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Tooth abscess - AGONY ????????????


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Hi, I had an abyss in back February.
An extraction would have cost me 700 baht.
I decided to save the tooth and undergo root canal treatment, It was agony.
Root Canal work cost 9,550 including X-Rays
Crown cost 9500
Treatment took four weeks from 10th February to 29th February and it then took 2 weeks for the pain to subside.
The absyss agony went on the first visit.

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3 minutes ago, Alidiver said:

Treatment took four weeks from 10th February to 29th February and it then took 2 weeks for the pain to subside.

Normally there is little or no pain for root canal treatment in my experience (and have had many) unless still have an abscess.  But I normally have a fairly high pain threshold so expect it can be painful for some.  With an abscess it is smelling salt for revival time if doing much of anything. 

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26 minutes ago, Alidiver said:

Hi, I had an abyss in back February.
An extraction would have cost me 700 baht.
I decided to save the tooth and undergo root canal treatment, It was agony.
Root Canal work cost 9,550 including X-Rays
Crown cost 9500
Treatment took four weeks from 10th February to 29th February and it then took 2 weeks for the pain to subside.
The absyss agony went on the first visit.


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The agony will be a tiny swelling pushing on a nerve. That’s all it takes for it to hurt like hell


the risk of infection spreading is high if they extract before the infection has subsided 


the kidney issue sounds more critical to be fair. Get yourself to a&e 


failing that all the advise has been provided already 


Painkillers, antibiotics and topical anaesthesia


although I suggest you get the m16 topical anaesthetic it will numb the agony temporarily 



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57 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

Normally there is little or no pain for root canal treatment in my experience (and have had many) unless still have an abscess.  But I normally have a fairly high pain threshold so expect it can be painful for some.  With an abscess it is smelling salt for revival time if doing much of anything. 

I have very low pain threshold and need valium as well for root canal, have had horendous pain experiences over the years


we all have different levels of pain tolerance

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You need to be careful with messing about with antibiotics as you could build up resistance.

Anyway, I would head to hospital before the weekend as a few years ago i could not get emergency dental treatment in Pattaya (even at BKK hospital).....i pretty much drank myself unconscious for 2 days but sounds like this is not an option for you.

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If you insist on medicating at home using a Water Pik to thoroughly clean areas around the tooth may help in addition to your pain killers and infection medications.  However, for the best outcome I would highly recommend visiting the dental clinic available in almost every major hospital.  Especially as you said the infection seemed to be spreading toward your eye you should see a highly qualified dentist immediately and not the local offices that apply braces and do routine care.

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if you have actual kidney disease/decreased renal function the antibiotic dose should be adjusted(lowered) for your specific degree of impairment. 


a hospital visit can help you especially if they have a dental division.  a hot tooth or abscess often warrants a narcotic pain killer if you are not allergic . thailand has codeine at hospitals


i had a hot tooth from pulpitis while in vietnam and got over the weekend til my dentist returned from a conference with otc codeine. i broke the tabled into pieces and used just enough to control pain without getting zonked out.


in bangkok mahidol university runs a dental clinic





from mayo clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/tooth-abscess/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20350907



In addition to examining your tooth and the surrounding area, your dentist may:

  • Tap on your teeth. A tooth that has an abscess at its root is generally sensitive to touch or pressure.
  • Recommend an X-ray. An X-ray of the aching tooth can help identify an abscess. Your dentist may also use X-rays to determine whether the infection has spread, causing abscesses in other areas.
  • Recommend a CT scan. If the infection has spread to other areas within the neck, a CT scan may be used to assess the extent of the infection.

More Information


The goal of treatment is to get rid of the infection. To accomplish this, your dentist may:

  • Open up (incise) and drain the abscess. The dentist will make a small cut into the abscess, allowing the pus to drain out, and then wash the area with salt water (saline). Occasionally, a small rubber drain is placed to keep the area open for drainage while the swelling decreases.
  • Perform a root canal. This can help eliminate the infection and save your tooth. To do this, your dentist drills down into your tooth, removes the diseased central tissue (pulp) and drains the abscess. He or she then fills and seals the tooth's pulp chamber and root canals. The tooth may be capped with a crown to make it stronger, especially if this is a back tooth. If you care for your restored tooth properly, it can last a lifetime.
  • Pull the affected tooth. If the affected tooth can't be saved, your dentist will pull (extract) the tooth and drain the abscess to get rid of the infection.
  • Prescribe antibiotics. If the infection is limited to the abscessed area, you may not need antibiotics. But if the infection has spread to nearby teeth, your jaw or other areas, your dentist will likely prescribe antibiotics to stop it from spreading further. He or she may also recommend antibiotics if you have a weakened immune system.
Edited by atyclb
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21 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

I had chronic tooth pain once, nothing worked killing the pain from the shelf. Then the wife went into the 7/11 pharmacy shop and came out with a small red pack containing  of yellow tablets - that to me oddly taste like foam bananas ! Took two, pain gone within about 10-15 minutes. Is only pain killer I use now, but only available  in pharmacy shop.  Pharmacist says they are for women's period pains, but work great for toothache. Mefenamic acid Coly tablets I think. Work for me, and they over the counter as opposed to really strong doctor issues tabs that you may have a trouble getting in to see

Ibuprofen 500mg is the only prescription free painkiller that helps against tooth ache. Paracetamol doesn't help at all. 

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2 hours ago, farangkinok said:



2 hours ago, Alidiver said:

Hi, I had an abyss in back February.
An extraction would have cost me 700 baht.
I decided to save the tooth and undergo root canal treatment, It was agony.
Root Canal work cost 9,550 including X-Rays
Crown cost 9500
Treatment took four weeks from 10th February to 29th February and it then took 2 weeks for the pain to subside.
The absyss agony went on the first visit.

I've had root canal treatment on about 10 teeth over the last 5 years and I've never suffered any pain whilst having them done. 

I also have a very low pain threshold. 

My regular dentist always arranges a specialist to come to the surgery to do them. A regular dentist is not trained for this. 



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21 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

I had chronic tooth pain once, nothing worked killing the pain from the shelf. Then the wife went into the 7/11 pharmacy shop and came out with a small red pack containing  of yellow tablets - that to me oddly taste like foam bananas ! Took two, pain gone within about 10-15 minutes. Is only pain killer I use now, but only available  in pharmacy shop.  Pharmacist says they are for women's period pains, but work great for toothache. Mefenamic acid Coly tablets I think. Work for me, and they over the counter as opposed to really strong doctor issues tabs that you may have a trouble getting in to see

I swear by Midol, works really great however I do tend to get real grumpy every 28 days????????


No seriously clove oil on a cotton bud is quick and effective for the pain but you really need to see to the infection,  I'd get a second opinion if you think the antibiotics are not working..

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5 minutes ago, Proper person said:

A regular dentist is not trained for this. 

Believe all dentists are trained for RCT but as with any medical procedure here it is those that specialize and do day in and day out that are normally the best choice.  No way am I letter this guy near my teeth.

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Don't bother with the amoxycillin <deleted>....use 500mg qid of cloxacillin, add 500mg bid of ciprofloxacin and use 400mg of metronidazole tid. You will be right as rain in no time. 

Abcesses are usually caused by anaerobic bacteria (those that can live with no oxygen) or by facultative aerobes (bacteria that normally use oxygen but can adjust in situations where there is no or little oxygen.

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Screwing around with antibiotics is stupid


Amoxy is tried and tested sounds like your initial course was not long enough & therein lies the problem in SE Asia and Asia in general they give very short course and the dosages are usually smaller than western medicine.

Its not to late to start back on amoxy

first dose 1 gram then 500mg evey 8 hours for 7 days


you may have to move onto amoxicillin with clavulanic acid
but go to a pharmacy that has the local generic imported costs a lot

Do not take Flagyl (metro) that screws your gut up

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2 minutes ago, Pedrogaz said:

Don't bother with the amoxycillin <deleted>....use 500mg qid of cloxacillin, add 500mg bid of ciprofloxacin and use 400mg of metronidazole tid. You will be right as rain in no time. 

Abcesses are usually caused by anaerobic bacteria (those that can live with no oxygen) or by facultative aerobes (bacteria that normally use oxygen but can adjust in situations where there is no or little oxygen.


dont listen to this 
bloody stupid


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5 minutes ago, Pedrogaz said:

500mg bid of ciprofloxacin

As one whose only algeric reaction is to that medication would never, ever, advise anyone to use unless under direct medical oversight (and yes I know it is cheap and used much too often here - should be last resort in most cases).

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15 hours ago, nomad2019 said:

Anyone know where get clove oil jontien, pattaya...

Ive kidney disease and ive noticed tonight my urine is dark brown like coka cola......i need help now.

Cannot take antibiots again

Quit messing about with TV forum. You need to either see your kidney doctor ASAP who should be able to get you into a dental facility who can either drain the abscess via the tooth or from the gum. You will still need antibiotics and your kidney doctor should be the one advising.


If you don't have a kidney doctor here, go to the hospital and ask to see one today. I did a walk in at Bumrungrad 8 years ago and the doctor saw me within an hour (first class care).  I just walked up to the reception and ask for the type of Doc that I needed (a nephrologist).  I don't take any antibiotics without my kidney doctors advice.


Good luck!!

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19 hours ago, nomad2019 said:

Went dental smile just now was given yet more antibiotics ( clindamycin 300 mg)

3xday every 6 hrs...

Failing these do not relieve me of this b******d pain what would you recommend.

Asked dentist to cut and drain he said no ????

Should i go pattaya city hospital and get it drained....intravenous antibiotics....

Getting suicidal now, i really am going up the bloody walls ????????????????????????????????????????????????????


In your situation the dentist is mindful that the local anesthetic will not work 100%. Also dentists are instructed in this Covid-19 situation not to perform the harder cases of extractions like yours. I strongly recommend that you go to a decent dental department at private hospital eg bumrungrad. You could have serious complications otherwise. Make sure they check your blood pressure before extracting it. Good luck 

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5 hours ago, nomad2019 said:

Cannot take anymore amoxi

Sorry to hear that - I took a total of 20 days over two months to get rid of mine. Two tablet x 500mg a day. Hope you find the solution and quickly.

The pharmacy I use is near the Thapae Gate, just inside the Ratchedamnoen road about 40 metres in on the left -  Peera pharmacy, recently extended and even better. I've known her for 20 years plus and she has never let me down on her vast knowledge and advice offered in perfect English. Go and talk to her, maybe.

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I broke a tooth a few years ago...

I had the broken tooth fixed, but a small slither of the broken tooth had somehow got pushed deep into the gum and slowly started to cause an extremely painful abscess.


Here lies the issue - 'What is causing the abscess?'

Is there still a small piece of broken tooth hiding in your gums somewhere that is the cause of the abscess and subsequent infection?


A skilled and meticulous Periodontal surgeon needs to careful inspect the entire site around the infectious abscess to determine the underlying cause.

It's no good taking anti-biotics if the foreign body is still embedded in your gums - the infection will just flare up again no matter what antibiotic you use.

Whatever is causing the infection needs to be removed ASAP, before permanent damage is caused to the surrounding teeth and jaw bone.


Costs (approximate only for a local clinic not 5 star hospital)

Periodontal surgery 12K

Root canal surgery 3K per root (approx. 9K)

Temporary crown 3K

Permanent crown 12K

Others 3K



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Tie a piece of cord around the tooth other end around an open door handle, close you eyes get someone to creep up and slam the door. Recommended in the Tommy Cooper book of dentistry excellents.

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On 4/9/2020 at 3:32 PM, JHolmesJr said:

Forget Azithromycin...it's not for dental issues.

If Amoxicillin isn't working, you need to step up to Metronidazole tablets.

They are specifically described for tooth infection and many docs give them after

root canal as prophyalxis.

Get the highest strength and take one, twice a day.

It also comes in dental gel form...called Metrogyl DC....make sure it says oral use on the tube.

A great painkiller is Arcoxia (etoricoxib)...very powerful, pain goes in minutes.


Good luck...tooth issues in these times suck.

This is the stuff but no alcohol during use but it is as stated, specifically for teeth and certain other oral problems. 

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Call Dr Lily at Bangkok Dental Spa - bkk Sukhumvit. Soi 19 (down the soi alongside T21).

Get a ride up there n she’ll fix it it in 30 minutes.

In my 60 odd years of going to dentists I would say to you having an infected abscessed tooth isn’t a reason not to pull it - quite the contrary.

The things broken so your looking at a crown most likely, or a really cheap fix of a filling if this is at all possible .
An implant isn’t much more than a crown and gives an almost lifetime quality crown from Dr Lily.

You get rid of the infection in and under the tooth that can’t be flushed out and away while you’ve got a nasty tooth on top of it.

Then if you want you can shop around for an implant or bridge later when your not in torturous pain.

I think your dentist is rubbish bro !

Ph: 662651 0807 or google the website


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33 minutes ago, Tropposurfer said:

Call Dr Lily at Bangkok Dental Spa - bkk Sukhumvit. Soi 19 (down the soi alongside T21).

Get a ride up there n she’ll fix it it in 30 minutes.

In my 60 odd years of going to dentists I would say to you having an infected abscessed tooth isn’t a reason not to pull it - quite the contrary.

The things broken so your looking at a crown most likely, or a really cheap fix of a filling if this is at all possible .
An implant isn’t much more than a crown and gives an almost lifetime quality crown from Dr Lily.

You get rid of the infection in and under the tooth that can’t be flushed out and away while you’ve got a nasty tooth on top of it.

Then if you want you can shop around for an implant or bridge later when your not in torturous pain.

I think your dentist is rubbish bro !

Ph: 662651 0807 or google the website


Just stating my case , I have a heart murmur so Dentist said could not pull or work on tooth while infected as puss/infection could get into my bloodstream and cause damage to the heart.  Was given Amoxicillan 500 for a week and told to come back. Took 400 to 800 MG of Ibuprofen for pain and actually busted the large swelling on gum myself with sterilised pin. Need to rinse moth ofted with Listerine and/or salt water so you don't swallow puss. After that no more pain and went  back and had the wisdom tooth pulled.

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4 hours ago, andy72 said:

Screwing around with antibiotics is stupid


Amoxy is tried and tested sounds like your initial course was not long enough & therein lies the problem in SE Asia and Asia in general they give very short course and the dosages are usually smaller than western medicine.

Its not to late to start back on amoxy

first dose 1 gram then 500mg evey 8 hours for 7 days


you may have to move onto amoxicillin with clavulanic acid
but go to a pharmacy that has the local generic imported costs a lot

Do not take Flagyl (metro) that screws your gut up



'op said he has kidney problems




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20 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

Just stating my case , I have a heart murmur so Dentist said could not pull or work on tooth while infected as puss/infection could get into my bloodstream and cause damage to the heart.  Was given Amoxicillan 500 for a week and told to come back. Took 400 to 800 MG of Ibuprofen for pain and actually busted the large swelling on gum myself with sterilised pin. Need to rinse moth ofted with Listerine and/or salt water so you don't swallow puss. After that no more pain and went  back and had the wisdom tooth pulled.


lots of old textbooks cover heart murmurs as related to dental procedures.  thing is newer evidence has shown echocardiograms are better to show-confirm the suspected valvular problem.


once you know for sure what the valve problem is and degree your doctor can know what is called for






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an abscess moving from the middle towards the upper face is extremely dangerous because the veins in that area can give the infection direct access to your brain.

High inflammation in a tissue reduces the pH and in that acidic environment, the local anesthetics wont work.

incision and drainage and appropriate antibiotic treated based on your overall condition is the indicated treatment right now.

the broken tooth can be removed after the infection/inflammation is cleared up.

I am a dentist

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