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Will Covid 19 settle the Climate Change Debate?

CG1 Blue

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1 minute ago, Brunolem said:

What about cancer? 


Do you think the nice products from Monsanto and friends the farmers are throwing with abandon (while wearing hazmat suits in some cases) on their crops have no effect on consumers' health? 


i gotta bail out on this topic, i dont even recognize the words and i havnt got the interest to read up on the subject of healthy food, im having a hard enough time to find any food i like the taste of

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Let me think:
Pre-Covid:  Single use plastic pretty much phased out by retailers in favor of "bring-your-own-from-home" reusable bags.

During Covid: "Bring-your-own-from-home" reusable bags declared virus/bacteria carrying health hazards.

Post-Covid: Return to single use plastic bags?  And lest we forget, single use plastic gloves, plastic medical PPE, plastic in masks, plastic sheeting, plastic face covers, single-use plastic syringes in the billions if Billy Gates gets his way - most of which will return to the land-fills and oceans.  Big win for the Petro-Chemical industry - they get their cake and can eat it too!

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18 minutes ago, TheDark said:

The choice is ours. Either we let the utterly greedy people rule the world, or we take back control and make the Earth Great Again.

when specifically was earth great ?, for whom ? for general biomass or a specific specie ? in what way ?


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48 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

I really wanted this to be true because I like to learn new stuff. But every answer I see via Google seems to contradict what you said about the white streaks ????  e.g.: 


The hot, humid exhaust from jet engines mixes with the atmosphere, which at high altitude is of much lower vapor pressure and temperature than the exhaust gas. The water vapor contained in the jet exhaust condenses and may freeze, and this mixing process forms a cloud very similar to the one your hot breath makes on a cold day.

Jet engine exhaust contains carbon dioxide, oxides of sulfur and nitrogen, unburned fuel, soot and metal particles, as well as water vapor. The soot provides condensation sites for the water vapor. Any particles present in the air provide additional sites.




Section on climate in this is interesting:



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4 minutes ago, johng said:

LOL  :cheesy:   bum gun and then wash your hands much cleaner.

no, the back pressure pushes the feces into the water system, and from there the feces crawls to the tap you thought you used to clean your hands and dishes in, while in actual fact you are pouring the feces on your hands and dishes, yuck !

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4 hours ago, DrTuner said:

That was funny. At least they are capable of changing their view when new evidence surfaces. Some here at TVF are still going raaaahhh just a flu bro Tarzan bundolo!

Definitive proof that unlike left wing media, right wing media can admit when it gets it wrong.

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Just now, connda said:

single-use plastic syringes in the billions if Billy Gates gets his way

Vaccinations, which according to Billy Gates, will drop the world's population by a couple of billion souls thus making a cleaner, more livable planet for the eugenicists who would prefer to see another 4 billion or so sheered from existence leaving only a class of serfs to serve them and a planet sized hunting reserve with clean air and unpolluted oceans for their enjoyment.

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6 minutes ago, TheDark said:

Is this your best contribution to this this discussion?


Please let as at least sometimes point out to the public, how nasty some of these members really are.. instead of just reporting them to the mods. 

Ok. I might have underestimated your cynicism. I'm tired and a bit (read a lot) more on fight feeling. 


If you get banned for an while, that's on me. Sorry.. really.. 

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5 minutes ago, phycokiller said:

all you armchair scientists, write it down and publish it in a science journal, the oil companies will reward you with millions and trump will give you a medal of freedom if you can disprove that humans are warming the planet


so far no body has risen out of their arm chair to collect the bounty. guess you are more content posting on obscure forums where you just look like the idiots that you are

many analysts are debunking the hysterical co2 angst, but the activists just wont listen to reason


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5 minutes ago, connda said:

will drop the world's population by a couple of billion souls thus making a cleaner, more livable planet

There are certainly too many people on the planet at the moment,some way of limiting the population has to be found..if humankind doesn't do it then mother nature will.

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3 minutes ago, johng said:

Great for the Dinosaurs maybe ?  high temps and high C02.

complex life thrives in warmer temperature and plants and photosynthetic plankton

thrives in a rich co2 environment, nothing changed except conditions has degraded over time

since earth cooled down too much for reinvigorating  either optimal life conditions

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Whilst I agree that the earth goes through long term temperature changes I have followed a

glacier in NZ for 55 years & seen it retract & grow 2 times in that time & I am talking 60 ft of ice & a retraction of 150metres.

Remember it  takes 100ft of snow to make 1 ft of ice so any immediate change is 6 yrars.

We are undoutedly polluting our planet & I don't mean just rubbish.

The airlines as an example are contributing vast amounts of carbons into our air.

This, after Covis will be reduced considerably.

Not only have executives of airlines realized that there is little money in the business for the effort & capital investmemt that a lot of cheap airlines will just disappear.

This flying half way around the world for a 12 day hoiday are over except for the rich

With our amazing capabilities of internet business travel can be halved.

Efficiency of machinery & less use of fossil fuels are our future.

A touchy subject at this time but there are too many of us on this planet which I said long before this virus came along & when we have had for 25 years 27,000 people die of starvation every day & what have we done to fix. Nothing except a few greedy "charities" who treat it like a business & the charity forwards maybe  10% if lucky getting where it should.

I'm off for a beer !!



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4 hours ago, Kerryd said:

Climate Change is NOT "man made". It is a naturally occurring cycle that has been going on ever since this planet was formed. Otherwise Earth would still be locked in a "snowball" earth phase where 99.99% of life of the planet is extinct.
These cycles last from 10s of thousands of years to 10s of millions of years, depending on a number of factors, the vast majority of which have absolutely nothing to do with mankind.

Mankind's actions have contributed to a speeding up of the current warming cycle that started at the end of the last Ice Age. Various climate models have suggested that this warming phase (or "inter-glaciation phase" as in a period between freezing cycles) would end in 1,500 years or so and the Earth would enter another (minor) Ice Age. These warming and cooling cycles happen all the time.
However, depending on the Earth's orbit around the sun during a given period, and it's axial tilt, those warming cooling periods could be extended by thousands of years (or even millions).
Some experts think that mankind's action may actually be delaying the onset of the next freezing period by 1,500-5,000 years.

Consider that the Cyrogenian Ice Age lasted from 720 to 635 million years ago. That means it lasted 85 MILLION years ! The planet was frozen completely down to the equators with only some areas around hydro-thermic vents deep in the ocean still being warm (and supporting microbacterial life).

That was just 1 of the 7 major Ice Ages the planet has gone through, just in the last 720 million years. (Each Ice Age contains numerous warming and cooling spells as well, or "glaciation" and "inter-glaciation" phases.)

As well, the Earth has also had periods where it has been completely ice free !! Those periods are referred to as the "Greenhouse Earth" periods and guess what happens during those periods ? 
When the Cyrogenian Ice Age ended, it was followed by the Ediacaran Period which saw an "explosion" of life form on the planet, including the first hard-shelled life forms. The Ediacaran period is estimated to have lasted around 94 million years.

The planet is considered to be in a "Greenhouse" phase when all the ice in Antarctica and Greenland has melted.

This will really irritate some people. Scientists (real ones, not ones named Greta) estimate that the CO2 levels in the atmosphere during the Ediacaran Period were 16 times higher than in the pre-Industrial period and global temperatures were around 3 degrees (Celsius) higher than current temperatures.

Why is that ? I thought you'd never ask ! This will also irk Greta and company.

Real scientists have determined that EVERY major Ice Age was triggered by the SAME reason - LACK of CO2 in the atmosphere !

Here's what happens. CO2 is released into the atmosphere through volcanic and tectonic plate activity (we are talking about long before man was ever a gleam in an amoeba's eye).
CO2 builds up in the atmosphere and over the course of millions of years it helps trap heat and start warming the planet.

The ice/snow melts and - voila' ! Life flourishes ! Including life such as plants and trees and phytoplankton, all of which absorb CO2 and release oxygen as a byproduct !

The more CO2 in the atmosphere, the larger the plants and trees grow and the more phytoplankton there is in the seas. However, all good things must come to an end and that has been the case since long before Greta decided she was really angry and that we'd "stolen" her childhood.

Eventually, all those CO2 absorbing organisms outstrip the amount of CO2 being released into the atmosphere and the pendulum starts to swing the other way and the planet starts to cool down again. This process doesn't happen overnight of course (a fact more than a few seem to forget, or outright ignore).
It takes 10s of thousands of years before the effects are noticeable, but then things devolve in a hurry.

You seem when the Ice starts to reform the first thing that happens is more of the suns rays are reflected back into space, which actually speeds up the cooling process ! Eventually the oceans start to freeze over (speeding up the process), glaciers form (speeding up the process) and snow blankets the planet (speeding up the process). Life on the planet DIES.

And stays that way until eventually, enough CO2 builds up in the atmosphere (again) to allow the planet to start warming up (again).

And that has been happening ever - since - the - planet - was - formed. 

And that is what WILL keep happening long after mankind has gone extinct ! In fact, if every human on the planet died today and every fossil-fuel burning piece of machinery stopped and every methane farting cow died - 
Climate Change would STILL happen !

And it will keep happening until the sun goes super nova (or we wipe ourselves out by accidentally blowing up the planet).

Excellent work.

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30 minutes ago, brokenbone said:

it would be lovely if i could drink the tap water, but that aint gonna happen in thailand,

and the reason is not industry, the reason is the bum gun users



19 minutes ago, brokenbone said:

in my home country there are natural wells clean enough to drink water from,

but there has been rivers throughout the entire history where it just isnt healthy.

the contamination of water can be largely attributed to bum gun users,

theres a chart somewhere on internet showing colera spread,

and it aint in the industrialized word, its in the areas where the population

arent spending money on proper toilet paper, manufactured by the industry for the purpose

of proper hygienic wiping and swiping the ar$e


Do you really believe fecal bacteria can swim backwards through several metres of piping to contaminate a drinking water supply against a positive pressure? Where is your evidence of this? Cholera is spread in areas with no sanitation, spurious argument.

Do you really believe your a##e is clean when you wipe it with dry toilet paper? Take a swab after you have done so, and submit it to a bacteriological laboratory. You are in for a shock.

Now consider an industry that has scented and colored paper for aesthetics and marketing. You think your bum knows the difference?

Then consider the trees that have to be chopped down to make that toilet paper, and the massive effluent treatment plants Western countries need to break down all that extra paper, as well as urine and feces. Ecological madness.

I can't feel clean without a bum gun. My son has them installed in his house, and considers them a blessing in the current craze for toilet paper prevailing in Australia. He's been drinking the water from his tap for years. I'm dreading 14 days of quarantine without a bum gun.

Very occasionally, I'll come across a post that is so egregiously stupid I have to wonder if the poster was dropped on their head as a baby.


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25 minutes ago, Lacessit said:




Do you really believe fecal bacteria can swim backwards through several metres of piping to contaminate a drinking water supply against a positive pressure? Where is your evidence of this? Cholera is spread in areas with no sanitation, spurious argument.

Do you really believe your a##e is clean when you wipe it with dry toilet paper? Take a swab after you have done so, and submit it to a bacteriological laboratory. You are in for a shock.

Now consider an industry that has scented and colored paper for aesthetics and marketing. You think your bum knows the difference?

Then consider the trees that have to be chopped down to make that toilet paper, and the massive effluent treatment plants Western countries need to break down all that extra paper, as well as urine and feces. Ecological madness.

I can't feel clean without a bum gun. My son has them installed in his house, and considers them a blessing in the current craze for toilet paper prevailing in Australia. He's been drinking the water from his tap for years. I'm dreading 14 days of quarantine without a bum gun.

Very occasionally, I'll come across a post that is so egregiously stupid I have to wonder if the poster was dropped on their head as a baby.


when the tap is off, there is no stream, its a slight climb in elevation with no pressure working against,

and if you havnt notice, the bum gun is half a meter below the level of the tap you use to flush your vegetables with feces

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27 minutes ago, Lacessit said:




Do you really believe fecal bacteria can swim backwards through several metres of piping to contaminate a drinking water supply against a positive pressure? Where is your evidence of this? Cholera is spread in areas with no sanitation, spurious argument.

Do you really believe your a##e is clean when you wipe it with dry toilet paper? Take a swab after you have done so, and submit it to a bacteriological laboratory. You are in for a shock.

Now consider an industry that has scented and colored paper for aesthetics and marketing. You think your bum knows the difference?

Then consider the trees that have to be chopped down to make that toilet paper, and the massive effluent treatment plants Western countries need to break down all that extra paper, as well as urine and feces. Ecological madness.

I can't feel clean without a bum gun. My son has them installed in his house, and considers them a blessing in the current craze for toilet paper prevailing in Australia. He's been drinking the water from his tap for years. I'm dreading 14 days of quarantine without a bum gun.

Very occasionally, I'll come across a post that is so egregiously stupid I have to wonder if the poster was dropped on their head as a baby.


I'm with you there. I live in the UK at the moment, and if the ground water temperature wasn't so low I'd have bum guns installed in a heartbeat! 

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2 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

I'm with you there. I live in the UK at the moment, and if the ground water temperature wasn't so low I'd have bum guns installed in a heartbeat! 

dont contract a thai plumber or diy plumber, or the lethal goop will infect more then corona.

in fact its a punishable offense in the civilized word to contaminate

the otherwise perfectly drinkable tap water

Edited by brokenbone
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5 hours ago, Kerryd said:

Climate Change is NOT "man made". It is a naturally occurring cycle that has been going on ever since this planet was formed. Otherwise Earth would still be locked in a "snowball" earth phase where 99.99% of life of the planet is extinct.
These cycles last from 10s of thousands of years to 10s of millions of years, depending on a number of factors, the vast majority of which have absolutely nothing to do with mankind.

Mankind's actions have contributed to a speeding up of the current warming cycle that started at the end of the last Ice Age. Various climate models have suggested that this warming phase (or "inter-glaciation phase" as in a period between freezing cycles) would end in 1,500 years or so and the Earth would enter another (minor) Ice Age. These warming and cooling cycles happen all the time.
However, depending on the Earth's orbit around the sun during a given period, and it's axial tilt, those warming cooling periods could be extended by thousands of years (or even millions).
Some experts think that mankind's action may actually be delaying the onset of the next freezing period by 1,500-5,000 years.

Consider that the Cyrogenian Ice Age lasted from 720 to 635 million years ago. That means it lasted 85 MILLION years ! The planet was frozen completely down to the equators with only some areas around hydro-thermic vents deep in the ocean still being warm (and supporting microbacterial life).

That was just 1 of the 7 major Ice Ages the planet has gone through, just in the last 720 million years. (Each Ice Age contains numerous warming and cooling spells as well, or "glaciation" and "inter-glaciation" phases.)

As well, the Earth has also had periods where it has been completely ice free !! Those periods are referred to as the "Greenhouse Earth" periods and guess what happens during those periods ? 
When the Cyrogenian Ice Age ended, it was followed by the Ediacaran Period which saw an "explosion" of life form on the planet, including the first hard-shelled life forms. The Ediacaran period is estimated to have lasted around 94 million years.

The planet is considered to be in a "Greenhouse" phase when all the ice in Antarctica and Greenland has melted.

This will really irritate some people. Scientists (real ones, not ones named Greta) estimate that the CO2 levels in the atmosphere during the Ediacaran Period were 16 times higher than in the pre-Industrial period and global temperatures were around 3 degrees (Celsius) higher than current temperatures.

Why is that ? I thought you'd never ask ! This will also irk Greta and company.

Real scientists have determined that EVERY major Ice Age was triggered by the SAME reason - LACK of CO2 in the atmosphere !

Here's what happens. CO2 is released into the atmosphere through volcanic and tectonic plate activity (we are talking about long before man was ever a gleam in an amoeba's eye).
CO2 builds up in the atmosphere and over the course of millions of years it helps trap heat and start warming the planet.

The ice/snow melts and - voila' ! Life flourishes ! Including life such as plants and trees and phytoplankton, all of which absorb CO2 and release oxygen as a byproduct !

The more CO2 in the atmosphere, the larger the plants and trees grow and the more phytoplankton there is in the seas. However, all good things must come to an end and that has been the case since long before Greta decided she was really angry and that we'd "stolen" her childhood.

Eventually, all those CO2 absorbing organisms outstrip the amount of CO2 being released into the atmosphere and the pendulum starts to swing the other way and the planet starts to cool down again. This process doesn't happen overnight of course (a fact more than a few seem to forget, or outright ignore).
It takes 10s of thousands of years before the effects are noticeable, but then things devolve in a hurry.

You seem when the Ice starts to reform the first thing that happens is more of the suns rays are reflected back into space, which actually speeds up the cooling process ! Eventually the oceans start to freeze over (speeding up the process), glaciers form (speeding up the process) and snow blankets the planet (speeding up the process). Life on the planet DIES.

And stays that way until eventually, enough CO2 builds up in the atmosphere (again) to allow the planet to start warming up (again).

And that has been happening ever - since - the - planet - was - formed. 

And that is what WILL keep happening long after mankind has gone extinct ! In fact, if every human on the planet died today and every fossil-fuel burning piece of machinery stopped and every methane farting cow died - 
Climate Change would STILL happen !

And it will keep happening until the sun goes super nova (or we wipe ourselves out by accidentally blowing up the planet).

1 satang "expert" 555

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1 hour ago, johng said:

Yes there is nothing wrong with plastic itself its the disposal/recycling that needs addressing.

more specifically it fail to decompose, we truly need to develop decomposable one time use bags

so we can dispense of the garbage in our homes in a way that doesnt spread this plastic menace

of non rotting material that flat out refuses to recycle

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Nature will sort it out, either through pandemics or other means. It's hubris to think this little human infestation is gonna have a good end, not unless we accept our role as caretakers rather than exploiters. I sometimes believe in God because who else would set the speed of light as the ultimate limit of human exploration. We'll create this feisty little monkey race Satan but as damage limitation we'll give them four score years and ten, or thereabouts, and the speed of light. We can't have monkeys mucking up this perfect universe I've created. But your idea of free will, yeah, that's interesting.

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13 minutes ago, Tropposurfer said:

Proves that when we as the destructive parasitic species we are have become extinct nature will revive and survive. 

on contrary, humans are crucial for recycling co2 now that earth core has gone too cold

for volcanoes to keep up with the parasitic sea life organisms that takes the shell built with co2

with them into their grave, and it just never get recycled naturally.

only we humans can restore balance by burning their corpses and thus recycle

the vital co2 molecule essential for life on earth

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25 minutes ago, brokenbone said:

dont contract a thai plumber or diy plumber, or the lethal goop will infect more then corona.

in fact its a punishable offense in the civilized word to contaminate

the otherwise perfectly drinkable tap water

But drinking water (kitchen) is direct from the mains in most UK properties, and the bathroom water supply is from a tank. How would the gunk work it's way round to the mains supply? Sorry, veering way off topic, but I'm curious! 

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