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Thailand reports 91 new coronavirus cases and one death


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2 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

They are clever, they know farang no undahstaaaaaan so they crop away all non-essentials.


TH version of that particular chart is the same...  


There's a bit more detail and information in their daily reports, and you kinda need to look at the TH version because the translated EN versions are always a couple of days out of date.


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4 hours ago, kevin612 said:

The u.s tested many people, Thailand is testing people who are currently sick.

The more you test, the more the numbers increase. Half of those who get infected don't even know they've had the virus. But of course, in the meantime they can pass it on to others who can suffer mild or severe symptoms. Hence new cases emerging in Southern Thailand, where Thai Muslims recently returned from a gathering of 15,000 faithful in Malaysia.


What's the point of banning  handfuls of people from sharing a few drinks on a beach fanned by sea breezes yet allowing busy temples, mosques and churches to stay open? Common sense seems to be in increasingly short supply among the political class.

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What about southern Thailand? Nearest tests possible in Chantaburi! Many seem to be overwhelm with decreasing numbers but....sorry for...it will take much longer. There are many other countries testing a lot more than in Thailand. It seems that on one hand we have not enough testing kids and on the other not enough testing centers.

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Sorry to read about the death what was the persons condition before this death? And the other corona cases what is their prognosis for the future will they live or die? My purpose of this email is when can I return to Thailand to visit my wife? How long is this going to go on for is Thailand going to remain locked forever <deleted> is going on? Thailand cant keep saying the sky is falling family members need answers.

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14 minutes ago, Mung said:

This is for anybody who thinks this way. Do you really consider that a virus with a higher contagion rate than influenza, and with an incubation period of up to 14 or so days has petered out after 5 days of accelerated growth? If you have seen the images from Bangkok where people have been mingling and travelling all over the country trying to flee, you should realise this is just the start. This virus hits in waves due to incubation periods, and furthermore I doubt Thailand wants to release full figures anyway. On top of that Thais don't want to be tested due to medical costs. Take these numbers with a pinch of salt 

Stop the scare mongering people, their are people out their who wants  to return to normal or a semblance of the past so we can see our family members their.

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19 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

What's the point of banning  handfuls of people from sharing a few drinks on a beach fanned by sea breezes yet allowing busy temples, mosques and churches to stay open? 

The point is the populace isn't intelligent enough to make the distinction themselves so you have to use a huge hammer.

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This is what some of us refer to as a minor event. Not to make light of it, but considering how many millions of Chinese tourists Thailand was hosting in January, the numbers here are simply NOT cause for alarm. Precautions yes. Panic mongering and crazy alarm, no. 

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5 minutes ago, Mikeasq60 said:

Stop the scare mongering people, their are people out their who wants  to return to normal or a semblance of the past so we can see our family members their.

Living under delusion is more dangerous than thinking realistically and knowing what's actually happening. It's logical to see this is only just starting, sorry to burst your comfort bubble 

Edited by Mung
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Just now, DrTuner said:

The point is the populace isn't intelligent enough to make the distinction themselves so you have to use a huge hammer.

Nothing to do with people's intelligence, but with the illogical and ineffective way the "huge hammer" is being used.


Places of worship - particularly temples and mosques with resident clergy a well as hordes of visitors - are clearly more likely to be breeding grounds than are  breezy beaches or other open spaces.





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11 minutes ago, Mikeasq60 said:

Sorry to read about the death what was the persons condition before this death? And the other corona cases what is their prognosis for the future will they live or die? My purpose of this email is when can I return to Thailand to visit my wife? How long is this going to go on for is Thailand going to remain locked forever <deleted> is going on? Thailand cant keep saying the sky is falling family members need answers.

Mike, if you are a non-Thai [without a work permit or permanent residency] you will not be allowed to enter Thailand until the State of Emergency is over (30 April).  Non-Thais [with work permit or permanent residency] can enter with a health clearance certificate and insurance.

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18 minutes ago, Mikeasq60 said:

Stop the scare mongering people, their are people out their who wants  to return to normal or a semblance of the past so we can see our family members their.

He is not scare mongering, he is talking common sense. 
Yes these people who want to return to “normal” are the dangerous ones who need reminding that it’s not gonna happen anytime soon. Adapt and deal with it and stay put. 

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16 minutes ago, Mung said:

Living under delusion is more dangerous than thinking realistically and knowing what's actually happening. It's logical to see this is only just starting, sorry to burst your comfort bubble 

"It's logical to see this is only just starting,"


Since Thailand was the first country to get Cov-19 all the way back in January. Why is it "logical" that it is only the beginning? 


Is it logical that Thailand contained the virus for so long?

Is it logical so few Chinese tourist came to the country?


I would argue the complete opposite. I would find it very illogical if it suddenly starts now. I would say it makes more sense that the virus has been slowly spreading under the radar and that the testing is increasing, thus we find more cases. However it doesn't seem to spread at an alarming phase whatsoever. Logical would be if Thailand became the second epicenter in January..But as we see it only spreads at a dangerous rate in colder climates.

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16 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Nothing to do with people's intelligence, but with the illogical and ineffective way the "huge hammer" is being used.


Places of worship - particularly temples and mosques with resident clergy a well as hordes of visitors - are clearly more likely to be breeding grounds than are  breezy beaches or other open spaces.

Ah I misread your post first. Yes, you are right, the hammer isn't used correctly.

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4 hours ago, unamazedloso said:

its 97 and 1 death.. perhaps this was released before all figures were counted or maybe there is more to come.

Sort of interesting to note that there are roughly 150,000 people around the world popping their clogs EVERY DAY, and I do not think this virus is going to have a significant effect on these numbers. Remember SARS, supposed to wipe out  a third of the world,s population ? me neither.

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23 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

Sort of interesting to note that there are roughly 150,000 people around the world popping their clogs EVERY DAY, and I do not think this virus is going to have a significant effect on these numbers. Remember SARS, supposed to wipe out  a third of the world,s population ? me neither.

But then SARS did not carry the fear mongering that this Virus has caused because of the delayed notifications by China, and then the delay by the governments elsewhere.  My daughter, who is a surgical ICU Nurse in Florida is and has been on the front lines of this virus.  She has literally called me in tears several times because of how things are going, She see's patients with COVID from the very young to the very old, it is a non discriminatory virus.  never has the world shut down for a virus and caused as much economic damage and family separation as this one has.  death unfortunately is the end result if the proper treatments are not done.

Edited by ThailandRyan
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5 minutes ago, Eibot said:

"It's logical to see this is only just starting,"


Since Thailand was the first country to get Cov-19 all the way back in January. Why is it "logical" that it is only the beginning? 


Is it logical that Thailand contained the virus for so long?

Is it logical so few Chinese tourist came to the country?


I would argue the complete opposite. I would find it very illogical if it suddenly starts now. I would say it makes more sense that the virus has been slowly spreading under the radar and that the testing is increasing, thus we find more cases. However it doesn't seem to spread at an alarming phase whatsoever. Logical would be if Thailand became the second epicenter in January..But as we see it only spreads at a dangerous rate in colder climates.

Why have cases all over Asia suddenly picked up in the last 1-2 weeks, including Singapore? That's something to ask yourself right there, I personally assume the virus has mutated to be more virulent somewhere along the lines, hence why we are seeing an uptick in cases in Asia. How can you also assume that after the government itself asked people who have been even to any restaurant / bar in Bangkok earlier this month to contact them, means this is slowing down? That's a sign they are concerned and are trying to get a grasp of things. Also seeing images from Mo Chit where you have many people in close proximity, all heading to different parts of the country suggests that this is only just beginning. The lengthy incubation period makes tracking and containing this virus extremely difficult, if not impossible 

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5 hours ago, GeorgeCross said:

outbreak petering out


sensible options now - keep businesses & free movement open, borders, entertainment and large gatherings closed for at least 14 days?


one thing is for sure the virality is far lower here than in europe or the US, there was enough cases for it to kick off properly


Judging by the number of prosecutions, you can tell that corruption simply doesn't exist in Thailand 555!


Now with this, its not that I think there is any deliberate fiddling with the numbers, but it is more the case of people being sent home without testing if they do present with minor symptoms.



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5 hours ago, chrisinth said:

You could also conclude that the death rate has increased by 20% by that logic.


To be fair though, I really hope you are correct.

No, that poster is quite right, he's talking about the rates of infections on a day to day basis. But an increase of 1 death, when there were 5 deaths before, is certainly an increase of 20%, but that's not a death rate. A death rate would be 5 deaths out of 1,100 or so infections. And every time there are another 100 infections with no new deaths, the death rate drops. But that's not a mortality rate for the disease, you have to wait until all infections and all deaths are counted to determine that.

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5 hours ago, sirineou said:

The US is only testing people meeting a very strict criteria. My Niece in New York experiencing, sore throat, fatigued, and a dry cough went to the emergency room, after doing an X ray and determining that her life was not in danger they send her home untested  because they said she did not have a fever, and had not traveled to an affected area, or come in contact with another infected person. They told her that if her condition deteriorated to come back.

All the statistics are garbage,  No one knows how many people had it and recovered, or are having it now. 

I am sure Thailand is not better. 

US has more people with Covid-19 than China and Italy have reported because they have tested many more people. As for Stats being garbage, to quote "lies, damned lies and statistics", however people want something to refer to and whilst they may not be the whole truth or any truth or all points in between, people will in circumstances such as now rather have something to reference than nothing at all... if a government were not to publish figures on a daily basis the ridicule they would get from their electorate would be very very loud, not to mention their peers in other countries. I can tell you one statistic that seems pretty true to me and that is 23k + dead.... worldwide

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26 minutes ago, Mung said:

Why have cases all over Asia suddenly picked up in the last 1-2 weeks, including Singapore? That's something to ask yourself right there, I personally assume the virus has mutated to be more virulent somewhere along the lines, hence why we are seeing an uptick in cases in Asia. How can you also assume that after the government itself asked people who have been even to any restaurant / bar in Bangkok earlier this month to contact them, means this is slowing down? That's a sign they are concerned and are trying to get a grasp of things. Also seeing images from Mo Chit where you have many people in close proximity, all heading to different parts of the country suggests that this is only just beginning. The lengthy incubation period makes tracking and containing this virus extremely difficult, if not impossible 

Singapore has gone up a lot recently due to imported cases, a large amount from Europe and US



Edited by Tingnongnoi
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I am interested in all the Screenings. At my last two visits to Makro, my wife and I have been screened for temperature relating to fever. On each occasion, they have had about thirty chairs outside with people who's temperature was obviously fever-suspicious, sitting down. They were waiting to be assessed again and subsequently admitted into the store,as their temperature must have dropped.

This Has the effect of me believing they may have had a fever but therefore didn't have a few minutes later.

It seems to me fair, that I can equally believe that many are measured not having a fever at one time, but a little later could be measured again and have one, and possible therefore to actually be infected.

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5 minutes ago, fraggleRock said:

And those who can afford to go to hospital... I got my result today as negative from a Bangkok Hospital

What was the cost, and why did you go and have yourself tested.  Were you under the weather? JUst curious.

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1 hour ago, Mung said:

Why have cases all over Asia suddenly picked up in the last 1-2 weeks, including Singapore? That's something to ask yourself right there, I personally assume the virus has mutated to be more virulent somewhere along the lines, hence why we are seeing an uptick in cases in Asia. How can you also assume that after the government itself asked people who have been even to any restaurant / bar in Bangkok earlier this month to contact them, means this is slowing down? That's a sign they are concerned and are trying to get a grasp of things. Also seeing images from Mo Chit where you have many people in close proximity, all heading to different parts of the country suggests that this is only just beginning. The lengthy incubation period makes tracking and containing this virus extremely difficult, if not impossible 

The cases havn't suddenly picked up. There has been more testing. If the virus has picked up, we should see a sharp increase in hospitalization rate en death. We see neither of them in any country. Yes there is Covid-19, and yes it is increasing, but not at any dangerous rate (so it seems) to overwhelm a healthcare system. Viruses mutate indeed, but key here is ways of transmission, not the virus itself. 


I have never said the virus is slowing down... I'm saying the virus is steadily rising instead of exponentially. Thus not putting a strain on the health system as it does in EU and VS. Covid-19 in itself (% wise) is not deadly. The danger (and why you sitting at home) is that in colder climates it so contagious it infects people at the same time, thus everyone needed care at the same time. 

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