **% compared to last year."


"Everything will be all right after Songkran as our Chinese friends will have come up with a vaccine by then" 

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4 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Didn’t they dissolve a political party whose priorities were to do exactly the same thing?

My sentiments exactly, stealing an idea becoz its popular, now wait to hear stop conscription, as they won't need so many slaves for the generals. 

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9 hours ago, colinneil said:

Once again the master bu++shi++er is up to his usual.

Why would it take 8 years to cut the amount of generals in half?

It could be done in months if wanted.

Even by tomorrow if fair dinkum


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11 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

WOW now that is unusual.

usually all ex-military leaders will tell how the army needs more budget

and more weapons and more and more and more...even if only to

defend their friends in the army. 

salut, Mr. Genenral Prayuth !

You honestly believe this from the man who was moving the election day 3 times a year? Seriously? He never said reducing budget. The words used by this plonker are unbelievable. The words of a bully whose thinking is might = capitulation in negotiations. Still people on here support him. 

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1 hour ago, sambum said:

our Chinese friends will have come up with a vaccine by then" 


Let's admit that the Chinese friends of the Thai people really find a vaccine.
What do we do with this vaccine?
we vaccinate the 67 million Thai people?
and as long as we are there,  the 8.5 billion people who live on earth?

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They still seem firmly committed to the idea of submarine warfare, even though the waters around Thailand are too shallow for their effective use. Perhaps he knows something the rest of us don't, e.g. the Thai navy will get dragged into a conflict in the blue waters of the Pacific or the Atlantic.


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2 hours ago, Expat Tom said:

Does anyone actually believe that? He is setting himself up as the target of the next coup/

And there is a guy waiting in the wings ready to kick it off, just marking time till he is given the nod. 

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1 minute ago, amdy2206 said:

Reducing Generals by half is a start, but they will evrn then still have a higher proportion of generals than most countries in the world. Reduce by 90% would be better!!

Dreaming no reduce nothing lol.  They just retire and still rape. Regardless fake Pinnochio news.

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8 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

... it means he intends to stay in power and not be challenged for at least 8 more years... wowwoww, please God help us

God has got nothing to do with it....unfortunately.


God left it in the hands of a chubby chap from Bengal.


(Equal Opportunity Employment)????

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