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Multiple TVs in a property without set top boxes


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What are my options if I have multiple TVs in a property and don't want to add set top boxes to each TV?


I do have LAN outputs near each TV, all wired up to a central control room.


I would need mostly international TV channels.


Is there any way of negating the need for set top boxes?

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Do you have smart TV sets (box built in)?  If not don't believe so economically.  You could set up a closed circuit system as hotels and hospitals often do but that is a mess and costly.  Perhaps better information in the Audio/Visual section.

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I think Panasonic anounced such a system over ethernet for their top of the range models couple of years ago.

You just nee to connect 1 TV to the Antenna/Cablenetwork/satellite Dish and all other TV's on the same network get the channels over ethernet.

I don't know if they still have this feature and if yes if it's trickeld down to the cheaper TV's.

You have to do some research on that.


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