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Trump administration pushing to rip global supply chains from China: officials


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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:

Globalization has changed the world. Trying to change it back is gonna give people some big shocks.

Globalization only changed the world for big corporations and is a western concept. China is smarter in practicing global engagement without losing control of their domestic political control. They will also much more sustainable than the western globalization. 

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5 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Trump make US and China disengagement since he walk into the White House. When two economic super powers employed a take no prisoners tactics, the only outcome is a zero sum game and the geo economic fallout that will drive the world into an economic meltdown that could lead to violence. It’s matter of which will take the pain better. Xi is President for life while Trump will have to face his voters. That seem a very foolish strategy for Trump. He is only doing this for his domestic supporters who will not take kindly to him if the economy soured. Still think he is only postering and will not have the fortitude to stay the course to decouple from China.


Disengagement? Huh? Where do you see disengagement?

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Just now, Eric Loh said:

Maybe from this.

Donald Trump's message to Xi Jinping: the United States intends to disengage with your country to the greatest extent possible. 31 Oct 2018. 

OK, now show me the actual disengagement.

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Just now, Tug said:

Trump knew about this in January he chose not to act calling it a hoax witch hunt plot by the dems no sir I beg to differ trump is desperately casting about for a scapegoat he’s sinking like a stone in the polls as far as the supply chain issue it’s been a topic of discussions for decades and were do i pander to China?you are assuming something I dident say we should be cooperating against a common enemy you are assuming China unleashed the virus on purpose I will do my thing as an American to support my country and in the same token I’ll do my bit to call protect it against bad leadership 

Factually incorrect. Trump put travel restrictions on people who had been in China on January 31.

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9 hours ago, dimitriv said:


Common sense ?


People don't understand that buying Chinese products is not as cheap as it seems. And certainly not if people in your own country are unemployed and have no money to spend. 


Bringing production back to your own country is a very good idea.




I agree it would be great to have more manufacturing here in the USA especially critical items but imo it’s not gonna happen to many 1% ers making loads of money at no cost to themselves they aren’t going to let trump kill the goose laying the golden eggs and the cost of building stuff will skyrocket no sir imo it’s trump pandering deflecting and feeding his supporters 

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2 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

I'm well-versed enough to see you can't even prove your own assertion. You said Trump has been talking disengagement with China since he got into the White House, yet only show a small quote from over a year and half later. I merely pointed out there is none of this "disengagement" you speak of.

So what you are saying is that Trump didn't follow through on his statements. Thank you for admitting that he is a liar.



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10 minutes ago, Throatwobbler said:

So what you are saying is that Trump didn't follow through on his statements. Thank you for admitting that he is a liar.

Possibly. When did Trump say the disengagement would begin?

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4 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Globalization only changed the world for big corporations and is a western concept. China is smarter in practicing global engagement without losing control of their domestic political control. They will also much more sustainable than the western globalization. 

Well yes, communism does have some benefits. I think I'll stick with freedom.

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13 hours ago, Redoubt said:

Thank God!  And thank you President Trump, for we will soon have higher quality tool, metal fasteners (screws, etc.), and so many other outstanding necessary products that will 'work properly' and will be made to "last" far better than the junk I presently find in far too many retail stores!


Wasting money will not be as often in the near future hopefully!!

You get what you pay for, expecting low cost quality is delusional.

What is a waste of money is paying through the nose for something you will only use once.

Protectionism is the back door to removing freedom of choice.

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15 hours ago, mrfill said:

How about starting with the 2008 crash, caused by US banks. Caused a financial pandemic that cost trillions.

Good point, but pales a bit compared to loss of life and human suffering.

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12 hours ago, Tug said:

Trump knew about this in January he chose not to act calling it a hoax witch hunt plot by the dems no sir I beg to differ trump is desperately casting about for a scapegoat he’s sinking like a stone in the polls as far as the supply chain issue it’s been a topic of discussions for decades and were do i pander to China?you are assuming something I dident say we should be cooperating against a common enemy you are assuming China unleashed the virus on purpose I will do my thing as an American to support my country and in the same token I’ll do my bit to call protect it against bad leadership 

Your assumption I am assuming China released this deliberately is totally false and only adds to the argument that your consistent posts without any references are totally without any merit whatsoever

Trump sinking in the polls, is this statement referring to be his job approval rating? If so provide a reference

Gallups  May 1st report has President Trump’s approval rating at the highest it has ever been, his approval rating is higher than Obama’s rating three years into his presidency. You do admit Gallup is generally accepted as unbiased?

My statement stating suggesting China deliberately released the virus.? Reference please show me how you arrived at that conclusion. A total fabrication on your part. 

Spreading lies, rumors and deliberately distorting facts on a multinational media site is not the way to support your country or your cause.

Your untrue statements without any supporting evidence are meritless. 


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22 hours ago, Lacessit said:

How is quoting real data misleading? What statements are taken out of context? BTW, a favorite tactic of politicians: " I was taken out of context ".

If you would like to go for a per capita comparison, the USA has 211 deaths per million population. Australia and New Zealand, 4 per million each. If that doesn't tell you something about the relative quality of response and leadership, nothing will.

You tried to use your data to show us as having the highest number of deaths which is true, of course with a larger population it would be a reasonable assumption there would be more deaths.

You mention Australia and New Zealand and I am happy they fared comparably well, I do feel bad for the many European countries who had such a high rate per capita. 

The very fact you left those pieces of information out and went to Australia and New Zealand is once again a misrepresentation of the numbers, and the quality and response of the leadership in the US has been as good as one can ask for.

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19 hours ago, Sujo said:

What are you on about. My administration, australia, has nothing to do with US companies chosing to operate from china instead of the US. How on earth are china to blame for where a US company decides to operate.


Blame trump for that. Make china great again.

Blame Trump for US companies deciding to operate in China? 

Good to see such a fact filled well informed post, please support you informative post with some references or information or is this just another of your troll posts?

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19 hours ago, Sujo said:

Makes one wonder why the US has sunk so low that people trust china more than the US. Doesnt take much guesswork, but the next pres has a lot of fixing to do.

Did you include Hong Kong and Taiwan in your scientific survey or is this just another troll post? Do you have any references to back-up your statements?

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6 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Well, there's the Marshall Plan and the post-war reconstruction of Japan.

This is different. We are not talking about individual actions against countries such as Vietnam, Iraq or afghanistan, fought with conventional weapons. We are talking about something which, through the negligence of a totalitarian regime, is affecting the health and economies of every country on the planet.

And it will continue to do so, because the CCP is allowing the wet markets where it originated to start operating again, a demonstration of their arrogance.

If you are suggesting the CCP should get a free pass on this because of previous history, your indignation is fairly selective.

I can't recall people in Australia becoming unemployed because America was waging war in Iraq, can you? The unemployment situation is a tad different now, no?


there is no proof that the virus originated in a wet market.  in fact, the opposite is true.


both trump and pompeo have claimed to have seen significant secret evidence that the virus escaped from a lab.


thus there is no reason to believe the wet markets are in any way associated with the outbreak and/or spread of the virus.


our esteemed government officials citing real intelligence have publicly debunked the wet market conspiracy theory.


it follows then that this pandemic has NO bearing whatsoever on the discussion of wet market hygiene, slaughter of animals, or the trade in endangered species.  so don't use the pandemic to denigrate traditional wet markets.


president xi approves of donald's message.

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so now the trump regime has stepped in it.  bigly. 


they are now ON RECORD claiming "significant" evidence and a "high certainty" that the virus escaped from the lab.  now they've got to back that up with real live evidence.  there's no walking this back.


if they cannot, or will not, they've lost whatever credibility the trump regime had left.  if anyone has forgotten, the ccp propaganda units will remind the world of aluminum tubes and anthrax bottles and yellowcake from africa and "we know where the wmd are" and attacks in the gulf of tonkin.  there will also be endless repetition of trump's praise for xi and the who when it was convenient for him.


now we're stuck.  ccp lies and disappearing scientists and coverups?  who malfeasance?  fake numbers?  old news!!!  we've created the latest newscycle with this bombshell and now we HAVE to prove it, otherwise all the other claims can be written off as trump regime lies and propaganda as well.

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4 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:


there is no proof that the virus originated in a wet market.  in fact, the opposite is true.


both trump and pompeo have claimed to have seen significant secret evidence that the virus escaped from a lab.


thus there is no reason to believe the wet markets are in any way associated with the outbreak and/or spread of the virus.


our esteemed government officials citing real intelligence have publicly debunked the wet market conspiracy theory.


it follows then that this pandemic has NO bearing whatsoever on the discussion of wet market hygiene, slaughter of animals, or the trade in endangered species.  so don't use the pandemic to denigrate traditional wet markets.


president xi approves of donald's message.


quote "both trump and pompeo have claimed to have seen significant secret evidence that the virus escaped from a lab."


He cannot produce the evidence because it is secret.


You may want to believe it but I certainly don't believe Trump or Pompeo in the slightest. Trump because he is a serial liar, and Pompeo because he is Trump's ardent follower.


The US medical team say that there is no evidence. The US Intelligence say the same thing. Who to believe?


Anybody but Trump and Pompeo.


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President Donald Trump contradicted a rare on-the-record statement from his own intelligence community by claiming Thursday that he has seen evidence that gives him a "high degree of confidence" the novel coronavirus originated in a laboratory in Wuhan, China, but declined to provide details to back up his assertion.

The comments undercut a public statement from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued just hours earlier which stated no such assessment has been made and continues to "rigorously examine" whether the outbreak "began through contact with infected animals or if it was the result of an accident at a laboratory in Wuhan."




US President Donald Trump has appeared to undercut his own intelligence agencies by suggesting he has seen evidence coronavirus originated in a Chinese laboratory.

Earlier the US national intelligence director's office said it was still investigating how the virus began.

But the office said it had determined Covid-19 "was not manmade or genetically modified"


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