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Emergency could be extended


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1 hour ago, Tarteso said:

Emergency could be extended

..and they are waiting for?

If people stay home like asked, the numbers should peak and then drop off in the next couple weeks. Telling the people they will be shut in for months and months will make them panic, start hording and some may even commit suicide or........!

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I agree that managing people’s expectations is an important part of what the government needs to be doing.  What is needed is a numeric set of goals that once reached would trigger a reduction or removal of restrictions.  To be fair to the Thai government, I have not seen this from any government. 

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6 minutes ago, jmacken306 said:

If people stay home like asked, the numbers should peak and then drop off in the next couple weeks. Telling the people they will be shut in for months and months will make them panic, start hording and some may even commit suicide or........!

'Commit suicide or ........! '  Not sure what goes beyond suicide...


You are not locked up.. just have to stay inside only going out for exercise, work and to buy food... Its hardly suicidal .. But depends who you are inside with I suppose... 

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19 hours ago, darksidedog said:

When I saw the initial bar closure in Pattaya and saw a notice saying reopening April 1st, I had a quiet chuckle to myself, thinking "No you won't." I mean April fools day? Come on?

Biggest concern of repressive governments of course, is actual subsequent lifting of ALL conditions in due course. Civil liberties are hard gained and easily lost.

Thinking of the last sentence.


People who have experienced liberties are probably very keen to restore their previously owned rights. I would think that the temporarily lost liberties are not a difficult to get back. Otherwise there would be civil disobedience, which the people in power are afraid of. 



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1 minute ago, jmacken306 said:

You are forgetting that China LIED about it!!!!!! The USA cases keep rising now because they are doing 100,000+ tests a day, when the start they had no test kits. China lied to everyone, Trump reacted within 10 days to shut down China Travel and the Dem's thought that was mean, racists etc but it save us from having a million or so dead.

   USA cases are still rising now because the USA refuses to learn from other countries' experiences with the virus.  Way too slow from the getgo with ample warning from what was happening in other countries--led by the idiot Trump but plenty of dumb Democrats, too.  Imagine Trump urging 'filled churches' at Easter when there has been well-publicized coverage of major virus outbreaks from church services where people are packed close together in a closed space for an hour or more.  Just no learning taking place, apparently.  

    Even now, this late in the game, you have a doctor in the US suspended without pay for wearing a mask in a hospital hallway--against hospital policy  Madness.  You have a receptionist who is pregnant with a job that forces her to be in contact with many people daily and her company prohibits her from wearing a mask at work.  Madness.  I was just watching Fox and the idiot reporters were interviewing someone standing right next to them--sharing a microphone, practicing no social distancing,  and nobody wearing a mask--and this in April when everyone should know better by now. 

    97% of the Hong Kong population has been wearing masks since the virus started.  They have one of the lower rates of infection and deaths--even though they are right next to China.  Not sure why this is such a hard lesson to learn.  

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2 hours ago, samtam said:

Would be curious to hear of your symptoms, and how the virus manifested itself. I too think I've had a mild dose some weeks ago, but I have no way of knowing, or indeed whether I developed antibodies. However, not sure that is helpful, as we do not yet know whether antibodies create immunity for future infection:



We had a house guest for the weekend who traveled from the UK and then onto Timor.  Shared drinks, meals, hugs, etc.. He displayed symptoms on the flight over (1 day) and was tested by Australia in Timor as positive patient number 1.  Three days later my wife and I and another person present in the house developed aches, pains, headache, a light cough in my case.  My wife soon after lost her sense of taste and smell completely (a very widely reported coronavirus symptom as it turned out).  This lasted for about 5 days after which I still had a few issues with the chest and a light cough.  My son had a small temperature for a day and some diarrhea but that was all. 2 weeks later my wife has her sense of taste back but not yet smell.   Im much better on day 17 but still need naps in the middle of the day and have a light cough and low energy.  Feel on recovery.  We are now wanting to get a hold of a new antibody test from US or UK but only an approved one as there are many dodgy ones around here.

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There are two things that are certain (I think).

The Thai Junta Govt is under reporting both cases and deaths (expertise in stats about Road Deaths, Tourists, Economy);

The Thai Junta Govt has done and is doing very little to win support/votes from the vast majority of Thais.


Looking for the 'silver lining ' - hopefully the second will mean a big change in next elections.

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And what of expiring visas, visa free period, extensions to non O immigrant status? Have I missed something or must all in this situation still attend Immigration in person and perhaps get no more than 30 days with an Embassy letter, then do it all again? Come on: recipe for hot spreading. Time for an amnesty until the state of emergency is lifted. And no just in Thailand but I your country of origin. No good if you can't stay in Thailand but cannot enter your home country either.

Edited by Kalasin Jo
Additional comment at the end
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19 hours ago, Grumpy John said:

The wifes daughter rang a few minutes ago to say Phitsanulok is in lock down.  Don't know if it's just Mueang or the whole province.   

Whole Provence from 4 April. no travel back and forward to work in Sukhothai or Phitchit etc. If you have to come into p/lok from any provence, it's 14 days in quarantine in a number of hotels yet to be advised at your own expense. 

That's seems to be the gist of what was translated for me. 

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2 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Must drive you mad with all those bells ringing in the morning.Not to mention all the monks filing past in the morning begging for food trying to make you feel guilty for not sharing.

Not at this time everything very quiet both temples and the 5 nights a week of mowlem - all gone! It's beautiful!

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5 hours ago, johno49 said:

if the government monitor this forum and i guess that they do is it any wonder they want us gone and are making it harder for us to live here.

How are they making it harder for us to live here? I have to see a government official once every 90 days. Even an old grouchy hermit like myself can tolerate that.

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2 hours ago, jmacken306 said:

You are forgetting that China LIED about it!!!!!! The USA cases keep rising now because they are doing 100,000+ tests a day, when the start they had no test kits. China lied to everyone, Trump reacted within 10 days to shut down China Travel and the Dem's thought that was mean, racists etc but it save us from having a million or so dead.

Italy locked out China before Trump (despite his wailings) and much more aggressively.  Trump's ban had 11 exemptions which went on for weeks.

Italy with a complete ban on Chinese entering the country didn't result in a lot did it.

Bluster all you like, Trump.  It's taken you this long to get on board with this virus and you still lie.

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3 hours ago, Jimbo2014 said:

We had a house guest for the weekend who traveled from the UK and then onto Timor.  Shared drinks, meals, hugs, etc.. He displayed symptoms on the flight over (1 day) and was tested by Australia in Timor as positive patient number 1.  Three days later my wife and I and another person present in the house developed aches, pains, headache, a light cough in my case.  My wife soon after lost her sense of taste and smell completely (a very widely reported coronavirus symptom as it turned out).  This lasted for about 5 days after which I still had a few issues with the chest and a light cough.  My son had a small temperature for a day and some diarrhea but that was all. 2 weeks later my wife has her sense of taste back but not yet smell.   Im much better on day 17 but still need naps in the middle of the day and have a light cough and low energy.  Feel on recovery.  We are now wanting to get a hold of a new antibody test from US or UK but only an approved one as there are many dodgy ones around here.



My memory of timeline is a bit vague, because I was only looking out for the symptoms that were being identified at the time - dry cough, high fever and aches. I didn't have the first 2, and the aches seemed more pronounced than the usual neck and shoulder pains, which are chronic; in addition I had pains in both legs. I was desperate to have massage, but being aware of the dangers of close proximity to anyone, I avoided that completely. I also had very dry eyes, not painful, but discomfort, and then I developed a stye. These eye symptoms were self-treated and went away. I was also quite tired, and took to my bed in the afternoons a few times, and I had some diarrhea. I also had short painful headaches, but nothing too severe. Now I have occasional tiredness, and the dry eyes have returned, but this could be because of the pollution. I am in Bangkok, and am 63, (as of yesterday), so I put all of these things down to "just getting older". I usually swim 1200m every other day, but have stopped for 2 weeks, and we finally closed the pool yesterday. So I'm missing my usual exercise, but have taken to heavy house cleaning as a substitute, as I asked the daily maid not to come in about 2 weeks ago, and I stretch to ease my neck and leg aches.  


But who knows? Perhaps all these symptoms are coincidental; I just didn't feel 100%. I have had no respiratory symptoms. I am basically self-isolating, except for my weekly visit to the supermarket. I would dearly love to go to the ophthalmologist, dentist and to have my annual check-up at the hospital, but obviously avoiding all these establishments until we have a clearer picture of the situation. 

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3 hours ago, newnative said:

97% of the Hong Kong population has been wearing masks since the virus started.  They have one of the lower rates of infection and deaths--even though they are right next to China.

They are not right next door to China they are China.

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On 3/31/2020 at 2:04 PM, VBF said:

Would you like to guess at the outcome of that?

Sadly, I can see some people using this as an excuse to get something they've always dreamed of.

True. People have been mass migrating out of Thailand for a goof while now. A miss managed pandemic will likley sway the die hards who cling onto the "paradise" that is Thailand (mainly because they are in denial due to their financial investments in the place). i suspect there are many who just scream Thai basher, but the facts are the facts, Thailand is going down the pan and the numbers speak for themselves. stay safe, Thailand is not a place I would want to catch a deadly virus...

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8 hours ago, peter48 said:

In the UK 381 citizens died of the virus yesterday. The total now is 1,789 deaths. Confirmed cases = 25,150. Thailand has 12 deaths and 1771 cases that is  around 7% of UK cases. The difference is very high. 

I wonder how many tests have been conducted in Thailand compared to the UK , around 7% maybe ?

If you dont comprehensively test for the covid virus then subsequent confirmed cases and deaths will be low .

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9 hours ago, peter48 said:

In the UK 381 citizens died of the virus yesterday. The total now is 1,789 deaths. Confirmed cases = 25,150. Thailand has 12 deaths and 1771 cases that is  around 7% of UK cases. The difference is very high. 


that's assuming you can trust the thai figures and that the pneumonia deaths are actually pneumonia... neither country is doing enough testing; the uk around 10,000 daily aiming for 25,000 by the end of the month, the plans for thai testing? anyone know?!

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31 minutes ago, samsensam said:


that's assuming you can trust the thai figures and that the pneumonia deaths are actually pneumonia... neither country is doing enough testing; the uk around 10,000 daily aiming for 25,000 by the end of the month, the plans for thai testing? anyone know?!

The below link was on Sky News in Australia. 

A new 15-minute COVID-19 test has been launched in Thailand aimed at increasing the number of people being screened for the deadly virus and easing the burden on the health system.

Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok rolled out the rapid kit this week hoping it will help to quickly identify people with the illness.



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On 3/31/2020 at 2:50 AM, Basil B said:



He would close hospitals before he would close gun shops.


Though them queuing do not seem to have got the message about social distancing, they are playing Russian Roulette for real. 


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19 hours ago, Henryford said:

I think that applies to the whole world. Even in places like the UK only 0.3% of the population have been tested. So the number of claimed cases is meaningless. The actual number could be in the millions.

well based on what’s happening in Italy and the US the number coming out of china appear not to be accurate (very low) in the US the population in most are is far less than the outbreak areas in china and ye the number of infections and speed of it spreading along with deaths is nowhere close to what china is reporting, if they had the world’s governments would have taken this a lot more seriously sooner and started taking measures to protect its citizens so in this time all governments need to for coming about the truth, reporting accurate numbers so people take this seriously 

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If anyone in my family gets sick or God forbid dies from this Intentionally released virus from evil China, I am going hold evil China and its brainwashed citizens/population of robots fully responsible! China must be held totally and solely responsible for this madness! We want evil, communist China's presidents HEAD on a silver platter! China must be thrown out of the WTO and all trade deals canceled immediately!!! Evil, communist China must pay back every American citizen and business affected by the virus they created and unleashed on to the world! Personally, I hope half of China's evil, communist, brainwashed population of robots gets wiped out! Stop all imports of all medical/pharmaceutical products from evil, communist China immediately! and boycott "Don't Buy"  anything made in evil, communist China ever again!!! It's now time to crush China's economy and embarrass China on the world stage, & let everyone know what lying, cheating, opportunist parasites they really are... You can't bite the hand that feeds and expect to keep getting fed! Ideals are peaceful, history is violent! Needless to say, any debt America owed to China is now null and void!!!!  ????  ????????  #Americafirst  #USA  #Trump2020  #MAGA2020  #ChinaPurge2020

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