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PM says military to be downsized and generals reduced by half within 8 years


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17 hours ago, scorecard said:

But wait and see. Hope someone pushes him regularly to ensure this promise is not forgotten.


Now waiting his promises re violence on recruits etc. 

5 years ago he say he not want to be Prime Minister.

say it again 4 and 3 and 2 year ago. Every week. 



Then he give for himself 250 free seat the parliament. Because he not want to be PM?

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4 hours ago, Yinn said:

5 years ago he say he not want to be Prime Minister.

say it again 4 and 3 and 2 year ago. Every week. 



Then he give for himself 250 free seat the parliament. Because he not want to be PM?

He certainly fooled a lot of people, didn't he!


Edited by PatOngo
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2 hours ago, Artisi said:

Just remember, "you can fool some of the people etc etc......." 

Here I am not sure that rings true, these people have been screwed over for years by many governments, it's just money politics here, snouts in the trough and when there is protest, out come the tanks!

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On 2/28/2020 at 10:34 AM, dinsdale said:

Where will the generals go? Easy question to answer. Dissolve oppostion parties and there'll be plenty of empty seats in parliment.

Nice comment but don't be surprised if his weak shaky coalition falls apart and he quickly increases the number of officers appointed to seats with some silly illogical rational. He did it in the senate, he'll do anything to retain power.

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2 hours ago, PatOngo said:

Here I am not sure that rings true, these people have been screwed over for years by many governments, it's just money politics here, snouts in the trough and when there is protest, out come the tanks!

No argument really, but times are slowly changing  - you and I probably won't see it, but the coming generation are a bit more savvy. 

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The youth in Thailand are a lot more savvy now and as we've seen there was a large majority behind the youthful opposition leader, unfortunately democracy is only a word and by the looks of things there'll be a lot of young people getting damaged by the benevolent current "Leadership"......  It's coming...... Just look through the history that's available and you'll see what's coming in the future........ 

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11 hours ago, scorecard said:

Nice comment but don't be surprised if his weak shaky coalition falls apart and he quickly increases the number of officers appointed to seats with some silly illogical rational. He did it in the senate, he'll do anything to retain power.

Can only agree. I always thought the military was behind the trouble that led to the coup. He'd been planning this for a long time and NEVER intended to hand over power. I said on this forum many years back that this guy aint going anywhere now he has what he planned for and the only way to get rid of this megalomaniac will be through a popular uprising. What happens then is martial law and the general puts his uniform back on. Myanmar, Thailand and Cambodia. Run by generals sucking up to China. I believe interesting yet dangerous times lay ahead for this region.

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On 2/28/2020 at 4:05 AM, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

WOW now that is unusual.

usually all ex-military leaders will tell how the army needs more budget

and more weapons and more and more and more...even if only to

defend their friends in the army. 

salut, Mr. Genenral Prayuth !

Ha!....50% less heads in the trough means more for me!.....remember ,they are all-ways motivated by self-interest. It's very basic.

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On 2/28/2020 at 8:16 AM, Hayduke said:


Since the actual number of general officers has always been a closely guarded secret...the public has no way of knowing how many there are. So how do we count half of an unknown number?




You could go to Google search and type in " how many generals in the Thai army", note it down and repeat with US, UK and any other country and for Thailand it is about xxxx,  +/- about 100 and you will be fairly close

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Actually, he might have an impressive foresight capacity...


Think about it... The Wuwuflu virus is going to seriously downsize... hum... the population of mature individuals.


And since most of the... hum... "generals" with uniforms are not in their prime, let's say... Easy to add 1 to 1.


Hence, it could be a brillant PR stunt to announce now as a "reform".... a simple natural effect that will occur in the coming months.


Edited by christophe75
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