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Every Cloud has a Silver Lining. What's yours?


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My younger daughter and I were booked to go to the UK for 5 weeks, which was of course cancelled.

We're stuck at home, like most of the rest of the country... and the world. But every cloud has a silver lining and ours is that in addition to lots of family time, I'm able to teach my elder daughter to drive, as well as exercise lots with and without her... because we both need to shed some weight.

What are your silver linings to this lockdown situation? 

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4 of my five investment traunches were in cash when all this hit.


I still have my job.


My wife isn't the least bit driving me crazy


No one in my family is ill save for my cousin and his daughter. Mild cases.


Done a lot of organizing I'd never otherwise done.


Started to yet again consider moving back to states in five years.


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4 hours ago, donnacha said:

Having no idea how all this will play is, at least, interesting.

Perhaps our civilization needed a reset. I'm not convinced many people were particularly happy or fulfilled, despite it being the richest and most comfortable time in human history.

This enforced time-out will be a period of reflection for many. Some relationships and marriages that should end will end. Some people will break away from jobs and careers that they secretly hate. Some may finally do something about their health and fitness.

A collapsed economy might finally convince the Thai people to kick the generals out of power.

Thailand might reassess their turn against Westerners and realize that we contribute to their economy in ways that are stabilizing at village level but not easy to quantify.

Working remotely will become far more accepted, increasing the work opportunities available for those of us based in S.E. Asia.

People may become more aware of how, in return for convenience and cheap goods, we have turned a blind eye to a pretty rotten regime in China.

The left might start to focus once again on things that matter to regular folks, which will rebalance all politics.


Well thank you for delivering one of the most insightful posts I have seen on TVF....It makes a welcome change!


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I hate living here in Thailand and want to return to my home country but I can't leave until I sell my house here since all my savings is tied up in the house. The only redeeming thing is the low cost of living here. 

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8 minutes ago, Kurtf said:

I hate living here in Thailand and want to return to my home country but I can't leave until I sell my house here since all my savings is tied up in the house. The only redeeming thing is the low cost of living here. 

Never buy

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People seem to confuse "silver linings" with "blessings" . we all have our blessings and should be grateful for them, but this is not what this thread asks for.(if I understood this OP correctly)

One "Silver Lining" of this virus situation is that I am getting a chance to catch up with my reading.

Currently reading  "Julian" by Gore Vidal , something I wanted to do for a long time but could not find the time.

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16 minutes ago, Kurtf said:

I hate living here in Thailand and want to return to my home country but I can't leave until I sell my house here since all my savings is tied up in the house. The only redeeming thing is the low cost of living here. 

You may be waiting for years to sell.


Learn from this,guys. 

Dont brink into thailand,what you cant afford to loose.

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21 minutes ago, Kurtf said:

I hate living here in Thailand and want to return to my home country but I can't leave until I sell my house here since all my savings is tied up in the house. The only redeeming thing is the low cost of living here. 

Where is it, what is it and how much do you want?

Always interested in property at the right price.

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I regained access to a server I had at Amazon Web Services.  It's been running since 2014 but I lost access and over the years have thought about sorting it but just never got round to it.   Been paying $15 a month so kind of glad I can use it again. 

Sorted out another server that was costing me $25 a month, moved 3 websites off that onto one of my other servers, then shut down the $25 a month one. 

Set up a new server this morning so I have everything better organised. 


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45 minutes ago, Captain 776 said:

Social distancing not new for me.

Been doing it since I retired 5 yrs ago.

I enjoy to be home with my wife n dogs and enjoy my hobbies of Beekeeping and Baking.



Always been facinated by beekeeping.

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1 hour ago, Captain 776 said:

Social distancing not new for me.

Been doing it since I retired 5 yrs ago.

I enjoy to be home with my wife n dogs and enjoy my hobbies of Beekeeping and Baking.


Bread looks fantastic! What type of oven are you baking in?

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