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With 2020 race all but halted over coronavirus, Biden quietly widens lead over Trump - Reuters/Ipsos poll


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7 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Sort of hoists Trump haters on their own petard..look, Biden is winning! Oh that poll that shows Trumps approval rating is a lie.


If you have watched Bidens recent interviews on TV, you have seen a man that is rapidly mentally declining.


And then we get to...why hasnt he resigned yet? He is being accused of sexual misconduct. And by the standards of his party, his accuser is entitled to belief. 



Oh and personally I dont think he should resign. My position on claims like this is "prove it". But thats not Bidens position. Preumption of beleif.


If Biden apologizes to Justice Kavanaugh, I would consider voting for him.

Article by Arwa Madawhi,a man hating ,feminist lesbian with an agenda,c'mon man you give her credence.

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Inflammatory posts and replies have been removed.


A post using a video from a late night comedy show was removed as a late night comedy show is not a credible source of news.  It was off topic anyway. 

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4 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

In my opinion the Covid virus has knocked out Trump in the first round. Knocked him out cold. Even Mylie Cyrus could beat him come November. His fight against this thing was pathetic from the start. Remember, Covid was a democratic hoax. Until it was not. It was just a little worse than a common cold. Until it was not. And it would go away like a miracle. Until it did not.


The election is already lost. All Joe has to do is simply show up. Covid has done to Trump what the collusion with Russia, the coddling of dictators, the alienation of our closest allies, the devastating trade war with China, that he started, his inane wall, his unbelievable Ukraine crimes, and his 15,000 lies could not do. It knocked him out of the race, and beat him before the elections could even be held. At least one good thing has come from the virus. 

He may have made a turnaround, and I think it could have been on time for his re-election.

In general events like this favour the ruling party, provided their response is seen as adequate. And while it has fallen whofully short in the first 2 months, the elections are still far enough away to turn that perspective around.

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1 hour ago, JemJem said:

I don't trust these polls, man. 


I am not an American citizen but if I were, I would either not vote at all or go for eg. Green Party candidate. 


I am a Sanders supporter and I know of MANY Bernie supporters who plan on doing what I wrote above. Whether some of these people will change their mind shortly before election day and go for Biden remains to be seen. 


My guess is it will be a quite close one. And, I think both Trump and 'Sleepy Creepy Joe' Biden (Must admit; well chosen adjectives by Trump) are bad news!! 

People are finally realizing their vote is really all they have. If you give it away, to someone you do not even like, your vote is counterproductive. 


Plus, next time there is a dem battle like this, centrists are gonna have to realize... "if we go the 'safe' route, we're gonna get hurt again". 


It is so strange we have even gotten to this point where you have to tell people to vote for their favored candidate, but that is where we have been for a while, and it is a large reason why there is so many problems.

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22 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Not gonna happen. Not by a long shot. He failed. He let his people down. He put his own politics first, in a time of national crisis, and that MUST NOT be forgotten. 

I hope you're right, but I'm not convinced. There is a big difference between 'must not' and 'will not'.

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2 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

Article by Arwa Madawhi,a man hating ,feminist lesbian with an agenda,c'mon man you give her credence.


This woman is pretty credible. She is being blocked out by mainstream media groups IMO. She is credible enough to be heard. She appears to have no ulterior motives or agenda. She has been mistreated  to the point that a reasonable person would conclude a double standard is being applied.

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8 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Fivethirtyeight.com is the best poll aggregator out there. In 2016 Clinton supporters were not happy when they gave Trump a 28% chance of winning. They have a page where they rate pollsters. Here is the link: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/pollster-ratings/  Look up Ipsos since it's the actual pollster. 

They not only did rate that 28%, they pointed to thess swing states that trump would need and those are the Electoral differences trump needed to get the win. Democratic that Hillary ignored. 

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43 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

People are finally realizing their vote is really all they have. If you give it away, to someone you do not even like, your vote is counterproductive. 


Plus, next time there is a dem battle like this, centrists are gonna have to realize... "if we go the 'safe' route, we're gonna get hurt again". 


It is so strange we have even gotten to this point where you have to tell people to vote for their favored candidate, but that is where we have been for a while, and it is a large reason why there is so many problems.


That is true. Especially in the primaries where people are free to vote for the person who most represents their own values. But time and time again I've talked to people who don't vote for the candidate they favor most in the primaries because the media and/or polling has suggested that candidate's chances of winning are less than some other candidate's. So they vote for the candidate they didn't even like previously. That explains how you get a Joe Biden as the nominee. Policy wise, not a whole lot different than his opponent. What the Democrats never seem to grasp is, that old saying in American politics, which is, "when the election is between a Republican (Neoliberal) and a Republican, people will always elect the Republican."

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