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12 minutes ago, bartender100 said:

In the UK the government is paying me 80% of my salary to stay home, if that's repression I'll take it

its great for the white folks that live in countries with big armies and big printing presses.

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13 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Excellent point and well made.


I'm still trying to digest that I can't go get a massage or go to a good restaurant because 0.003% of the UK will die in the next few months, most over 80.



Oh dear, how you must be suffering with all this deprivation.

I can get a takeaway from multiple restaurants in Chiang Rai. Doesn't matter to me if I eat it at the restaurant or in my condo. My Thai GF will do a massage for me any time I ask.

Toughen up, princess.

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5 minutes ago, rumak said:

sorry OD....... like i said,  not very popular and i will accept all the tomatoes thrown at me.



"..ask not for whom the bell tolls it tolls for thee."


Actually I am not at all upset by your post and at least the thread has given yet another opportunity for the hardy perennials to talk about their failed marriages and their (alleged) sexual conquests.


It's certainly better than the latest crop of conspiracy theories.


Ps-I like the photos of the 2 buffalo fighting-excellent!

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6 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Oh dear, how you must be suffering with all this deprivation.

I can get a takeaway from multiple restaurants in Chiang Rai. Doesn't matter to me if I eat it at the restaurant or in my condo. My Thai GF will do a massage for me any time I ask.

Toughen up, princess.

It's not the saaaaame, I have to drive down to Lum-Lum, pick up the order, that's 25 minutes, then drive back up home to eat another 25 minutes. The food is cold and disgusting by then. Have you ever had tempura that's 50 minutes old? I don't recommend it! 


I'm sure you're blessed with a Thai GF that has the massage skills of the 22 year old pros at Oasis Spa, some of us are not that fortunate. I'm lucky if my gf has the stamina for 30 minutes, let alone 2 hours...



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Just now, Logosone said:

It's not the saaaaame, I have to drive down to Lum-Lum, pick up the order, that's 25 minutes, then drive back up home to eat another 25 minutes. The food is cold and disgusting by then. Have you ever had tempura that's 50 minutes old? I don't recommend it! 


I'm sure you're blessed with a Thai GF that has the massage skills of the 22 year old pros at Oasis Spa, some of us are not that fortunate. I'm lucky if my gf has the stamina for 30 minutes, let alone 2 hours...



Jesus, have you not heard of a microwave? Automatic with me, in case Somchai has had a good sneeze.

She's 53, and could teach the 22 yo a thing or two.

Human beings are adaptable, that's why we can live in the Sahara or Siberia. Polar bears and camels don't do so well.

Get with the program, OK?

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55 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Excellent point and well made.


I'm still trying to digest that I can't go get a massage or go to a good restaurant because 0.003% of the UK will die in the next few months, most over 80.



You blame the UK for closing down restaurants and massage shops in Thailand? Is there anything you don't blame the UK for? ????‍♂️

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2 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Yes I do! Yes I do!


The only reason all the countries of the world have imposed social distancing is this fool Dr Neil Ferguson from Imperial College and his idiotic paper full of mistakes. 


I'm so not impressed with you British. 

You try so hard to be clever.

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2 minutes ago, Logosone said:

A microwave?!!! Microwaved tempura? You heathen. Why don't I just have instant noodles and be done with it, I suppose?!


This is no way to live, this is no way to live, I'm supposed to forego the soft hands of Ning forever? When will this end, 5 months, half a year?


I don't even know if I can still get pain au levain flutes at St.Etoile in CentFest. 


This program is no good. 

Obviously the princess is feeling the pea under the mattress.

If we had freedom of movement, I would invite you to a couple of weeks in the shearer's quarters somewhere between Euabalong and Nymagee. Just so you can see how real men live.

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2 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Obviously the princess is feeling the pea under the mattress.

If we had freedom of movement, I would invite you to a couple of weeks in the shearer's quarters somewhere between Euabalong and Nymagee. Just so you can see how real men live.

If I want to dig trenches and shear some sheep in the remote woods of Thailand I will definitely give you a call...


Thanks for the sympathy...

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1 minute ago, Logosone said:

If I want to dig trenches and shear some sheep in the remote woods of Thailand I will definitely give you a call...


Thanks for the sympathy...

I don't do sympathy. I'm pretty good at tough love.

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6 minutes ago, AussieBob18 said:

On a more serious note - I just made some of these points elsewhere - but they are more valid here:


The ASX (Australian Stock Exchange) has dropped more in one month, than it ever has before.

On 20th February the ASX was 7255 and on 24 March it was 4564 - that is an all-time record in a month.

The largest ever single one day drop in the ASX occurred on 16th March 2020.

The current collapse in one month is far bigger than any month in the 2008/9 GFC and the 1929 Wall Street Collapse.


Perhaps those not aware of all this because they are uninformed or comfortable in their village may soon begin to realise the economic damage that is being done.  Based on the predictions of WHO 'experts' - a few of which are now saying 'we didn't mean that' - the world's economies may never recover. The potential ramifications on people's lives is severe. 


The Wall Street collapse led to millions dieing and is one of the reasons behind WW2, and the effects of the GFC created similar economic destruction as in 1929.  But the deaths of millions in 1929 was avoided during and after the GFC due to massive debt undertakings by Govts worldwide to restart their economies - many are still in default and close to collapse.  The potential economic outcome from this virus induced collapse is unknown in its size and scope and speed.  Perhaps the world stock markets will recover quickly - but if they do not - wow. 


And all for a virus that is killing less people than car accidents?? or TB?? or Malaria??  HIV/AIDS has killed 32 million people. 32 million people !!!  How has this virus been allowed to create this potential economic destruction?? In my opinion it is because people worldwide have beeb disasterously let down by their Governments - both in terms of medical services and infrastructure (as shown in Germany) - and also because of the media which has driven the frenzy and panic for their own ratings.   War and Death are good for the media - it doesnt get much better for them than a worldwide pandemic.


Exactly, and what's more important will Ning even bother to come back to the Oasis spa, in the unlikely event it stays open? What if they fill it with unemployed overweight sex workers from Pattaya? Like Healthland....have you ever had a massage at Healthland? They don't exactly filter for looks, do they?

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2 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Exactly, and what's more important will Ning even bother to come back to the Oasis spa, in the unlikely event it stays open? What if they fill it with unemployed overweight sex workers from Pattaya? Like Healthland....have you ever had a massage at Healthland? They don't exactly filter for looks, do they?

Healthland let you in? 


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9 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Exactly, and what's more important will Ning even bother to come back to the Oasis spa, in the unlikely event it stays open? What if they fill it with unemployed overweight sex workers from Pattaya? Like Healthland....have you ever had a massage at Healthland? They don't exactly filter for looks, do they?

If you think so much of Ning, why didn't you marry her?

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11 hours ago, owl sees all said:

Research shows that 5G can have a devastating effect on anti-bodies and enzymes. These are essential for the body to maintain a decent immune system.


The body is exposed to 1000s of viruses a day, and the immune system generally deals with these easily. Now and again we get a cold or a temperature, but the bodies defence usually overwhelms these threats.


The wave-length of 5G scrambles the anti-bodies. This is akin to putting strong magnets close to a USB loaded with your favourite pics. When you next view the pics they are unrecognisable.


There are none so blind as will not see GC.


    Increase your survival chances . 

    BIn  your smartphone..


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