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Am I Loosing Weight To Quickly?!


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Over the last 12 weeks i have lost in the region of 35+lbs through a combination of diet and exercise and have gone from being 16 stone to 13.7.Whilst being delighted i am slightly concerned that perhaps i have lost this weight to quickly.I have read that if you dont eat enough the body goes into starvation mode and infact you are only loosing water and when you return to normal eating habits the weight will very quickly go back on.At present a typical day diet would be something like this:

BREAKFAST:1 Bowl Porridge

Lunch:Vegtable Soup

Evening meal:mixed veg stir fry or another night may be 2 chops + brocolli and Cauliflower

Dessert:low fat yougurt.

In addition i woul normally have 1 apple and 1 orange and would drink 1 litre+ of water.

I go to the gym 3 days a week and swim once.I also walk 30 minutes+per day.

I am aware my calorie count is low however i have lost weight and am feeling great.Anyone care to comment if they think i am in danger of regaining weight??


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I've been on a detox diet the last 15 days and I've lost over 5.5 kilos (about 12lbs). I've been walking about 10k/ day, a little jogging 2k/day and golf, but mostly it is diet. I've been drinking lots of water, eating chicken or tofu, dark green veggies, ginger, garlic, shallots stir fried in extra virgin olive oil (very small amount of oil) at 10am every morning, then some veggies or macrobiotic salad for lunch, protein drink w/fiber for dinner. The most important thing for me is giving up coffee, sugar, refined carbs, processed food, dairy completely.

I feel great and have few cravings and expect the weight loss will slow down a bit. But if I feel this great, why stop? I'm starting to swim a bit as well. But I'm trying to stay away from the gym as historically I hurt my back there, get depressed and quit my diet. I'm getting my wardrobe back. I feel like this concentration on healthy eating will hopefully stay with me as I'm learning to enjoy healthy food and recoil from crap food as if from a hot flame. Unhealthy food isn't something I gave up, it's something I got rid of. Wish me luck!

Thanks for your inspiration!

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Over the last 12 weeks i have lost in the region of 35+lbs through a combination of diet and exercise and have gone from being 16 stone to 13.7.Whilst being delighted i am slightly concerned that perhaps i have lost this weight to quickly.I have read that if you dont eat enough the body goes into starvation mode and infact you are only loosing water and when you return to normal eating habits the weight will very quickly go back on.At present a typical day diet would be something like this:

BREAKFAST:1 Bowl Porridge

Lunch:Vegtable Soup

Evening meal:mixed veg stir fry or another night may be 2 chops + brocolli and Cauliflower

Dessert:low fat yougurt.

In addition i woul normally have 1 apple and 1 orange and would drink 1 litre+ of water.

I go to the gym 3 days a week and swim once.I also walk 30 minutes+per day.

I am aware my calorie count is low however i have lost weight and am feeling great.Anyone care to comment if they think i am in danger of regaining weight??



When you want to lose weight and if you really need it, it's normal to lose a lot in a short period and after you will lose less and then stay off .The most important point is to eat at special hours (morning; lunch, dinner) and to have equilibrated meals and not only during your diet: veggies and fruit, steam rice, steam fish and white meat (chicken) which is better than the red one . Avoid : coconut cream and milk!!! alcohol!!! Delicatessen!! Cheese!! (most of the western food!!!) Drink a lot (water!!!)....!! i would say at least 2 liters for two reasons : 1) you do exercise 2) hot weather!!

You probably already know that but it may help you to think that you are doing your diet very well....i wish you GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!! and you will see you will feel really better... thanks to your diet but ALSO your exercise!!!!!!! go go go go champion!!!!!!!

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Over the last 12 weeks i have lost in the region of 35+lbs through a combination of diet and exercise and have gone from being 16 stone to 13.7.Whilst being delighted i am slightly concerned that perhaps i have lost this weight to quickly.I have read that if you dont eat enough the body goes into starvation mode and infact you are only loosing water and when you return to normal eating habits the weight will very quickly go back on.At present a typical day diet would be something like this:

BREAKFAST:1 Bowl Porridge

Lunch:Vegtable Soup

Evening meal:mixed veg stir fry or another night may be 2 chops + brocolli and Cauliflower

Dessert:low fat yougurt.

In addition i woul normally have 1 apple and 1 orange and would drink 1 litre+ of water.

I go to the gym 3 days a week and swim once.I also walk 30 minutes+per day.

I am aware my calorie count is low however i have lost weight and am feeling great.Anyone care to comment if they think i am in danger of regaining weight??



When you want to lose weight and if you really need it, it's normal to lose a lot in a short period and after you will lose less and then stay off .The most important point is to eat at special hours (morning; lunch, dinner) and to have equilibrated meals and not only during your diet: veggies and fruit, steam rice, steam fish and white meat (chicken) which is better than the red one . Avoid : coconut cream and milk!!! alcohol!!! Delicatessen!! Cheese!! (most of the western food!!!) Drink a lot (water!!!)....!! i would say at least 2 liters for two reasons : 1) you do exercise 2) hot weather!!

You probably already know that but it may help you to think that you are doing your diet very well....i wish you GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!! and you will see you will feel really better... thanks to your diet but ALSO your exercise!!!!!!! go go go go champion!!!!!!!

Thanks all!!

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