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World Bank optimistic of Thai economic recovery next year despite likely contraction in 2020


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As an expat living here, I do feel sad to see money not spent adequately on libraries, health, schooling , infrastructure etc, the likes of which western countries incur lots of debt. But I do see much happier people generally . So who knows . A balance , I suppose, would be nice. 
I sincerely wish the Govt the best as these are terribly difficult times and hope they will look after all Thais who are badly affected economically with all the lockdowns and restrictions that are there to curb this virus.

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Thailand is currently in a strong financial position due to the influx of for -ex and investment coming in from the West when the recession( and let's hope it's not a depression ) follows the end of the virus will it continue? Also expect a large exodus of ex pats who will not be able to afford to live there,let's face it Thailand's had its day,it's not value now and is just another third world country with first world prices and aspirations.

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16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Thailand's gross domestic product is forecast to be in negative territory -- between -3 and -5 per cent this year -- Kiatipong Ariyapruchya, World Bank’s senior economist for Thailand, said on Thursday (April 2).

With it's economy already falling due to the Baht strength and tourism now at zero Thailand is in for a bad year, thousands will be unemployed.. for a long time.

Many will not last out this year and fold completely.

As foreign companies close or lay-off staff in factories Thailand has nothing of it's own to fill the void or offer alternative employment.

People returning from other Asian countries will be signing on too.

Prayut is in for a rocky ride when people start to go hungry... best delay the military expenditure and start putting some in the publics pocket or there will be riots on the street.


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3 hours ago, hotchilli said:

Prayut is in for a rocky ride when people start to go hungry... best delay the military expenditure and start putting some in the publics pocket or there will be riots on the street.

Nah- Thailand produces massive amounts of food. Thailand is unlikely to go hungry.

ITs the rest of the world you need to worry about. 

Very likely to see unrest in places like the Philippines for sure.

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Maybe the worm will turn, the food producing north and south will hoard the food and let Bangkok starve.

Empty malls/restaurants and no ability or place to grow anything, if they had the knowledge that is

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15 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Maybe the worm will turn, the food producing north and south will hoard the food and let Bangkok starve.

Empty malls/restaurants and no ability or place to grow anything, if they had the knowledge that is

With the non-native Bangkok workers back at the farms, not a completely impossible scenario. Would have some sweet justice in it.

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33 minutes ago, eeworldwide said:

Nah- Thailand produces massive amounts of food. Thailand is unlikely to go hungry.

I would be less sure than you ..
Full of agricultural products filled with pesticides;
and full of seafood stuffed with heavy metals.
but apart from that everything is going very well Madame la marquise ..

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18 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Maybe the worm will turn, the food producing north and south will hoard the food and let Bangkok starve.

Empty malls/restaurants and no ability or place to grow anything, if they had the knowledge that is

I hear what you're saying, but I think you'll agree that it's highly unlikely.

I would say that we're more likely to see anger against the current political situation if it doesn't provide realistic support and new infrastructure going forward.
Can you imagine what 2 more months of no work and increasing sickness is going to do people?

Its not just a matter of food, its bigger than that.

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10 minutes ago, Assurancetourix said:

I would be less sure than you ..
Full of agricultural products filled with pesticides;
and full of seafood stuffed with heavy metals.
but apart from that everything is going very well Madame la marquise ..

But that's precisely what the Thais have been eating for ages - why suddenly stop now?


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1 minute ago, eeworldwide said:

But that's precisely what the Thais have been eating for ages - why suddenly stop now?


They can continue to eat whatever they want and even poison themselves with joy 


( I never ate sea products in Thailand since 14 y I'm living here )


BUT it was and I put this verb in the imperfect because it will never be the same thing again, Europe and the US big buyers of Thai seafood will turn to their national productions;
and to whom will Thailand sell its pesticide-polluted vegetables

and its mercury-laden shrimp and other heavy metals?

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1 minute ago, Assurancetourix said:

They can continue to eat whatever they want and even poison themselves with joy 


( I never ate sea products in Thailand since 14 y I'm living here )


BUT it was and I put this verb in the imperfect because it will never be the same thing again, Europe and the US big buyers of Thai seafood will turn to their national productions;
and to whom will Thailand sell its pesticide-polluted vegetables

and its mercury-laden shrimp and other heavy metals?

To the chinese?

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27 minutes ago, eeworldwide said:

I would say that we're more likely to see anger against the current political situation if it doesn't provide realistic support and new infrastructure going forward.

Silver lining. Maybe Thais finally rise up. Long, long overdue.

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22 minutes ago, eeworldwide said:

Can you imagine what 2 more months of no work and increasing sickness is going to do people?

Yes you're correct, the real problem will start if this continues for two or three months as a semi-lockdown scenario, people will want real help and real answers from the government about how to pay the bank for home loans, repay the car, pay rent for shops that are closed, pay the utility bills etc etc... food I agree is available, handouts might help a little with food but it doesn't pay the bills.

5,000 baht isn't going to help anyone who has been forced out of work.

It's going to get real messy really quick come May/June if the Prayut & Co comedy act can't come up with a realistic package, crumbs don't cut it!

As a bonus it's nice to see Anutin has been silenced.... his racist remarks were unnecessary.

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23 hours ago, eeworldwide said:

I'm not an expert, but this seems rather optimistic, considering the fact that we're only just starting the crisis. The worst has yet to come.

do you think its just started because of the published numbers? the Chinese were entering Thailand freely in January, February and most of March. assume the numbers are much much bigger. The only reason  the number is so small is because the lack of testing. Didnt Thailand start with charging people for testing? The UK are taking time to ramp up the testing numbers per day and we still have over 35k formal numbers. however the government has said there are likely many many more...


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