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Stay home or face lockdown – supreme commander


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13 hours ago, NanLaew said:

Good point. The happy chap at the bottom of the escalator at Big C yesterday showed me the 35 on his temperature thingmie that indicated I had borderline hypothermia.



My girlfriend got her temperature tested yesterday at her condo. 34.7 degrees.... Well I guess I'm dating a zombie. 

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There was a little morning market closed for a few days and now they have said if everyone who sells there pays 100 baht each they will do a deep clean and re-open it?

<deleted> they say the market is going to be safe and has no virus so can be opened again Sunday.

What is wrong we people it's not the actual market that needs cleaning it's the fact that a few hundred people each morning shuffle around .

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Yep...Typical. And I guess all the taxi’s (scooters too), cars, busses, and condo construction workers (we need more of those you know...) are all exempt from getting the virus and no need for them to stay indoors. But “Dirty Farang” must stay indoors! 

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Personally I'm seeing some people around us are finally starting to take this seriously. I can see the importance of a curfew, but total lockdown is unnecessary as people are cooperating now that government has stopped playing down the numbers.

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8 minutes ago, LawrenceN said:

If you can do that, why aren't you doing it already? 


Believe me I would, but my employer classes me as "essential staff" at least at present.


I can do a lot of my job remotely, but by no means all of it.


We will have to see if the construction sites get closed down, at which point I can work from my poolside "desk".

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17 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

... as well as on Don Muang Tollway.


On the way to work this morning (at 6AM) only the left had toll booth group was operating inbound by the airport. A stack of chairs and a marquee in kit form was evident. Looks like we are getting a check-point there.


There was very little traffic anyway, so hopefully there won't be massive delays.


I didn't notice anything on the outbound side, I may "take one for the team" and go home that way to see what's afoot.



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17 hours ago, Creasy said:

Supreme commander. I thought that was Prayut or General Happy Apirat

The Little Fat Guy in North Korea would not be happy about someone else in the World being called the Supreme Commander, unless we have gone over to Communism?

Edited by robertson468
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17 minutes ago, Kerouacaurus said:

He said people who gather in pubic places, “First, they will be given a warning. But if they resist, legal action will be taken against them,” he said.


True. Finally street porn is not legalized here anymore and the country gets to normal culture.

I can not be seen in Pubic places, its why I shave, my Thai family use to call me the BEAR...... now I am just Bare.....

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2 hours ago, Venom said:

Personally I'm seeing some people around us are finally starting to take this seriously. I can see the importance of a curfew, but total lockdown is unnecessary as people are cooperating now that government has stopped playing down the numbers.

I disagree with you on that.


Around here people seem to be carrying on as normal. Gathering in groups. No face masks

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Yet another supreme commander, yet another instruction, stern warning, threat, announcement, rule or counter-rule.

What a mess; is this government really unable to appoint a press desk with some professional press secretaries dealing with whatever the big wigs decide upon? Seriously .......... 

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The way the General community has not embraced the rules so far (Most just do not have the education nor inclination to think things through) & the local Thai news seem to be protecting them ie, spoke to my wife about Italy & Spains situation & she was horrified.

Anyway, LOCK it Down Chum ,,,it is the only way 

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Obviously the construction workers didn't get the message. I counted 40 workers on this construction site next door, happily going on about their business without a care in the world.


They do steel fixing and formwork wearing slippers, sandals or soft shoes, with rebar sticking up all over the place, so I suppose safety is no concern to them.



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4 hours ago, Crossy said:

I didn't notice anything on the outbound side, I may "take one for the team" and go home that way to see what's afoot.


Well, took a ride up the Don Mueang tollway. 


The inbound checkpoint is operating, but with almost no traffic the cops were standing around looking for someone to arrest.


Outbound there is no sign of a checkpoint before Future Park (where I left the tollway).


All a bit of a damp squib really.

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4 minutes ago, thailand49 said:

Supreme?  What is the job of a regular commander?????‍✈️

Regular versus Supreme, well if we were talking tacos regular would just be meat, cheese, lettuce, and tomato in a shell, but a Supreme....well that would be the same ingredients but a bit more, plus sour cream, and salsa.....So he must be the big cheese

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On 3/26/2020 at 6:37 PM, Denim said:

In other words , there is going to be a lockdown and they are saying this to justify it.

What do they have to justify? Don’t you read what’s happening around the world? Other countries in the world are in lockdown also. 

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On 3/26/2020 at 9:43 PM, smedly said:

I'm just wondering if my hunch was right and there is a spat between the army chief and Prayut - this looks to me like the army chief has been sidelined but then I could be totally wrong ....................who knows

Seems to me that the army chief is very powerful and even prayut would be very wary of sidelining or sanctioning him.  Further Aprxxx is the leader of a very old very famous very powerful army gang. His gang don't like prayut's gang and there is tension.

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On 3/26/2020 at 10:43 AM, smedly said:

I'm just wondering if my hunch was right and there is a spat between the army chief and Prayut - this looks to me like the army chief has been sidelined but then I could be totally wrong ....................who knows

AMM hasn't flagged it so it probably ain't happening at the moment. 

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On 3/26/2020 at 6:42 PM, NanLaew said:

Good point. The happy chap at the bottom of the escalator at Big C yesterday showed me the 35 on his temperature thingmie that indicated I had borderline hypothermia.



so  do you  not see the NONSENSE that they promote.....where  is the value in that?

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18 hours ago, Crossy said:


On the way to work this morning (at 6AM) only the left had toll booth group was operating inbound by the airport. A stack of chairs and a marquee in kit form was evident. Looks like we are getting a check-point there.


There was very little traffic anyway, so hopefully there won't be massive delays.


I didn't notice anything on the outbound side, I may "take one for the team" and go home that way to see what's afoot.



just dont  grab your ankles for us when requested!

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