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New coronavirus infection in Thailand takes tally to 42


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Yeah let’s blame the foreign tourists it couldn’t be a Thai giving him the virus for another thing the Number42 I have to laugh that I’m sure it’s higher than that it’s just they’re not gonna tell the real numbers I think They should get more Chinese keep coming into Thailand that will make them a much richer country rightAny numbers that report the virus on I hardly would ever believe anything when it comes to them reporting the correct numbers

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Just wondering how many lives in Thailand have been saved by the COVID-19 virus. So far no COVID-19 deaths recorded, but with all the face masks and hand washing there must be a large number of elderly people that have not been exposed to the normal seasonal flu viruses and are still alive because of the increased hygiene awareness.


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5 minutes ago, Inepto Cracy said:

Ah ha. The virus has mutated again. Fourth mutation ok, vacine is useless ok...

Now Human to animal, (dog) transmision.

So the thick plottens yes ?

You are correct.

On the big picture, this could be the end for every Soi dog in the country.

Must be a million of them all have to be put down.


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2 hours ago, keith101 said:

Its a world Pandemic without actually being called as of yet but not far away according to WHO and CDC .

Health authorities in Australia are preparing for a pandemic including plans for assessment centres in the middle of carparks for people who suspect they may have it can go for a diagnosis and if positive requested to go home and if they need hospital treatment then they will be taken care of. 

They are very concerned and putting plans in place hoping for the best and fearing the worst. 

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I made a windfall on the prediction in October 2019.

Ha ha all you folks who thought I was talking BS.

13 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

You are correct.

On the big picture, this could be the end for every Soi dog in the country.

Must be a million of them all have to be put down.



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1 hour ago, marc651 said:

Difference is that the truth (and consequences) on Covid19 will be out very soon.

You say the truth (and consequences) will be out very soon,you mean here in Thailand?Oh I get it it's a joke,sorry I got sucked in and thought you were being serious.

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1 hour ago, marc651 said:



We had climatechange deniers, and now also pandemic/Covid19 seriousness deniers. Difference is that the truth (and consequences) on Covid19 will be out very soon.


Compared to the seasonal flu, SARS-CoV-2 (1) spreads faster; (2) kills far more; (3) is harder to control; (4) requires use of far more medical resources; (5) for far longer a period of time; (6) has no effective treatment; and (7) can infect entire populations (no herd immunity).
These factors mean that SARS-CoV-2, if left unchecked, is far more likely to overwhelm a country's medical infrastructure. Additionally, when medical infrastructure is overwhelmed, the mortality will skyrocket because we know that 20% of cases require medical intervention.
It doesn't take a genius to piece it all together. This virus is devastating if containment measures fail. Far far worse than the seasonal flu.


58 minutes ago, marc651 said:

Correct, so for the remaining 20% it is a serious problem. Do the math.


40 to 70% of the world population is expected to get infected (estimate by Dr Marc Lipsitch, one of the world's most respected epidemiologists).

You should stop scare-mongering. The world’s most respected president and stable genius has denounced this as a hoax and that it will go away very soon. And the numerical facts are behind him - in a country of over 300 million, there are only 15 cases which are expected to fully recover soon, except possibly for 1 case which he says will hopefully recover too. 
Incidentally, he denies climate change too. 

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1 hour ago, Antonymous said:


A bit like HIV and AIDS innit.


How many people are walking around with HIV right now? How many of them practice safe sex? How do we know? What are the authorities doing to isolate and treat positive cases?


Interesting to compare Thai (and world) responses to each affliction.

You might just as easily compare apples and oranges. The only connection between corona and HIV is virus so to make a comparison is illogical.

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2 hours ago, Kemp87 said:

Not sure about regular daily increases, normal Thai folk can’t afford to be tested. And they won’t test you unless you’ve been China/japan/Korea. Defies all logic, it’s all about money again, but it’ll be Thailand’s downfall unfortunately, as they’ll lose way more when the economy collapses. Korea is testing about 50,000 per day.

I had posted something about this yesterday it is a money game at this point and only caters to the people who can afford testing or any kind of treatments. Bangkok hospitals charge big bucks especially if you a foreigner. The question arises so not everyone lives in Bangkok and the outer limits are mostly people with no money or should I say big money so who is checking them? Are they being reported? Some may have it and not even know. Around my area I would say very few are wearing anything to protect themselves or others. To me there seems to be a lack of anyone taking this as a serious matter. So much lack of information provided that one watches or read the news.

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"A dog was tested positiv for Corona virus in Hongkong and is now isolated".

---Well my supplier in Switzerland has  since years corona tests for dog and cats in stock and we use them

But learning from vets is not on the plan.


As mentioned somewhere above : consecutive contacts with the virus (over months or years ------> older people) and mutation is the pathogenesis in deathly corona infections.

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6 minutes ago, Gweiloman said:

You should stop scare-mongering. The world’s most respected president and stable genius has denounced this as a hoax and that it will go away very soon. And the numerical facts are behind him - in a country of over 300 million, there are only 15 cases which are expected to fully recover soon, except possibly for 1 case which he says will hopefully recover too. 
Incidentally, he denies climate change too. 

It’s a hoax designed to stop him being re elected. The whole world is against him.????????????

Edited by Fairynuff
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I have got little doubt that heat and humidity considerably affect the ability of the Chrono Virus to spread. When you look at how some areas are having huge outbreaks it is simply inconceivable for this not to have happened in places like Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore etc given the amount of Chinese in these areas. People might not believe the Thai Government, but i do tend to trust the Singaporean Government and they have only 90 or so cases.


Of course it will spread here more as we are seeing daily, but i really believe you need very close contact with an infected person and it really does see that the contagiousness is considerably less in these tropical climates.


The Government can fudge number and down play, but you simply cannot hide very large numbers of people like in Korea, Iran, South Korea fall ill.

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1 hour ago, marc651 said:



We had climatechange deniers, and now also pandemic/Covid19 seriousness deniers. Difference is that the truth (and consequences) on Covid19 will be out very soon.


Compared to the seasonal flu, SARS-CoV-2 (1) spreads faster; (2) kills far more; (3) is harder to control; (4) requires use of far more medical resources; (5) for far longer a period of time; (6) has no effective treatment; and (7) can infect entire populations (no herd immunity).
These factors mean that SARS-CoV-2, if left unchecked, is far more likely to overwhelm a country's medical infrastructure. Additionally, when medical infrastructure is overwhelmed, the mortality will skyrocket because we know that 20% of cases require medical intervention.
It doesn't take a genius to piece it all together. This virus is devastating if containment measures fail. Far far worse than the seasonal flu.

Exactly this! The key stat is 20% hospitalised, forget every other comparison to Flu every other stat just focus on 20% hospitalised!

     Say a third of Thailand became infected that is over 5 million people requiring a hospital bed. Let that sink in. The ripple effect then hits people with Cancer, other illness’s etc etc unlike China hospitals won’t be built in a week, but hey ho it’s just the Flu anyway ????

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2 hours ago, spiekerjozef said:

Agree, media pay way too much attention on corona.

Am I right in saying out with China there are less than 3000 confirmed cases of Coronavirus, I appreciate it can spread very quickly but the media attention given is way over the top it’s not like ebola, yes people die but the majority have other ailments.

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18 minutes ago, dash said:

"A dog was tested positiv for Corona virus in Hongkong and is now isolated".

---Well my supplier in Switzerland has  since years corona tests for dog and cats in stock and we use them

But learning from vets is not on the plan.


As mentioned somewhere above : consecutive contacts with the virus (over months or years ------> older people) and mutation is the pathogenesis in deathly corona infections.

Coronavirus is only the family of the virus. To be more precise the dog tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 and the chance that your vet has a test for this strain is zero. 




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