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Why are Thailands numbers low? Its the mask!s


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14 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Hardly anyone was wearing them when it was spreading enmasse

In CM they were wearing them due to the bad air quality... and I think that when you wear it for a corona it is a constant reminder to keep your distance and that precautions should be taken..


also, there is some talk of the virus not doing as well in hot climates.

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Common sense says any type of mask help. The initial advise to not wear one in the USA was a huge mistake. The excuse that there where not enough surgical mask implied that other types of mask did not help but again common sense says a well fit cotton mask or any type will help. Now they are saying even a bandana is better then nothing. And as far as people posting that Thailand is under reporting.  Where are all the sick people hiding? 

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28 minutes ago, jonwilly said:

I expect that a care home is where I will end up if I stay alive for another 10-15 years , hence my interest.

Here is the larger issue... 


Who will make the decision as to when? If you are ok, you will feel you are not ready -  if you are not ok, you might not want to go.. it is a pretty hefty move and a tough decision that you might not be capable of making... at what % of brain degeneration will you want to give up your freedom and the handling of your finances? 


Do you have someone who will make these decisions? 


And yes, I have seen some pretty decent facilities in all price ranges in CM area.. 


Best of luck to all of us...

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The Thais had it right all along, they are not lying about the numbers, the masks are key 


All Asian countries are lying about the numbers/ or incapable of reporting cases and deaths accurately.


It is well documented that numbers in Japan, China and most certainly in Thailand are absolutely false. Even in South Korea, whose pandemic response was good, the country is known for endemic corruption where telling the truth is as rare as four leaf clovers.


Anyone who thinks masks stop the pandemic needs their head examined. If that were the case all the countries would have to do is just hand out free masks.



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3 minutes ago, montereyjp said:

Common sense says any type of mask help. The initial advise to not wear one in the USA was a huge mistake. The excuse that there where not enough surgical mask implied that other types of mask did not help but again common sense says a well fit cotton mask or any type will help. Now they are saying even a bandana is better then nothing. And as far as people posting that Thailand is under reporting.  Where are all the sick people hiding? 

Maybe true, any kind of mask will help. But the question is, how much? And does not using a mask correctly actually help or make things worse? There are lots of mitigating factors for sure, but mask use is far down the list, especially improper use of poorly designed/manufactured masks.  I cringe when I see people constantly removing/donning their masks. 


Setting the speed limit at 10kmh would also help reduce deaths significantly (well, perhaps not in Thailand). As would banning tobacco.  Point is that we all have to accept a certain level of risk in our lives.  The chances of catching a virus from a non-coughing person due to one or the other of you not wearing a mask is remote enough not to worry about.  The amount of time and stress dedicated to masks as opposed to other, more imortant methods is quite stunning.


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-Very high temperatures + humidity + UV levels

-Soap and temperature checks in nearly every public shop

- Obedient, responsible and respectful citizens (mostly)


A combination of those things

Edited by hydraides
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Everybody wearing a mask must give some protection,

another thing here that is  different from the West is shoes,

here they never take them in the house,they are left

outside,and as most wear slip-on shoes no need to

even touch them to put on or take off.


In the west they are taken into the house,even worn inside,

and have to be taken on and off by hand,

and the was a report,that the virus can live on hard surfaces

for 72 hours,could that also be the tremendous difference

between cases here and in the West,you would have thought

Thailand would have came off worse,when you consider all

the Chinese tourists that came here.

regards worgeordie



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2 hours ago, chessman said:

I get the impression that care homes are much lesson common in Thailand. Even in richer Asian countries like Japan, it is the tradition for the very old to be taken care of in their family home.
Anybody know something about care homes in Thailand?

A couple of years ago we had to visit the ex husband (British) of a friend who was slipping away in a home in Lat Prao Bangkok. It was not as plush as the UK ones I've visited people in. It was crowded but the amenities looked good. The staff were good and the residents looked happy and they were well fed. I've no idea about the cost. He looked like the end was near so the language was not a problem. I assume his Thai wife put him in there. Quite a few seemed to have dementia. Perhaps it was Bangkok where houses are smaller it is therefore better for a family under those conditions. Not seen any up in the sticks although I have heard that there are some particularly in the Thai Christian community.

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Mask not tell nothing! If you sick you should use one! If healty its polite way to say you care! Many who really know, has already say it's maybe more bad to use one! Number show Numbers! If you test 2 you can find 2!


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My point is that Thais would have started wearing masks more seriously back in January/February when the virus was making news headlines, but in the USA, Europe, UK etc.. Most people were not wearing masks because its not the Norm to do. Chinese start travelling into countries, virus starts spreading, it spreads like wildfire in the western countries because of no mask wearing, but spreads much slower in Thailand because of the mask wearing. Then the lockdown is ordered, its too late for western countries, most people still not using masks, virus is still spreading but slightly slower than before. Thailand seems to have it under control, numbers are small, due to the public planning ahead of time with the masks. That's just my theory 

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3 minutes ago, Bonobojt said:

My point is that Thais would have started wearing masks more seriously back in January/February when the virus was making news headlines, but in the USA, Europe, UK etc.. Most people were not wearing masks because its not the Norm to do. Chinese start travelling into countries, virus starts spreading, it spreads like wildfire in the western countries because of no mask wearing, but spreads much slower in Thailand because of the mask wearing. Then the lockdown is ordered, its too late for western countries, most people still not using masks, virus is still spreading but slightly slower than before. Thailand seems to have it under control, numbers are small, due to the public planning ahead of time with the masks. That's just my theory 

Mask wearing wouldn't have mattered that much.  Far more spread is by touch, improper hygiene, etc. 


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6 minutes ago, Vigilante said:

Plus..blistering tropical sun (UV rays) and associated heat are killing the virus.

I would wager the spicy food plays a role too

MERS, another coronavirus, thrived in Saudi Arabia, where it is extremely hot.


The theory that heat kills the virus, is just a theory. Like the fanciful notion that masks keep case numbers low in Thailand, rather than a lack of extensive testing the sick and the dead.


Unfortunately both theories are wrong.

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There are many factors as to why Thailand and SE Asia do not seem to have been hit so hard.

1. is definitely the masks (no it is not the main reason but one of)

2. Like everyone has said this is not a touchy feely country people are not as affectionate in public.

3. Greetings

4. Big City if you look the main location for this is from BKK look at the US it is people from NYC.  People here are more spread out.

5. Pollution with the amount of pollution in the air I am sure it took away some of the affects and it also pushed more people to be careful.

6. Thai culture - Thai's already are a mask wearing country.  If people get a cold they wear and mask and stay away from others wearing masks.  People are very conscious of germs and use a great deal of sanitizer already.


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a no of factors i feel-lack of testing,how do u know how many have it if you dont test a varied and wide section of the pop?,masks used ,the weather is a big factor the UV shrivels the virus,less physical contact,IE the airkissing mania in the west.the way figs are collected in relation to deaths.traffic accidents is an example your only a traffic victim if dead on the scene .those dying later didnt die of the road accident according t the govt.applies here with pneumonia figs.one thing is for sure though if you hide away then come out later it will effect you again.no immunity.wave 2 will come as it will everywhere.here we have had buses and trains full of people being sent home,a late response by gov after being flooded with mainlanders ,large gatherings for free food,to buy alcohol in a small time frame.etc exposure there,we dont know enough medically about its spread as chinas got more info but wont give it.all in all hospitals arnt full of the sick so its a bit of a mystery.i just wont to get out of here a ship of fools is what it looks like to me and the PMs the capt

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12 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


At the beginning of all this there were reports of Doctors reporting alarming increases in the rates of viral pneumonia - I wonder how valid those reports were. They seem to have disappeared from the internet. 


In other countries the Covid-19 related deaths seems to have been over-reported i.e. 'someone died from Covid-19 have being eaten by an alligator', whereas in Thailand someone who dies from Pneumonia if not tested for Covid-19 has died from Pneumonia. 


The collection of data varies country to country. Thailand also reports road fatalities in a strange manner (those who die in hospital are not counted the official stats which are half that of the WHO estimate). 


I wonder of the data in Thailand is being manipulated or massaged to fit an agenda or if we are actually seeing the real data and Thailand, although a statistical outlier, has somehow managed to control this. 



Pneumonitis is what finally kills the Wuhan virus victims. And if they have not been tested/confirmed for the virus, then pneumonia it is.


Pneumonia stats look more 'acceptable'. ????

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It's the palaa. Once you consume som tum palaa, your breath stinks so badly that nobody wants to get within 2m of you. Call it natural social distancing. We can propose palaa to WHO as potential vaccine, as long as eaten at least 3x every day...

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12 hours ago, sirineou said:

It is a combination of a number of components that serve to reduce the transmission rate

 First Thailand and many developing nations had a very high infant mortality rate, fifty years ago in thailand the week did not survive. so consequently we have a more robust older population. 

 Second  Thais do not engage in physical contact as much as the western world, No bear hugs, kissing on the cheeks when meeting, and  hand shakes.

  and thirdly as the OP and others mentioned covering the face. Not only do they wear face masks as a reaction to the virus, but in many regions they cover the face for cultural and work  reasons. How often have we seen the below in Thailand? Thailand's version of PPE.

Then throw in the hot humid weather the decreases the time of suspension of the breathing aerosol, and........




I hope they're good at catching flying bricks!?


..Imagine the dent it would make in that guys forehead!




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It tests much like Dengue https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(20)30158-4/fulltext  


only seen 3 provinces published but those numbers look very high https://thethaiger.com/dengue-fever/dengue-fever-infections-rise-to-8147


For those saying temp (Singapore??) Not effected by temp even at 60 Celsius in latest study from this month https://www.thailandmedical.news/news/covid-19-research-study-shows-that-sars-cov-2-coronavirus-can-survive-exposure-to-high-temperatures


Media control https://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2020/04/21/thailand-falls-behind-myanmar-in-2020-press-freedom-index/


Just 30k tests noted here (Australia 420k at same time) and hospital group head thinks 40 times higher than official estimates https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/1900975/the-coming-storm


Whilst portion use a mask a large many do not,  for sure some on building sites. However many males don't even wash hands from a toilet trip and so many with limited concept for quarantine and impact on larger part of society.  One suspects numbers dramatically higher and a couple of clear clues for those who are drinking the government Koolaid.



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