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How is your Thai Wife responding to the Coronavirus?


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1 hour ago, ukrules said:

Thinking has changed a lot over the last few weeks here.


As I was buying additional supplies in February she was saying 'this won't happen in Thailand'.


She's used to the situation now and is annoyed with people who aren't following the rules regarding 14 day quarantine, staying in, social distancing, etc.

I was starting to buy more than usual in January, although at the time I was in denial that this could escalate so quickly.

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3 minutes ago, drbeach said:

I was starting to buy more than usual in January, although at the time I was in denial that this could escalate so quickly.

Same here, I bought a load of stuff just in case I need it, it will all be used in the end.


My main concern was that foreign foods which I eat every day might become scarce if things escalated and supply lines shut down like happened in China.


I originally thought this was unlikely but now I pretty much expect it to happen, it's just a matter of when.

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My wife is taking it in her stride. She understands the need for social distancing and the hand washing protocols etc , but is a little bit anxious as I am , as we have a 17 year old on a student exchange in the US. We know she’s in good hands but for the both of us it’s difficult.

She focuses a lot on what is going on in Thailand and really only gets spots of the global big picture from the Thai news.

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1 hour ago, GreasyFingers said:

You are lucky. My wife has started watching the daily sopies. In the previous 5 years she never turned the TV on during the day. I am beginning to worry.

There's your opportunity, go out and buy her the game ????


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As usual, following the social norms, not really understanding the reasons behind them. Why I'm with this woman is beyond me, like we're opposites in oh so many ways. Probably a mother thing. Where I'm weak she's strong, were I'm strong she's weak, make of that what you will.

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We are staying busy lots of planting and grooming of our property beeing cautious when going out and only with proper ppe she’s concerned for all people’s everywhere a bit stressed lots of superbly cooked meals guess she’s handeling it as well as most I’m sure glad she’s on my team and has my back as I have hers

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3 hours ago, MamaSan said:

secured with undoable rubber bands

Haha thisssss^^^^


Let the world end, God, just show me the secret of unwrapping a Thai rubber band. (Yes I’ve YouTubed it, I need God Himself to show me how).


With regards to the Thai Wife (pfft to “captain anti-racist” up there) she doesn’t so much as hoard eggs due to coronavirus, however it seems normal for her to have no less than 6-8 cartons on hand in full rotation. She is an accountant and an extreme couponer and I’m a prepper gun-nut/survivalist anyway, on any normal year—she buys eggs I buy 5.56x45mm, we both do our gloriously cis-gender roles, (leftists can go lick a doorknob if so inclined ????).


Stay healthy you old farts.

Edited by Asking for a friend
Added on-topic filler
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MIne works in a hospital lab.. Used to come home say do not touch me. straight to the bathroom shower donot touch me.  

Working at the hospitalshe is worried about what she is going to bring home from work or the BTS or the minivan.


Finally she has decided and I agreed that the best thing for her is to stay at the hospital there is sleeping area there.

She is probably driving them crazy with how I told her to dress. pants not skirt.


I have closed the school so nothing to do.  Doing a lot of make work projects.

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I kept up to date on the initial outbreak back when (not bragging) everyone was largely asleep about the issue. Thankfully I had just finished read the old novel The Hot Zone about the original Ebola outbreaks.


i started to see things go downhill fast in China, ordered a reasonable amount of N95 back when they were a few dollars each, figuring I’d be required to wear them for my job -silly me not realizing in the West we suicidally resistes wearing masks (guilting people as hoarders or selfish/doctors need them etc) when in fact *now* they are saying we should all be covering our faces (a bit late thanks!).


So now my Thai Wife thinks I’m Nostradamus because we’ve been wearing masks the whole time to hell with what others think. We never hoarded anything but our usual purchasing process is to buy extra in case of a blizzard (North East USA) or job loss etc. The real hoarders are the ones that buy stuff and never use it. Our stuff is in constant use and rotation. We just have enough to help avoid adding to the cross contamination of going out every day to buy stuff like 90% of people do especially in BKK. 

she’s been great and learned to cut my hair (I bought electric clippers before the lockdowns for seeing it being an issue) and she did great. I in turn cut off chunks of her hair with her instructions. I must say I did poorly but we have a few months for my mistakes to grow back ???? 


Toilet Paper was never an issue (didn’t install the bidet hose here but this will prompt me to do it when this blows over).

Edited by Asking for a friend
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2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Pragmatically, supportive of her family circle. She gave a 30 kg bag of rice to her brother and sister-in-law, who have no money.

She got a good laugh out of the social distancing sex position diagrams. We were experimenting at 5 am this morning.



     Government  guide lines , 2 metres minimum distance , ref sex diagrams ,   at all times ..


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9 hours ago, Gracas said:

My lady is loving it. She went to AUS early February to visit our son in Melbourne, was due to return 31st March. Flight cancelled now stuck in Melbourne, she didn't want to come back anyway.

And I guess this leaves you with Internet dating, or maybe some escort sites? Mia Noi maybe?

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We are separated now due to the f*** overnight lock down between provinces. Yeah, great stuff, holy F***

But both of us are not afraid of CV but much more of the economical consequences the world will face.

Luckily, we both had our life in good and bad time and we will f*** this Chinese cr*** 2gether

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