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Anybody else don't care about COVID and ignores it?

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2 hours ago, AndyAndyAndy said:

Is there anybody left who is not having a complete mental breakdown because of corona? Who is like me going about his normal everyday life?


Without making any changes at all? Anybody left?

It seems your life must be pretty boring when nothing changes at all.


I have no panic and I take it easy. But by now I wear a mask, I try not to touch lots of public surfaces (i.e. lift) and I avoid crowded places (as far as they still exist).

I still go to the fresh market and the supermarket.

But unfortunately no 30 minute coffee breaks and 2 hour lunches anymore. I understand and accept the reason, no problem.

Life goes on, some of us will get sick, some of us will die - just like normal life, only a little accelerated.

Take it easy, eventually life will return to normal.

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1 minute ago, OneMoreFarang said:

It seems your life must be pretty boring when nothing changes at all.


I have no panic and I take it easy. But by now I wear a mask, I try not to touch lots of public surfaces (i.e. lift) and I avoid crowded places (as far as they still exist).

I still go to the fresh market and the supermarket.

But unfortunately no 30 minute coffee breaks and 2 hour lunches anymore. I understand and accept the reason, no problem.

Life goes on, some of us will get sick, some of us will die - just like normal life, only a little accelerated.

Take it easy, eventually life will return to normal.

Good and sensible attitude..

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Can no longer play golf, some Thais have an anti foreigner vibe currently, not possible to sit in restaurants i used to like, not as free to go out, i haven't been to a bar in 2 weeks or so, no massages, no ladies. Added danger now when out and about, Thais will be looking to rob people soon.


Have you looked at your pension recently? most people don't but you'll find it's dropped big time, also bear in mind if countries go bust with all these bailouts to companies and people their pensions will most likely be cut. There will be a big fall out financially, we won't know until the dust settles

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1 hour ago, AndyAndyAndy said:

I'm in big village/small city in North-east Thailand.


Changes: about 10% of people are wearing a mask. Tesco checks your temperature. 7/11 employees are wearing masks&gloves. That's it!


All shops are open. All business are open. Everything is open. People are going about their normal everyday life. Streets are full. It's only when I check ThaiVisa people are barricading themselves in the houses, raiding food stores and preparing for the end of the world. ????????????


Coming soon to your village and the villages near you.


If you think your location provides you some kind of protection or that the virus won't come there, it surely will. Just a matter of time.


You'd best be prepared.


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20 minutes ago, Logosone said:

No change here, I'll be heading out to get some food and supplies in a bit. 


I carry a mask in case the mask nazis stop you from entering a store, or if the air is too heavy. Do extra morning exercise to strengthen the immune system.


But I also live in a large house with a pool and garden, so I go for swims, play with the pets and kids and listen to the wife play piano. I organise my collection of books on my tablet, download a few more on my favourite site.


Otherwise, I try to catch up more with news about coronavirus to have an idea when this totally predictable pandemic which our governments failed to prepare for could be over. 



You dont have any friends to go out to meet?

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I haven't been outside in 11-years, i'm protected under the UN hermit act of 1921 and have been telling everyone for years, "we are doomed, the end, forget working, it's all a simulation, you are a sheep, everything is fake...."


then i saw a video of a young kid being really happy, and i figured all my negativity was ruining my life.  so i trolled for 11 more days and then flew to Wuhan to meet my new wife.   then covid.




like they say, "Don't worry, it's not like it's the end of the....."


oh wait.  



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I saw the writing on the wall when China closed Wuhan.

I couldn't run back home due to responsibilities here


I'm not worrying about the virus per se....I will not go into details as to why.

The secondary effects are my main worry (from the very beginning)

Economic crash, potential food shortages and last but not least, social unrest (incl crime)

The crash is already in motion, the other two no but it's still early days

Take measures to mitigate these effects

The duration of the outbreak will decide how far we will go with the secondary effects


Stress?..yes I have

Neurobion (vit B 1-6-12) works wonders for your nervous system

The odd tipple here and there helps too.

A spiritual outlook of life (if you have it)  helps to see the big picture and to become more stoic.


Good luck everyone








Edited by Vigilante
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I’ve been self isolating for just over a week and without Netflix I’d be crawling up the walls ! Last week somebody in tesco lotus was diagnosed with covid19 yet they still remain open. Clearly some take this virus more seriously than others

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55 minutes ago, rumak said:

A good number of TV people are doing what they always do .  LIVING OUT THEIR FANTASIES 

ON THAI VISA !! ????????????       The virus thing has just given them a reason why they don't go out.

Thanks for putting our lives in perspective, Dr Freud! ????

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There are no reported cases of Covid in our Provence as yet (but watch this space) so I live life pretty much as normal. I've altered my walking routes slightly to keep away from certain houses in the village where the kids rush out and want to shake my hand every time I pass! I'd rather avoid them than cause offence.


Shopping as normal albeit with mask whilst in Big C (mandatory) and in Tesco Express (out of courtesy) No shortages of anything, not even eggs! In fact the village has just donated a tray of eggs along with the usual bag of rice and cooking oil to each returnee living in isolation.


Basically, life goes on as normal. 


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My quiet life east of sukhumvit in pattaya goes on mostly as it did before, but for the gym being closed - that realllly irritates me. tried to buy an ab-roller thingy today, go to the outlet mall next to Lotus, closed. Go to Lotus maybe in their sports section... all but groceries is roped off and closed, tried contacting Decathlon but nobody answers their phone or returns line msg so I guess closed too.


The closures of so many business irks me even though I have no skin in the game. The govt hasn't yet (ssshhhuuush!) commandeered falang bank accounts or come up with some reason to quadruple health insurance costs. I did do a couple large withdrawals recently just in case of... who knows.


I, and I would think most falangs being required to show and deliver on supporting ourselves in order to live here, and not financially dependent on the economy functioning normally, we're pretty financially insulated, so far.

As for the average Thai citizen with a mortgage, truck payments, payments and payments, who have found their jobs gone or hours cut back, or businesses forced to close. I feel for them, but it's their crazy government, so up to them.



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3 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

I am more or less but solitude it what I like anyway, one change at mo is because of C19 my mrs insists she get things I would normally get myself. 

Same here. My wife now does all the shopping and I stay home. I have about 10 rai to wander around in but I have to do that in the early morning as it is simple too hot during the day. At 5 pm this evening it was still 37.1C, down from 39.8C at 1 pm.


Whist I care a bit about Covid-19 I don't ignore it. Here in rural Khampaeng Phet it doesn't seem to have found us yet. I do realise that if it comes and gets me I will either survive or die, (I am 75) and there will be little I can do to stop it.

Mostly I stay indoors as it is too hot during the day and do outside odd jobs before 9 am or after 5:30 pm.


I make my own breakfast and lunch and my wife does an evening meal for me. I don't see much of my 15 year old son as he is either in his room or on the computer in the afternoons and evenings. My wife has a little noodle shop out the front and I join her and our neighbours for a couple of weeks in the evenings.


To me, Covid-19 is a bit like the 400 kg gorilla in the corner of the room. You know it is there but you hope it will go away soon.


Keep happy and well everybody.

Edited by billd766
added extra text
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35 minutes ago, billd766 said:

Same here. My wife now does all the shopping and I stay home. I have about 10 rai to wander around in but I have to do that in the early morning as it is simple too hot during the day. At 5 pm this evening it was still 37.1C, down from 39.8C at 1 pm.


Whist I care a bit about Covid-19 I don't ignore it. Here in rural Khampaeng Phet it doesn't seem to have found us yet. I do realise that if it comes and gets me I will either survive or die, (I am 75) and there will be little I can do to stop it.

Mostly I stay indoors as it is too hot during the day and do outside odd jobs before 9 am or after 5:30 pm.


I make my own breakfast and lunch and my wife does an evening meal for me. I don't see much of my 15 year old son as he is either in his room or on the computer in the afternoons and evenings. My wife has a little noodle shop out the front and I join her and our neighbours for a couple of weeks in the evenings.


To me, Covid-19 is a bit like the 400 kg gorilla in the corner of the room. You know it is there but you hope it will go away soon.


Keep happy and well everybody.

Yeah buddy good for you seems you and my wife same, I do archery in the morning every other day at our little bit of farmland I don't like getting up early ????  it's 1k from the village, it gets to 42-43 pretty quick in the village. 

My car port I get 2 fans and mess with my bike then late aft go back farmland farmhouse my mancave and have a couple of beers.

I take care, distance myself at this C19 time from my Thai friends having a beer, I'm 73 and have asthma so C19 could do me in but I don't think about it, what will be will be. 

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