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Kuwait is EVACUATING its citizens from Thailand due to coronavirus


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Just now, timkeen08 said:

My wife went to a wedding this morning in the village.  A woman told her a Thai man from Tha Bo recently came back from Japan and did not quarantine himself.  His bank was closed waiting to be disenfected.  Luckily not our banks.  You can guess if there really are any checks or precautions taken at immigration for Thai people coming home.  She said half the people at the wedding quickly got up and left when this information spread, including my wife.  My wife was sent straight to the shower.  Way too close to home.  I still hear those stupid bass speakers going, of course way too loud.  Ignorance and disregard will be this country's downfall regardless of being 100% under control.  I have been telling her no weddings, no funerals, no Temple, and no everything for weeks.  Now I am demanding and enforcing.  Now she's afraid.  Our trip to Tha Bo planned for tomorrow is cancelled.

If you take a look at the latest published national advice as listed by IATA, you can see that no country is denying re-entry to their own nationals even if they've been in China. Most are devoid of any details of what these countries national health agencies advise their returning nationals to do with regard to self-quarantine.


So, with regard to your suggestion that, "Ignorance and disregard will be this country's downfall regardless of being 100% under control" it's not just a Thai thing no matter how desperately one wants it to be.

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25 minutes ago, timkeen08 said:

Ignorance and disregard will be this country's downfall regardless of being 100% under control. 

As one of ,if not the only countries to not be colonised ignorance and disregard seems to have been quite advantageous in remaining 100% in control of their own affairs.  

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5 hours ago, welshboy454 said:

The attached image is from a study projecting expected cases of coronavirus based on numbers of passengers on flights to from Wuhan. The study suggests Thailands numbers should be between the 95% probability line.  https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.02.04.20020495v1.full.pdf?fbclid=IwAR32uPbtayzFfJr70VQOVWAQArl36QjYEDyLAMs1VV-wWLvVVQoWRJNhlOE

Screenshot from 2020-02-29 08-35-04.png

Holy <deleted>!

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19 minutes ago, vermin on arrival said:

He later also says that in Iran where the response has been poor that the mortality rate looks to be around 5%.

Iran has many more cases than reported - remote villages, poor medical facilities, medieval beliefs. But fatalities more likely to be investigated and reported.  You can't use Iran as a statistical base.  

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28 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

If you take a look at the latest published national advice as listed by IATA, you can see that no country is denying re-entry to their own nationals even if they've been in China. Most are devoid of any details of what these countries national health agencies advise their returning nationals to do with regard to self-quarantine.


So, with regard to your suggestion that, "Ignorance and disregard will be this country's downfall regardless of being 100% under control" it's not just a Thai thing no matter how desperately one wants it to be.

Ignorance or disregard as this man did not do self quarantine.  Read more carefully, I never said anything about denied re-entry. You're not saying anything I don't already know.

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6 hours ago, Georgie65 said:

They better send more than just one plane.... There are hundreds, if not thousands of middle easterners running around Pattaya today! Get them out now!!! LM<deleted>AO!!!!!!

So all Middle Easterners are from Kuwait?

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44 minutes ago, vermin on arrival said:

He later also says that in Iran where the response has been poor that the mortality rate looks to be around 5%.

Just a heads up on "mortality" rate that I just discovered for myself.


mortality rate – often confused with a CFR – is a measure of the number of deaths (in general, or due to a specific cause) in a population, scaled to the size of that population, per unit of time.

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28 minutes ago, Jrbamc said:

I cannot imagine a country more at risk to Covid19 than Thailand. It is now loose in America due to the incompetence of the Trump administration. Dictators do not tend to handle these situations well as both America and Thailand will soon find out.

How about Iran?Things are looking quite gruesome there.

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5 hours ago, wombat said:

I'm with you on this one....media driven hype due to no impeachment and no brexit i reckon

OMG! I am so sorry you don't have Google on your phone. No US carrier flying to China. Just cancelled one of the biggest auto shows in the world. China closed everything for 5 weeks. Italy is playing soccer matches in empty stadiums and has closed movie theatres. Worst week for US equities in 13 years. Japan closed all schools for a month. Close to cancelling the Olympics. 10000 bus drivers laid off in Thailand. I could go on and on but I think it is better to educate yourself before posting such trash to message boards. Also might want to take Fox News down to no more than 20 hours a week. It made Trump uniquely stupid, can't imagine it's effects on non self proclaimed "Stable Geniuses".

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1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

If you take a look at the latest published national advice as listed by IATA, you can see that no country is denying re-entry to their own nationals even if they've been in China. Most are devoid of any details of what these countries national health agencies advise their returning nationals to do with regard to self-quarantine.


So, with regard to your suggestion that, "Ignorance and disregard will be this country's downfall regardless of being 100% under control" it's not just a Thai thing no matter how desperately one wants it to be.

If the UK is anything to go by, their nationals are evacuated from China, on a plane accompanied by medical staff and constantly monitored. On arrival in the UK they are immediately put in quarantine for 2 weeks.


And I believe British Airways have cancelled all flights to and from China. (but I don't know if other flights from China are allowed to disembark their passengers) 


On the other hand, the only Chinese that Thailand appear to have stopped are those in organised tour groups - can't be seen to be offending their "friends" (who will have come up with a vaccine by Songkran according to one Government Minister - the Minister for Health?)

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1 hour ago, emptypockets said:

What is the point of your post.

The graph clearly shows a non- linear increase in cases under investigation. That is to be expected as testing ramps up. It does not infer that infections have increased non- linearly. It sometimes helps to read the axis description.

Indeed the graph does not have much use if it is not followed by the backlog for diagnosis at NIH & army reference labs - which MoPH stopped publishing weeks ago but was going up hand in hand with PUI count. Don't test, don't confirm. The whole process is laden with holes where you can hide infected without confirmations. 



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1 hour ago, FarFlungFalang said:

As one of ,if not the only countries to not be colonised ignorance and disregard seems to have been quite advantageous in remaining 100% in control of their own affairs.  

In other words, the advantagious ability to maintain long standing ignorance and disregard through many centuries will be the reason this country will always be 100% in control of this virus and any other situation not to exclude controlling the level of continuous coups and failed democracies.  You have more faith than I do.

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5 hours ago, vermin on arrival said:

That's part of it, and I thought the same for a while, but if you look at the mortality rate which is 21 to 49 times(4.9% wuhan death rate where it was initially treated as a non threat) higher when compared to that of the flu (.1% mortality rate), if the same number of people are infected as the flu does, the number of dead will be through the roof. The flu kills 291,000 to 646,000 per year globally. Do the simple math and you will see why people are concerned and why drastic measures are being done to contain it: 6.11 million-31.654 million dead.

I would have thought from a government's point of view this can only be positive, the pension collecting old with weak immune systems and compromised health would unburden the pension funds, the housing market and the health system all at once. The average person with normal health wouldn't be overly affected, two weeks off sick, which is why you can't extrapolate, the influenza you speak off killed the old and weak, not the healthy.

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2 hours ago, emptypockets said:

What is the point of your post.

The graph clearly shows a non- linear increase in cases under investigation. That is to be expected as testing ramps up. It does not infer that infections have increased non- linearly. It sometimes helps to read the axis description.

I've heard others cite this graph to support the claim that Thailand's COVID19 case numbers appear artificially low due to not being specifically identified as such - i.e not being distinguished from cases of  'viral pneumonia' under investigation. The graph doesn't seem to come from the website linked, so I wondered whether there was another source, leading people to this supposition. 

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5 hours ago, vermin on arrival said:

@FarFlungFalang Fair point, but should we do nothing, and end up with a possible disaster like that in Wuhan? I understand why the global heath community is trying to squash it even if it may not result in those huge numbers.

No we should not do nothing and I have conceded that the definition of CFR is ;


case fatality rate (CFR, also case fatality risk, or case fatality ratio) is the ratio of deaths from a certain disease to the total number of people diagnosed with this disease for a certain period of time


Which kind of destroys my argument.

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