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Isolation Week 3. How's Everyone Holding Up?


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26 minutes ago, Liverpoolfan said:

A family member of mine back in the UK has just recovered and said it is awful Nothing like flu, more like severe pneumonia. 


were they hospitalised? just  curious when  i  read  "mild  symptoms?

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1 minute ago, Chazar said:

were they hospitalised? just  curious when  i  read  "mild  symptoms?

yes, he was.

Said it was awful.


Funny thing is they didnt test his wife, even though she drove him to the hospital and was taking care of him at home.


No wonder it's spreading like wildfire back there! 

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31 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Hundreds of millions around the world are struggling to make a living, at this moment. As I said on another thread, I expect the consequences of the economic shutdown to be 100 times worse than the virus itself. It is like making a facial pimple into a cancerous tumor. More people died last year in Italy, of pulmonary issues in two weeks time, than the total number of worldwide deaths to date from corona. 


This zombie apocalypse reaction, with regard to the economy is so far beyond inane, that it barely merits discussion. Millions could die of starvation in India alone. 

True.  Shutdown is completely unwarranted.   And there's good science behind that statement.  Unfortunately most people are reading only the headlines which are pure hype.   See also: https://tinyurl.com/um3dtsy

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4 minutes ago, Liverpoolfan said:

I've got a weight set upstairs but I cant be a#%ed to tell you the truth.

I need to find some motivation to take me away from the bottle for an hour but so far not found any!

we have a walking machine as well in the bedroom ,she runs on it (does marathons,but all stopped now) gets me on it a few times a week . 

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10 minutes ago, Liverpoolfan said:

yes, he was.

Said it was awful.


Funny thing is they didnt test his wife, even though she drove him to the hospital and was taking care of him at home.


No wonder it's spreading like wildfire back there! 


can you tell us how old was he?


If the virus got to the stage where it affected his lungs there is a good chance his lung capacity is now lower than before.

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Apart from the boredom and lack of exercise (regular gym, swimming, football and golf) it has not been too bad. Lots of Netflix, and the sex has increased in regularity too which is a bonus ????


Fair play to anyone that works from home regularly, I have hated it. We have the option of working from school to teach our online lessons at the moment so I am going to go in for a few days this week for a change of scenery and to be able to speak to some other people apart from my wife ????


We're very fortunate that we are both in jobs where we're being fully paid throughout this time, but god damn I hope this doesn't continue for months. Definitely a lot of sympathy for the people who have been badly hit income wise by this. Our only worry at the moment is whether or not we will have to cancel our holiday around California in July. 



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14 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Hey thanks for asking. Im doing great here in Siem, in fact, my life is so UTTERLY FABULOUS that Im glad I have the opportunity to share!


My toenails gained 2mm, and I am beginning to shape them into Raptor claws in homage to Thai girls.


My Apt ladies fed me last night, steak, squid, veggies, curry. The maid even brought it up to my crib. Did you get that? Sucks to be you.


I dont really go out so I dont have to bathe. That allows me more time to do nothing.


You are never out of Looroll if you have guest towels.


Got a dude from London living in our building and two scousers, so when we hang at the pool, he can translate.


Im wondering if there is an older male die off, will I be considered to be desireable at last?


If its written by Anthony Beevor, Simon Sebag Montefiore, Thomas Pynchon, Richard Holmes, Haruki Murakami or Thomas Packenham, it will be a good read.


I have finally worked out in my head that Lord Kitchener was not "gay", and Redvers Buller, brave has he was, was incompetant, and Custer didnt die for MY SINS either. Horace Smith-Dorrien got a raw deal.


Im going to make Mango Chutney. Maybe. Or take a nap.


Mont Python still makes me laugh.





I mean, none of my business but why are you still posting on a Thai forum if you live in cambodia?


Is the Cambodian forum that boring , or are you still in Thailand really?


Stay safe wherver you are !

Edited by Liverpoolfan
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7 minutes ago, Liverpoolfan said:

I mean, none of my business but why are you still posting on a Thai forum if you live in cambodia?


Is the Cambodian forum that boring , or are you still in Thailand really?


Stay safe wherver you are !

Hell, you got guys posting here who dont even know where Thailand is. Go over to the world news section.


The Cambodian forum is pretty dead, but they got great uncensored photos of torn and mutilated bodies from accidents, skeezy deportation pictures of junkie furriners and loads of beaten up thieves.


Ill be back in Thailand in late August, thanks for asking. But my base will be here, cheap multi entry visa and lots of condo connections in BKK.


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My life has changed very little. Only went to the village or bigger town to buy supplies when needed and we can still do that. Have 2 rai to look after so plenty of work and no time to get bored.

Lucky we some extensions completed before all of the restrictions came in. But if you thing it is bad here now, try Australia. Talking to my sister this morning and family get-togethers have  been banned.

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15 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:


 But my base will be here, cheap multi entry visa and lots of condo connections in BKK.


You still use multi entry visas??

That's funny. ????

How do you expect to get back in if the borders are still closed??


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8 minutes ago, Liverpoolfan said:

You still use multi entry visas??

That's funny. ????

How do you expect to get back in if the borders are still closed??


Misspoke Dude, my Visa in Cambo is multi entry so I can come and go into Thailand as I please. I doubt the borders will be closed in August.

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