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How Covid-19 can have a longer term impact for Expats in Thailand

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3 minutes ago, Pedrogaz said:

Look forward to hyperinflation.....governments are spending massive amounts of borrowed money giving it to businesses and to prop up stock markets. This situation is unsustainable....the US is simply printing money and calling it something else. The structural deficit is over 1 trillion a year and they owe 23.6 trillion.....Trump is adding over $1 trillion a year so after another 5 years of Trip we will owe $30 billion. Most people already know the debt cannot ever be paid for, especially as idiots like Trump keep cutting income taxes to inflate the stock market. Government revenues are falling fast and corona will push it over the edge.....soon we will see the first 2 billion dollar deficit what with wars against Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and North Korea to fight.....all off budget. 

Faith in the dollar is already falling and it is alright the FED saying 0% interest rates, but the folks buying the Treasuries will sooner or later demand something better than a real negative interest rate for investing in US inc. When this happens that 30 trillion or so debt is not sustainable at all with an interest rates of 5% on long term bonds....ergo default looming in the next decade.

And then? (It's a serious question)

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The corona outbreak will have a big impact for (some of ) us expats .

First they will roll out the vastly expensive dreaded compulsory health insurance for ALL visa's/retirement extentions.

Second : Mandatory quarantines going home , and on returning to thailand.

Since the Thai are not going full financial ret_rd like the west , the THB will stay stronger making it even more expensive

living here (with some inflation caused by western money printing) , and giving a double blow to the ridicuously expensive health insurance.

Even a compromise of having more than the 800k in the bank to dodge the insurance , will still be expensive because of the exchange rate.


For years to come the airlines are going to scr-w us even more when booking from Thailand to europe , just to recover what they have lost during this crisis.


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20 minutes ago, Rod the Sod said:

I had a physio appointment at 1.30pm today at a very very good Hospital in BKK. I used 70% alcohol before I left the unit to wash my hands and at the same time took my temp. I got to the car park and had my hands rewashed and temp taken again before I could even get to my Vespa. I thought I would buy a bottle of Gin in case there is a lock-down and so the Supermarket kindly washed my hands and lasered my forehead once again. 10 minutes later I arrived at the Hospital and they gave me a thorough cleaning and temp check before I was allowed in. The lift had a hand gel machine and I couldn't resist it. I checked in where they nodded at the hand gel and then I was led to get my BP, temp & heart rate checked. Upon my return to the Condo I had another temp check and got doused in gel once again. In the lift was another hand wash gel and I thought "In for a penny, in for a pound" and had another splash around. So all in all, in the space of 2 hours I had 9 hand washes and 6 temp checks. Am I alone thinking the world has gone crazy?

I hope that you don't get dermatitis!  https://www.allure.com/story/hand-washing-eczema-rash-coronavirus


Better than getting Covid though!

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3 hours ago, Pedrogaz said:

Look forward to hyperinflation.....governments are spending massive amounts of borrowed money giving it to businesses and to prop up stock markets. This situation is unsustainable....the US is simply printing money and calling it something else. The structural deficit is over 1 trillion a year and they owe 23.6 trillion.....Trump is adding over $1 trillion a year so after another 5 years of Trip we will owe $30 billion. Most people already know the debt cannot ever be paid for, especially as idiots like Trump keep cutting income taxes to inflate the stock market. Government revenues are falling fast and corona will push it over the edge.....soon we will see the first 2 billion dollar deficit what with wars against Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and North Korea to fight.....all off budget. 

Faith in the dollar is already falling and it is alright the FED saying 0% interest rates, but the folks buying the Treasuries will sooner or later demand something better than a real negative interest rate for investing in US inc. When this happens that 30 trillion or so debt is not sustainable at all with an interest rates of 5% on long term bonds....ergo default looming in the next decade.

If you have 1 trillion dollars and spent 1 million dollars every hour 24/7 you wouldn't run out of money for 411 years. The US has a debt of 24 trillion dollars. Western civilization hasn't been around for a trillion seconds, it's a big number.

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5 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

A read about a well know private hospital: When people arrive first they check the temperature. And second they check if you have an insurance. Guess what happens with people without insurance - and it won't matter which nationality they are.

go public

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2 hours ago, FlorC said:

The corona outbreak will have a big impact for (some of ) us expats .

First they will roll out the vastly expensive dreaded compulsory health insurance for ALL visa's/retirement extentions.

Second : Mandatory quarantines going home , and on returning to thailand.

Since the Thai are not going full financial ret_rd like the west , the THB will stay stronger making it even more expensive

living here (with some inflation caused by western money printing) , and giving a double blow to the ridicuously expensive health insurance.

Even a compromise of having more than the 800k in the bank to dodge the insurance , will still be expensive because of the exchange rate.


For years to come the airlines are going to scr-w us even more when booking from Thailand to europe , just to recover what they have lost during this crisis.


That great knowing what is coming, i want to invest in some shares can i please rent your crystal ball i think it will be expensive but i do not know!!!!

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I think a lot of people will rethink their situation..especially the elder without insurance...no place like home amongst real friends and family....maybe Thailand will resort to the good ole days for a new generation of sepats...who knows...its day by day at present

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47 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Damage to world economies: Priceless.

Mneh. There tends to be a sharp rebound for these, however I think that'll be a "dead cat bounce" since there's an underlying debt problem that's been there for years. Recessions come and go, they also present opportunities like the one world needs to take: get rid of China in the middle of all supply chains. In the long term it'll be worth it.


And as to the OP, Chailand will swim into the embrace of CCP in the nearby future now that it's economy will be decimated. Then expats need to think do they really want to live in a province of China. 

Edited by DrTuner
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1 hour ago, Rod the Sod said:

I had a physio appointment at 1.30pm today at a very very good Hospital in BKK. I used 70% alcohol before I left the unit to wash my hands and at the same time took my temp. I got to the car park and had my hands rewashed and temp taken again before I could even get to my Vespa. I thought I would buy a bottle of Gin in case there is a lock-down and so the Supermarket kindly washed my hands and lasered my forehead once again. 10 minutes later I arrived at the Hospital and they gave me a thorough cleaning and temp check before I was allowed in. The lift had a hand gel machine and I couldn't resist it. I checked in where they nodded at the hand gel and then I was led to get my BP, temp & heart rate checked. Upon my return to the Condo I had another temp check and got doused in gel once again. In the lift was another hand wash gel and I thought "In for a penny, in for a pound" and had another splash around. So all in all, in the space of 2 hours I had 9 hand washes and 6 temp checks. Am I alone thinking the world has gone crazy?

i am with you there

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yes i think the world is crazy regarding this virus.

Don't you think the governments are going at this the wrong way, none of this happened during previous pandemics, for a fraction of the cost currently being doled out the elderly and vulnerable should be looked after and the rest get on with work and life and let the virus take it's course, for those people there is little risk and medically manageable.

The current course is taking us on a path of years of battling this virus and decades of debt recovery, a very different world from the one we left just a few short weeks ago.

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All USA hospitals check in is a paymemt/ insurance process unless you arrive critical via ambulance.   

The debt per American was 60,000 usd but now is going much higher.  

I think star trek type virus scanners are in our future for all food,  people,  and shipments. There will be special  communities set up with closure around them.  The rich  and poor will see the true disparity.  Temp checks are so crude and 90% meaningless and in the future will look their true foolishness.  

Masks will be proven to be effective  and we will see the recommendations for no mask unless HCW was just due to massive unpreparedness by all.  

Racial tensions have  been revealed since 2016 and  even more so now. 

China will be revealed as very racist with their goal to take over the World.  Chiland will sink deeper in Chiang's grip. Will anyone care?  Look how the major news stories that only make the obscure news or make one quick 15 second soundbite and 3 hours later are forgotten.  USA has suspended  Government oversight on almost all if not all industry  so the environment is going to suffer massively.   

I will have to think longer on how life will change for the nightly rental folks but I think I rather have 1 good virus free specimen  by my side.  Any good reviews on best sex dolls?  That's a good investment  tip.  Any other advice and you will have to pay. 

Edited by Elkski
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I have had no choice but to put my retail business to be bed for 6 months 

At this stage hoping that will be able to open then.

Airlines when they open will be leaner & meaner & maybe only the more affluent will be able to afford to fly (The way it was 40 years ago). I agree with this as the pollution caused by too many folks tripping halfway around the world for a 2 week holiday is crazy

The rest,,, sorry, the crystal ball is on strike (I can't afford to pay it

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9 minutes ago, johno49 said:

yes i think the world is crazy regarding this virus.

Don't you think the governments are going at this the wrong way, none of this happened during previous pandemics, for a fraction of the cost currently being doled out the elderly and vulnerable should be looked after and the rest get on with work and life and let the virus take it's course, for those people there is little risk and medically manageable.


The current course is taking us on a path of years of battling this virus and decades of debt recovery, a very different world from the one we left just a few short weeks ago.


If anything to varying degrees the government responses have not been severe enough OR early enough. But that ship has sailed.







Edited by Jingthing
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