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Return to "normal"...

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51 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

They need to relax the restrictions slowly.

I think what is now will be the same thru May.

Then, restaurants open in June with strict distancing.

July or August, the entertainment venues will open.

September the tourists will start arriving again with some restrictions.

By, Nov/Dec. full on tourism will return.

"September the tourists will start arriving again with some restrictions." and the Chinese will be first. Money is far more important here than any virus from China.

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I'm not a clairvoyant but it depends on science. 

In 3 weeks time the first vaccinations are being tested in Russia, 5 possible medicines are tested in Germany, where the vaccine will come from in autumn. 

Now guess when all will be finished.... World wide! ????

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41 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


I think in Thailand tourism will never recover to the extent that it was before. I think we might see 10 or 11 million arrivals in 2020 total. 

I think that from March to December 2020, the number of tourist arrivals will be close to...zero!

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1 hour ago, rumak said:

Your post will be read by some here and within days will be buried in the archives of just another thread on another forum.  Once in a while i post something similar,  though to most readers I'm sure it just seems like another blah blah blah.

Hepatitis C has a cure.  It was developed about 5 years ago , a simple pill taken once a day for usually 60 days.  

Hepatitis C drugs are pricey

Just one Sovaldi pill costs $1,000. A full 12-week course of treatment with this drug costs $84,000. The price of other hepatitis C drugs is also high: Harvoni costs $94,500 for a 12-week treatment.F


I know this is off topic.... but i hope i am excused.  Just wanted to add to what fittobethaid wrote.   There is some guy named  B. Gates.   Billions of dollars and pretends to care about the health of those suffering.    He alone could provide the funds to eliminate (100 %)  hepatitis C in the world.   BTW:  the generic made in India costs around 1500 dollars for the 60 pills.

Try asking him why he doesn't  JUST DO IT .    


When will we return to normal ?   Normal has always been where a small group in power control everyone else.   So really,  nothing has changed

exactly ... the GREED of BIG PHARMA has no limits


how can 1 pill be  1000$ ?   10 cents to produce and the rest is marketing & profits


bill gates loves vaccines, he has SHARES in companies


and his plans to REDUCE world population...


if only CORONA was EBOLA, that would be possible



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22 minutes ago, Greyhat said:

They're just reopening Wuhan, so watch closely for the answer.

Cargo flight from Wuhan just about to touch down in Sydney, Oz. Yes only cargo but crew allowed to leave according to article.

Screen Shot 2020-04-08 at 5.56.03 pm.png

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4 minutes ago, UbonThani said:

Why is the crew allowed to leave?


Why accept this stuff?

From the article.


"The Boeing 747, owned by Suparna, a Shanghai-based company formerly known as Yangtze River Airlines, will unload its cargo at Sydney’s freight terminal and its crew will be free to disembark under special dispensations that exempt pilots and aircraft crew from Australia’s mandatory 14-day quarantine laws."


Apparently the union are complaining. A lot of good that will do.

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4 minutes ago, Dazinoz said:

From the article.


"The Boeing 747, owned by Suparna, a Shanghai-based company formerly known as Yangtze River Airlines, will unload its cargo at Sydney’s freight terminal and its crew will be free to disembark under special dispensations that exempt pilots and aircraft crew from Australia’s mandatory 14-day quarantine laws."


Apparently the union are complaining. A lot of good that will do.

So 6 more corona carriers. Well done Scott.

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Just now, UbonThani said:

So 6 more corona carriers. Well done Scott.

Yep. I have been in Thailand for just under 7 years. For various reasons I want out but really starting to wonder is Oz any better? Only thing is maybe I can get OAP in 2 years.  I say maybe things may change much more due to the virus excuses.

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1 hour ago, UbonThani said:

Should be good. Far too many tourists before. Chinese tourists ruined Krabi. Worth going again.


The Chinese also ruined Lake Toba. I went to Sumatra ready to see one of the most beautiful lakes and natural spectacles in the world. Instead I got a Chinese Benidorm with jetskis. Horrific what the Chinese did to Lake Toba.

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October. September is when they might have some treatments available. Won't be the same ever, international travel will go down as people have learned to work remotely and will avoid places where SARS-CoV-2 might lurk.

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1 hour ago, UbonThani said:

Should be good. Far too many tourists before. Chinese tourists ruined Krabi. Worth going again.

The nature might have recuperated a bit after a few months of no hordes. They will destroy it again, so if you're up to it, especially if you've had the virus and got antibodies, might be nice to visit around August-September.

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28 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

I think that from March to December 2020, the number of tourist arrivals will be close to...zero!

I tend to agree. I was taking into account the average of about 3.3 million tourists in Jan and Feb. And some in March. The rest of the year? Tourism here will never, ever be the same again. This inane administration has done so much to literally skin the golden goose of tourism alive, for the past six years. And now? 

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21 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

I tend to agree. I was taking into account the average of about 3.3 million tourists in Jan and Feb. And some in March. The rest of the year? Tourism here will never, ever be the same again. This inane administration has done so much to literally skin the golden goose of tourism alive, for the past six years. And now? 

There is that, and there will be many other issues.


People will remain afraid of the virus for a long time, and for most, home will always be safer than abroad.


Even the fearless ones will hesitate, not willing to find themselves locked in a quarantine because another passenger or someone in their hotel will have tested positive.


Then, of course, there will be the money issue...millions upon millions will be either wiped out, or in need of rebuilding their savings...faraway holidays will not be exactly a priority...



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3 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

There is that, and there will be many other issues.


People will remain afraid of the virus for a long time, and for most, home will always be safer than abroad.


Even the fearless ones will hesitate, not willing to find themselves locked in a quarantine because another passenger or someone in their hotel will have tested positive.


Then, of course, there will be the money issue...millions upon millions will be either wiped out, or in need of rebuilding their savings...faraway holidays will not be exactly a priority...



And one wonders if some of this was intentional? Some sort of effort to wipe out the lower classes, and those just getting by? I have no idea what the agenda would be, but it seems bizarre to me that South Korea and Sweden were the only two countries in the world that did not shut down their economies. 

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14 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

And one wonders if some of this was intentional? Some sort of effort to wipe out the lower classes, and those just getting by? I have no idea what the agenda would be, but it seems bizarre to me that South Korea and Sweden were the only two countries in the world that did not shut down their economies. 

high education maybe and not giving into panic like the 208 other countries

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1 hour ago, dluek said:

After 6-18 months of off-and-on economic shutdown, how many people are going to be able to take trips? 

Mostly retired people who, as long as their pensions keep being paid are actually not financially worse off today then they were 2 months ago.

With nothing to do here in UK, since my return in late March, I'm spending less than I would normally plus i have loads of Baht for whenever the next trip may be.


OK the markets plunged, but that only matters if you actually crystallise your losses - my portfolio had lost 25% in early April. Now it's "only" down by 19% with the markets vERY slowly creeping up. But then one should always think long-term in the case of stocks & shares.


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30 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

And one wonders if some of this was intentional? Some sort of effort to wipe out the lower classes, and those just getting by? I have no idea what the agenda would be, but it seems bizarre to me that South Korea and Sweden were the only two countries in the world that did not shut down their economies. 

Japan #2 - South Korea #4 - in most educated countries in the world.

And they do not suffer from megalomaniac leaders, have good health care for their citizens, are used to turmoil and pulling themselves back up from the brink.

Do not run around like Chicken Little every time something happens, like many other countries do. Pragmatism is a virtue.


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3 hours ago, Benmart said:

I know of no one who able to look into the future without the aid of a tinfoil hat. Such requests are pointless except to feed the appetites of TVF magical soothsayers.

aluminum foil hats

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2 hours ago, James105 said:

Sadly, the world we knew without Corona virus no longer exists and we can never go back to it.  Normal will probably be carrying a covid-19 vaccination certificate in the passport to go on holiday if and when a vaccine becomes available.   I am bracing for countries to flip flop between loosening restrictions when they think they have it under control, only to go back into lockdown once it re-emerges again for the next 12-18 months.  

maybe this all scare / panic is


forced adult vaccine, worth TRILLIONS of profits


brought to you by: BIG PHARMA


0 studies about safety, 0 options to sue if you / child is damaged for life as you cannot sue


not anti-vaxxer, but CDC / FDA just fail to provide proof ... see a few videos of The HIGHWIRE , might open your eyes, but probably GLUED shut with ignorance and hard to change beliefs, specially for boomers



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There won't be any going back. We're sitting about laughing at all this but the 5hit has really yet to even get started. Unlike China that closed itself off to the world you're going to get an eyeful.

A million body bags, mass graves, medical resources stretched to the limit because old people can't stay the hell inside. Misery, lots of death and misery. Unemployment around the world will hit historic levels. 60%. Markets will crash making 2009 look like a kiddie birthday party. Homelessness, breadlines, riots, martial law. National police in the streets.


The vaccine will be mandatory. A few will become insanely wealthy on the backs of this.


If you can't figure out how to escape it you'll be living in a distopian movie.


Over?! Hasn't even started!


Make plans



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2 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

I'm not a clairvoyant but it depends on science. 

In 3 weeks time the first vaccinations are being tested in Russia, 5 possible medicines are tested in Germany, where the vaccine will come from in autumn. 

Now guess when all will be finished.... World wide! ????

russia has as good as no victims


why would they spend money in vaccines ?

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