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China set to lead Thailand's international tourism recovery from August: C9 Hotelworks


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1 hour ago, ChouDoufu said:

you have only yourself to blame then.  you're the buyer, you make the decision to purchase, you make the decision to accept the shipment.  why haven't you found other suppliers?  surely you can source the same components from japan or south korea, but you'll have to pay more.


the chinese are making cheap **** because the world demands cheap ****.


much of the **** they make comes from factories purpose-built, designed and managed by western multinationals.  we (our corporate overlords) decided long ago to move production to lower-cost locations - lower wages, no pensions, no unions, no health and safety standards, no unemployment compensation, no environmental regulations.


sure, we can use the virus to fight the commies and move production out of china, but i don't expect much to go back to the us or europe.  factories will move to free and democratic vietnam or myanmar, and once their wages begin rising, we'll simply move to the 'stans or into afrika.

Guess you miss the point of my post.


The topic thread is China set to lead Thailand's international tourism recovery from August.


I'm pointing out that China will lose a lot of business for all the reasons I mentioned.


When they lose business that mean the Chinese will lose jobs, hence no money.


Add to that the blame they gonna get for the current crisis and the Yuan devaluations.


How is a nation in distress gonna lead international tourism anywhere?

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5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Hopefully, by the time this all happens, the Chicoms will lose their grip on power, as they are one of the world's most heinous regimes. 

Likely not. They are the driving force behind China's imperialism.

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1 hour ago, thisisrascal said:

China will soon realise that it needs the Western nations and to <deleted> us off, as they have been doing, will end badly for them. 

As long as the West keeps on buying cheap <deleted> from China, produced by it's peasant workforce and those in vassal states, China will keep buying the West out. 


Do not buy anything "Made in China". That's the only thing a little man can do to help in the fight against CCP.

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1 hour ago, Susco said:

Guess you miss the point of my post.


The topic thread is China set to lead Thailand's international tourism recovery from August.


I'm pointing out that China will lose a lot of business for all the reasons I mentioned.


When they lose business that mean the Chinese will lose jobs, hence no money.


Add to that the blame they gonna get for the current crisis and the Yuan devaluations.


How is a nation in distress gonna lead international tourism anywhere?

you made a long post, only responding to the one point - poor quality goods.


another point could be how they will deal with unemployment.  their 'peasant workforce' comes from the hinterlands, where farmers earn on average 12k rmb annually (doubled over the past five years).


instead of backbreaking farm work living in mud huts without running water, they head to the eastern factories for 5k/month, plus overtime.  they work a few years then head back home, can build a house, find a wife, live comfortably. 


what are those guys gonna do now?  go back home and raise pigs and soybeans?  either that or take reduced pay in the factories, which can cut pay by 50% and probably still attract workers.


that's assuming the factories don't reopen, or lose market share.  regardless, with 1.5 billion, there will be enough people with enough spare cash to afford package tours to thailand.  if conditions are bad enough, the tour operators will have to cut prices to attract more chinese. 

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Countries already deeply indebted to Beijing through its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) face increasing economic hardship caused by the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic, the South China Morning Post reported on Tuesday.

China uses the BRI to establish economically predatory infrastructure projects across the globe, expanding its sphere of influence. Chinese loans fund infrastructure projects in over 100 developing nations across Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America through the BRI, an initiative estimated to be worth $8 trillion.

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1 hour ago, ChouDoufu said:

what are those guys gonna do now?  go back home and raise pigs and soybeans? 

Ideal outcome would be they go home to fetch the pitchforks and head to Beijing to get rid of the CCP.

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Just now, zippysteve said:

Pretty much yeah but that’s difficult. 

Yes. The cancer is embedded deep in supply chains. But remember, we did just fine in 80's and 90's when the factories were in our backyards. And now it's the 4th industrial revolution ongoing, 3d printing, automation, robotics. Use technology to squeeze CCP out.

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Who need Chinese or Indians? According to TV commentators only western expats spend 5000 Thb or more a day. ???? Just open bars and street stalls and they will be back to their 45 Thb meals and happy hour 60 Thb beers. Economy will bursting again!

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14 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:

you have only yourself to blame then.  you're the buyer, you make the decision to purchase, you make the decision to accept the shipment.  why haven't you found other suppliers?  surely you can source the same components from japan or south korea, but you'll have to pay more.


the chinese are making cheap **** because the world demands cheap ****.


much of the **** they make comes from factories purpose-built, designed and managed by western multinationals.  we (our corporate overlords) decided long ago to move production to lower-cost locations - lower wages, no pensions, no unions, no health and safety standards, no unemployment compensation, no environmental regulations.


sure, we can use the virus to fight the commies and move production out of china, but i don't expect much to go back to the us or europe.  factories will move to free and democratic vietnam or myanmar, and once their wages begin rising, we'll simply move to the 'stans or into afrika.

free and democratic vietnam or myanmar, and once their wages begin rising, we'll simply move to the 'stans or into afrika.           Yaa baa ?   

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11 hours ago, SupermarineS6B said:

free and democratic vietnam or myanmar, and once their wages begin rising, we'll simply move to the 'stans or into afrika.           Yaa baa ?   


haha, you don't get it.


the china bashing by our government isn't because we give a bat's ass about the people or their rights.  this is just propaganda, part of the economic war.


we (our government and corporations) will move production or sourcing to the country that either gives us the best deal (cheap plastic <deleted>), or buys the largest quantity of our weapons, or allows us to build another military base to drone wedding parties.


free and democratic society vs. fascist authoritarian regime - doesn't particularly matter.  our overlords are perfectly happy to make deals with al quaeda, isis, mek, ccp, or random south american tinpot dictator......if we get something valuable in return. 

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