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Will Covid 19 settle the Climate Change Debate?

CG1 Blue

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10 minutes ago, sungod said:

Air is cleaner where I am, that's for sure.


A negative I see is increased waste of single use plastics, particularly takeaway services from restaurants/food vendors.

Good point 

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I think that the Covid-19 episode will lead to worse effects on the climate because:


- many people/companies in western countries will default to quicker, cheaper and dirtier ways of producing and distributing goods and services due to lack of funds and need to make money to survive

- in the developing world, there will be an even more exageraged need as in the Western world. This will be aggravated by inherent poverty - while Covid-19 will be controlled in Western countries by public health measures and eventually vaccine, such measures in developing countries are going to have a more extreme effect and there will be issues with testing and vaccine distribution due to lack of funds both in the developing countries themselves and with the usual sources of funding from donors

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43 minutes ago, JimmyJ said:


"Will this period of less human activity make a material difference to global temperatures etc., such that it can prove humans are responsible for climate change?"


It has already been proven that it is an effect of Capitalism.


The fact that there are people on Thai Visa forums that won't accept scientific facts changes nothing.

Alright, I'll bite. So what's your alternative to capitalism?

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It may settle any debate around pollution, but climate change is a long term thing. And most deniers say their is little to no correlation between human activity (regardless of visible pollution) and the current climate changes we are seeing.

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A large part of this is just corporate, media driven news cycle. The other part is no one cares about the environment they care about living through this situation coming out with their health and finances intact.


While you're enjoying the nice fresh air consider also manufacturers pulling out all the stops to make as much money in the least amount of time before the wheels come off the bus.


Notice all the plastic that's back for carry out? The foam?


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1 hour ago, Kerryd said:

Climate Change is NOT "man made". It is a naturally occurring cycle that has been going on ever since this planet was formed. Otherwise Earth would still be locked in a "snowball" earth phase where 99.99% of life of the planet is extinct.
These cycles last from 10s of thousands of years to 10s of millions of years, depending on a number of factors, the vast majority of which have absolutely nothing to do with mankind.

Mankind's actions have contributed to a speeding up of the current warming cycle that started at the end of the last Ice Age. Various climate models have suggested that this warming phase (or "inter-glaciation phase" as in a period between freezing cycles) would end in 1,500 years or so and the Earth would enter another (minor) Ice Age. These warming and cooling cycles happen all the time.
However, depending on the Earth's orbit around the sun during a given period, and it's axial tilt, those warming cooling periods could be extended by thousands of years (or even millions).
Some experts think that mankind's action may actually be delaying the onset of the next freezing period by 1,500-5,000 years.

Consider that the Cyrogenian Ice Age lasted from 720 to 635 million years ago. That means it lasted 85 MILLION years ! The planet was frozen completely down to the equators with only some areas around hydro-thermic vents deep in the ocean still being warm (and supporting microbacterial life).

That was just 1 of the 7 major Ice Ages the planet has gone through, just in the last 720 million years. (Each Ice Age contains numerous warming and cooling spells as well, or "glaciation" and "inter-glaciation" phases.)

As well, the Earth has also had periods where it has been completely ice free !! Those periods are referred to as the "Greenhouse Earth" periods and guess what happens during those periods ? 
When the Cyrogenian Ice Age ended, it was followed by the Ediacaran Period which saw an "explosion" of life form on the planet, including the first hard-shelled life forms. The Ediacaran period is estimated to have lasted around 94 million years.

The planet is considered to be in a "Greenhouse" phase when all the ice in Antarctica and Greenland has melted.

This will really irritate some people. Scientists (real ones, not ones named Greta) estimate that the CO2 levels in the atmosphere during the Ediacaran Period were 16 times higher than in the pre-Industrial period and global temperatures were around 3 degrees (Celsius) higher than current temperatures.

Why is that ? I thought you'd never ask ! This will also irk Greta and company.

Real scientists have determined that EVERY major Ice Age was triggered by the SAME reason - LACK of CO2 in the atmosphere !

Here's what happens. CO2 is released into the atmosphere through volcanic and tectonic plate activity (we are talking about long before man was ever a gleam in an amoeba's eye).
CO2 builds up in the atmosphere and over the course of millions of years it helps trap heat and start warming the planet.

The ice/snow melts and - voila' ! Life flourishes ! Including life such as plants and trees and phytoplankton, all of which absorb CO2 and release oxygen as a byproduct !

The more CO2 in the atmosphere, the larger the plants and trees grow and the more phytoplankton there is in the seas. However, all good things must come to an end and that has been the case since long before Greta decided she was really angry and that we'd "stolen" her childhood.

Eventually, all those CO2 absorbing organisms outstrip the amount of CO2 being released into the atmosphere and the pendulum starts to swing the other way and the planet starts to cool down again. This process doesn't happen overnight of course (a fact more than a few seem to forget, or outright ignore).
It takes 10s of thousands of years before the effects are noticeable, but then things devolve in a hurry.

You seem when the Ice starts to reform the first thing that happens is more of the suns rays are reflected back into space, which actually speeds up the cooling process ! Eventually the oceans start to freeze over (speeding up the process), glaciers form (speeding up the process) and snow blankets the planet (speeding up the process). Life on the planet DIES.

And stays that way until eventually, enough CO2 builds up in the atmosphere (again) to allow the planet to start warming up (again).

And that has been happening ever - since - the - planet - was - formed. 

And that is what WILL keep happening long after mankind has gone extinct ! In fact, if every human on the planet died today and every fossil-fuel burning piece of machinery stopped and every methane farting cow died - 
Climate Change would STILL happen !

And it will keep happening until the sun goes super nova (or we wipe ourselves out by accidentally blowing up the planet).

A very interesting and well written piece of information. If you have no objections, I would like to keep a copy?

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1 hour ago, Kerryd said:

And it will keep happening until the sun goes super nova (or we wipe ourselves out by accidentally blowing up the planet).

The scientific demonstration was impressive, until this last paragraph...


The sun won't go supernova, too small for that...it will evolve into a red giant that will ultimately destroy the Earth and the other planets...

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27 minutes ago, Surasak said:

A very interesting and well written piece of information. If you have no objections, I would like to keep a copy?

Do that and read it again bearing in mind that man has destroyed a third of the main 'CO2 absorbing organisms' (rain forest) in the last 60 years. And that CO2 remains in the atmosphere for around 50 years before being absorbed.

I'm afraid you can't just burn your way out of it.

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1 hour ago, Krataiboy said:

Alright, I'll bite. So what's your alternative to capitalism?

We have not been in a capitalist system for a very long time...most countries are socialist, and we can see it during this crisis, where everybody is coming, hat in hand, to beg the nanny state for help...

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8 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

We have not been in a capitalist system for a very long time...most countries are socialist, and we can see it during this crisis, where everybody is coming, hat in hand, to beg the nanny state for help...

Sounds a bit like China, which some believe is the role model for where we all be heading courtesy of post-plandemic mass social engineering.


Yeah, I know. Bloomin' conspiracy theorists.

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17 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

We have not been in a capitalist system for a very long time...most countries are socialist, and we can see it during this crisis, where everybody is coming, hat in hand, to beg the nanny state for help...

Capitalism is a method of running an economy. Socialism is a political theory. A country can be socialist AND capitalist - like Norway or Finland.

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